參考書目 Brendel, Alfred. Musical Thoughts &; After-thoughts. New York : Farrar Straus Giroux, 1991. Boucourechliev, André. Stravinsky. New York : Holmes &; Meier, 1987. Cross, Jonathan. The Stravinsky Legacy. New York : Cambridge University Press, 1998. Haimo, Ethan and Paul Johnson. Stravinsky Retrospectives. Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press, c1987 Hinson, Maurice. Music for Piano and Orchestra : an Annotated guide. Bloomington : Indiana University Press, c1981. Hinson, Maurice. The Pianist''s Guide to Transcriptions, Arrangements, and Paraphrases. Bloomington : Indiana University Press, 1990. Howard-Jones, Evlyn. ”Arrangements and Transcriptions.” Music and Letters 16, no.4, 1935. Horlacher, Gretchen Grace. Building Blocks [electronic resource] : Repetition and Continuity in Stravinsky''s Music. New York ; Oxford :Oxford University Press, 2011. Stravinsky, Igor and Robert Craft. Memories and Commentaries. Berkeley : University of California Press, c1960. Steshko, Joni Lynn.“Stravinsky''s Firebird: Genesis, Sources,and the Centrality of the 1919 Suite.” University of California Los Angeles, 2000. The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musician(2004),s.v. “Stravinsky, Igor.” by Stephen Walsh. The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musician(2001),s.v. “arrangement” by Malcolm Boyd. The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musician(2001),s.v. “Transcription” by Ter Ellingson. The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musician(2001),s.v. “Reminiscence motif”. Taruskin, Richard. Stravinsky and the Russian Traditions : a Biography of the Works through Mavra. Berkeley : University of California Press, c1996. Van den Toorn, Pieter C.. Stravinsky and the Rite of Spring [electronic esource]:the Beginnings of a Musica Language. Berkeley : University of California Press, c1987. White, Eric Walter. Stravinsky : a Critical Survey, 1882-1946. Mineola, N.Y. : Dover Publications, 1997. William Norman Fried. “The Rite of Spring: An Original Solo Piano Transcription of Stravinsky''s 1913 Ballet with Annotations and Historical Notes.” University of California, San Diego, 2011.
中文書目 伊果.斯特拉溫斯基(Igor Stravinsky)。《史特拉汶斯基—春天加冕》,施寄青譯。 台北市:北辰文化股份有限公司,1988。 葉綠娜譯。《牛津音樂辭典》中文版。台北:麥克股份有限公司,1994。 林勝義譯。《新訂標準音樂辭典》。台北市:美樂出版社,1999。
樂譜 Stravinsky, Igor. The Firebird Suite 1945 for Orchestra. Ernst Eulenburg &; Co GmbH, 1974. Stravinsky, Igor. The Firebird Suite 1919 for Orchestra. London: J. &; W. Chester, 1920. Stravinsky, Igor. The Firebird Suite for Piano Solo. Moscow: P. Jurgenson, n.d. 1910. Stravinsky, Igor. Petrushka for Piano Solo. Editions Russes de Musique, n.d. 1911. Stravinsky, Igor. L’oiseau de feu. Piano Transcription by Guido Agosti. Edition Schott, 1962.