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研究生(外文):Jung-Chieh Chang
論文名稱(外文):Internet of Things Application for Intelligent Kitchenware
外文關鍵詞:Application of Cloud ComputingSmart HomeInternet of ThingsIntelligent Kitchen utensils System
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The information technology is growing so fast. At the same time, the smart connected device and the smart handheld device (SHD) are also progressing at a tremendous pace. Electronic products, which allows a rapid exchange of information and make life more convenient, has become indispensable part of our life.Human has been highly dependent on information service. This is because human can solve their problems which are related to basic necessities in life with the help of information technology. Predictably, the Internet of things and the technology of Application Integration will be widely used in various fields in the future, and become closely connected with people''s life.
Nowadays, Home Automation is viewed as a burgeoning industry, which promoting the advantages of safety and security, comfortable and convenient, energy conservation and sustainability, health care and etc. All of these are included in the development projects of Home Automation.The kitchen has played an important role in the family because food is basic need of people. Many research units hope to bring cloud computing and the Internet of things into the kitchen, making it a smart kitchen, so it will become more popular, convenient, and safe. If intelligent system can be merged into the Internet of things and smart phones, then wide range of services can be provided.
Kitchen utensils is built with intelligent capability included sensor, the ability of remote control and so on, so the sensor data can be sent to the remote database. If there is any abnormal situation, the intelligence will immediately issued a warning. In addition, you can still remote switch off the kitchen utensils and appliances anytime even though you are not at home.
摘要 i
致謝 iii
目錄 iv
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 6
1.3 論文架構 11
1.4 研究方法及進行步驟 12
1.4.1 研究方法 12
1.4.2 研究流程 13
第二章 技術應用與文獻探討 13
2.1 物聯網 14
2.1.1 物聯網的起源 14
2.1.2 物聯網的框架 15
2.1.3 物聯網的未來趨勢 17
2.2 Android 19
2.2.1 Android緣由 19
2.2.2 Android系統架構 20
2.2.3 基於Android系統之藍芽架構 28
2.3 Arduino 30
2.3.1 Arduino簡介 30
2.3.2 Arduino硬體框架 30
2.3.3 Arduino 軟體開發環境 34
2.4 WAMP Server 37
2.5 Bluetooth Communication 39
2.5.1 Bluetooth的起源 39
2.5.2 Bluetooth的架構 39
2.5.3 Bluetooth狀態與連線 41
2.6 Sensor Module 43
2.6.1 Gas Module 43
2.6.2 CO2 Module 45
2.6.3 溫溼度 Module 47
第三章 系統需求分析與設計 49
3.1 系統概要 49
3.1.1 智慧廚具演進之歷程 50
3.1.2 本論文系統架構之指標 51
3.2 本論文完整系統框架 52
3.3 系統需求分析 55
3.3.1 本論文之使用案例圖 55
3.3.2 本論文之類別圖 58
3.3.3 資料庫實體關聯圖分析 61
3.4.1 系統功能設計 67
3.4.2 資料庫設計 72
3.4.3 系統流程圖 80
第四章 系統實作與結果 86
4.1 系統建置環境與系統設備 86
4.1.1 系統建置環境 86
4.1.2 系統平台設備 87
4.2 系統實作成果 90
4.2.1 Data Gateway 90
4.2.2廚具節點Controller 98
4.2.3手機版監控平台 104
4.2.4 Web版監控平台 107
4.3整合測試 108
4.3.1 系統使用流程 108
4.3.2 系統功能測試 115
第五章 結論與未來研究方向 125
5.1 結論 125
5.2.未來研究方向 126
文獻探討 128




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