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研究生(外文):Huang, Hsien-Tsung
論文名稱(外文):Effects of High-Intensity Interval Training Versus Continued-Running Training on Cardiopulmonary Fitness of Senior High School Boys
指導教授(外文):Tu, Jui-Hung
口試委員(外文):Chiu, Wen-HsinChen, Fu-Chen
外文關鍵詞:1600-meter walk-runphysical fitnesscardiovascular enduranceresting heart rateaerobic-step test
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目的:本研究之目的在探討六週的高強度間歇訓練與持續跑訓練對高中非運動績優選手之男生心肺耐力之影響。方法:以22名一般高中男子為實驗參與對象,分為高強度間歇訓練組(HIIT組,n =7)、持續跑訓練組(CT組,n=7)與控制組(n=8)。訓練前要接受四種心肺功能相關檢測,測驗項目為1600公尺跑走測驗、登階測驗、安靜心跳率及安靜血壓值。HIIT組每週訓練3次,每次訓練為8-12組×8秒全力衝刺,間隔40秒的動態休息;CT組,每週訓練3次,每次訓練為800-1600公尺的持續跑,訓練強度介於70-75%HRmax間;控制組不做任何訓練介入。六週訓練後隔一週再進行後測。以二因子混合設計變異數分析進行統計分析。結果:在1600公尺跑走測驗,HIIT組及CT組的後測成績顯著優於前測成績(p<.05),CT組進步幅度為12.14%,HIIT組為6.43%;登階測驗體力指數、安靜心跳率組和血壓值前後測及三個組別間均無差異(p>.05)。結論:短時間短距離的高強度間歇訓練可以提昇高中男生的1600公尺跑走成績(心肺適能表現)且效果不亞於持續跑之訓練但無法有效改變生理指數。
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine and compare the effects of six-week high-intensity interval training versus continued-running training on cardiopulmonary fitness of senior high school non-athlete boys. Methods: Twenty-two senior high-school male students voluntarily participated in this study and were randomly divided into three groups: high-intensity interval training group (HIIT group, n = 7), continued-running training group (CT group, n = 7), and the control group (n = 8).Before training, the participants underwent 4 cardiopulmonary function tests: 1600 meter walk-run test, aerobic-step test, resting heart rate test, and resting blood pressure test. The HIIT group trained three times per week for six weeks. Each of training consisted of 8-12 sets of 8-second maximal sprints alternating with 40-second active recovery. The CT group trained three times per week for six weeks. The content of trainings was 800-1600 meters of continuous running, with training intensity ranged between 70-75% HRmax. The control group received no training intervention. After seven weeks the posttest was tested (six weeks of training and the seventh week of rest). The two-factor mixed design ANOVA statistical analysis was used. Results: In the 1600-meter walk-run test, post-test scores of the HIIT group and the CT group were significantly better than the pre-test scores (p <.05), with a CT progress margin of 12.14%, and HIIT of 6.43%. However, no significant differences were found within the pre-test and post-test of aerobic-step test, resting heart rate, and resting blood pressure among the three groups. Conclusion: The findings of this study demonstrated that high-intensity interval training of short time and short distance can enhance the cardiopulmonary fitness of senior high school boys, and its effectiveness is as good as that of continued-running training. But there is no effective for improving the physiological index.
目 次

第壹章 緒論.......................................................................................1
第一節 研究背景..................................................................................1
第二節 研究動機..................................................................................3
第三節 研究目的..................................................................................3
第四節 研究問題………...............................................................................4
第五節 研究範圍與限制.............................................................................4
第六節 名詞操作性定義.............................................................................5

第貳章 文獻探討....................................................................................8
第一節 高強度間歇訓練定義及功效.....................................................................8
第二節 持續跑訓練定義及功效.......................................................................13
第三節 運動訓練與心跳率HR之相關研究探討.............................................................14
第四節 登階測驗與心肺適能之相關研究探討…............................................................17
第五節 運動訓練與血壓之相關研究探討................................................................18

第叁章 研究方法..................................................................................19
第一節 實驗對象................................................................................19
第二節 實驗時間與地點...........................................................................20
第三節 實驗儀器與設備...........................................................................20
第四節 實驗方法與步驟...........................................................................22
第五節 統計分析…………............................................................................29

第肆章 結果與討論................................................................................30
第一節 受試者基本資料...........................................................................31
第二節 不同訓練方式對實驗參與者1600公尺跑走成績變化的資料分析…........................................32
第三節 不同訓練方式對實驗參與者登階測驗之體力指數成績變化的資料分析.....................................35

第四節 不同訓練方式對實驗參與者安靜心跳率變化的資料分析.................................................37
第五節 不同訓練方式對實驗參與者安靜時血壓變化的資料分析.................................................39
第六節 綜合討論………...............................................................................42

第伍章 結論與建議.................................................................................45
第一節 結論....................................................................................45
第一節 建議....................................................................................46

附錄一 實驗參與者同意書...........................................................................52
附錄二 健康狀況調查表.............................................................................53

圖 次
圖3-1 測驗及訓練田徑場..............................................................20
圖3-2 Mio藍芽心率監測錶...........................................................21
圖3-3 Jabra無線心率偵測藍芽耳機...........................................21
圖3-4 OMRON T4電子血壓計.........................................................21
圖3-5 登階測驗箱..........................................................................21
圖3-6 1600公尺跑走測驗.............................................................23
圖3-7 登階測驗..............................................................................23
圖3-8 登階測驗– 量測心跳率....................................................24
圖3-9 躺臥休息..............................................................................24
圖3-10 量測心跳率及血壓..............................................................24
圖3-11 實施伸展操………..............................................................25
圖3-12 心率監測表及無線心率監測耳機......................................26
圖3-13 實驗流程圖..........................................................................28
圖4-1 各組1600公尺跑走測驗前後測比較…............................33
圖4-2 1600公尺跑走測驗各組別前後測之交互作用一覽..........34
圖4-3 各組登階測驗體力指數前後測比較…..............................35
圖4-4 各組安靜心跳率前後測比較…..........................................37
圖4-5 各組血壓(收縮壓)前後測比較…........................................40
圖4-6 各組血壓(舒張壓)前後測比較…........................................40
圖4-7 CT組受試者一運動心率監測圖…......................................43
圖4-8 CT組受試者二運動心率監測圖…......................................43

表 次
表2-1 HIIT效果文獻歸納表...........................................................9
表3-1 訓練課表..............................................................................27
表4-1 受試者基本資料..................................................................31
表4-2 1600公尺跑走成績之前後測比較表..................................32
表4-3 1600公尺前後測二因子變異數分析摘要表......................33
表4-4 單純主要效果成對比較......................................................33
表4-5 體力指數之前後測比較表..................................................35
表4-6 體力指數前後測二因子變異數分析摘要表......................36
表4-7 安靜心跳率之前後測比較表..............................................37
表4-8 安靜心跳率前後測二因子變異數分析摘要表..................38
表4-9 血壓(收縮壓)之前後測比較表...........................................39
表4-10 血壓(舒張壓)之前後測比較表..........................................40
表4-11 各組收縮壓前後測二因子變異數分析摘要表..................41
表4-12 各組舒張壓前後測二因子變異數分析摘要表..................41
表4-13 各組訓練效果彙整表..........................................................42

附錄一 實驗參與者同意書..................................................................52
附錄二 健康情況調查表......................................................................53

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