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研究生(外文):Po-jen Hsieh
論文名稱(外文):A Job Shop Scheduling Problem with Time-defined Re-entrant Process
指導教授(外文):Tsan-Hwan Lin
外文關鍵詞:Meta-heuristicsJob shop schedulingRe-entrant processOptimization
  • 被引用被引用:4
  • 點閱點閱:575
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由於IC測試業有這樣的產業特性,因此本研究針對IC測試業的迴流型零工式生產環境,建立一個相對應的數學模式,並代入小規模的問題來測試該模式的正確性。由於迴流型零工式生產排程問題是一個 NP-Complete問題,如此一來就連最佳化軟體也難以找到最佳解,同時要花費的時間也難以估計。為能夠在有限的時間內、有效找到近似最佳解,本研究從啟發式演算法(meta-heuristics)著手。而常見的啟發式演算法又以模擬退火法為普遍使用的方法之一,並且也都有不錯的效果,因此本研究設計一個有效的模擬退火法進行求解。
General operation scheduling problems only consider the limitations of process sequences. However, re-entrant process has to be taken care of in some industries. IC assembly and test industry is one of them. The re-entrant process of this industry occurs when the time interval between two consecutive production stages exceeds some pre-defined time limit.
This study focuses on the development of a method to solve such a job shop scheduling problem (JSSP) with time-defined re-entrant processes. A mathematical programming model is constructed as basis. Two small- size JSSP instances are used to validate the correctness of the model. Since the job shop scheduling problem with time defined re-entrant process is an NP-Complete problem, it is almost impossible to solve a real-life size instance in reasonable time. A meta-heuristics algorithm based on simulated annealing concept is developed to solve the problem.
Since there isn’t any research similar to the problem discussed, two examples from past research are modified by adding hypothetical re-entrant process data. These two modified examples are solved by optimization method and by proposed algorithm, respectively. It can be shown that optimal values found by the algorithm are within 2% errors compared to that from optimization model. However, time required for the solution process from the algorithm is much shorter than that from the optimization. It can thus be concluded that proposed algorithm is a better choice to solve such problems efficiently.
摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究流程 2
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2.1 零工式生產 4
2.2 迴流型生產排程 6
2.3 生產排程績效指標 8
2.4 模擬退火法 11
第三章 研究設計 13
3.1. 問題描述 13
3.2. 流程說明 13
3.3 研究假設 14
3.4 研究方法 15
3.5 演算法設計與驗證流程 17
3.5.1. 數學規劃模型 18
3.5.2 演算法的建構 22
第四章 結果分析 32
4.1. 最佳參數設定 32
4.1.1. 案例一ft06(6x6) 33
4.1.2. 案例二ft10(10x10) 33
4.1.3. 案例三ft20(20x5) 34
4.1.4. 案例四la26(20x10) 34
4.1.5. 小結 34
4.2. 演算法效果與效率的測試 35
4.2.1. 演算法例題測試結果 35
4.2.2. 簡化演算法(SA2_N)之案例測試結果 37
4.3. 迴流型生產排程的求解品質比較 38
4.3.1. 案例ft06 38
4.3.2. 案例la01 39
4.3.3. 小結 40
第五章 結論與未來展望 41
5.1. 結論 41
5.2. 未來研究方向 42
參考文獻 43
中文部分 43
英文部分 44
附錄一:測試範例 47
附錄二:參數設定測試結果-ft06 51
附錄三:參數設定測試結果-ft10 53
附錄四:參數設定測試結果-ft20 55
附錄五:參數設定測試結果-la26 57

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