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研究生(外文):Chang, En Chi
論文名稱:混合式方法進行綠色供應商評選 — 以台灣TFT-LCD公司為例
論文名稱(外文):A Hybrid Approach to Green Supplier Selection – A Case Study of the TFT-LCD Company in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Wen, Ue Pyng
中文關鍵詞:ELECTRE III方法修改的ELECTRE III方法綠色供應鏈綠色供應商選擇
外文關鍵詞:ELECTRE III methodmodified ELECTRE III methodgreen supply chaingreen supplier selection
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由於環境保護意識的日益增加,許多公司及學術機構對於綠色供應鏈管理益發感興趣。本研究旨在發展綠色供應商評選過程以選擇合適的供應商。由於綠色供應商選擇過程包含量化資料及質化資料,因此許多研究使用ELECTRE III方法使量化和質化之資料可以同時被運用。然而,傳統的ELECTRE III方法中,決定無差異門檻、偏好門檻及否定門檻是一困難且費時的工作。因此,本研究的主要目的為修改ELECTRE III方法,透過滿分層級及最差層級來取代上述這些主觀門檻值。我們並調整辨別門檻,使決策過程能更有效地辨別各供應商的表現。此外,本研究使用改良式ANP方法以計算準則之權重,其可處理準則和維度間依賴和回饋之問題,並可提供供應商績效改善之建議。同時,我們亦使用敏感度分析得到會影響原本供應商排序結果之權重變動範圍。本研究將進一步的做案例分析,將綠色供應商選擇程序應用於某台灣的面板產業公司。本研究結果顯示所提出之方法不僅可以排序供應商並且可以提供供應商改善的建議。
Due to the increasing concern of environmental protection, many companies and academic institutions have been gradually more interested in green supply chain management (GSCM). This study develops a green supplier selection procedure to choose the appropriate suppliers. Since the green supplier selection problem consists of quantitative and qualitative criteria, many researches apply Elimination and Choice Expressing the Reality III (ELECTRE III) which allows that quantitative data are evaluated together with qualitative data. However, for the traditional ELECTRE III method, it is a difficult and arduous task to decide the indifference threshold, preference threshold, as well as veto threshold. Therefore, the main purpose of this research is to modify ELECTRE III method, which eliminates these subjective thresholds by using aspirational level and the worst level. We also adjust the discrimination threshold to provide more useful results. Besides, this study uses modified Analytic Network Process (ANP) to compute weights of criteria, it can deal with the problems of dependence and feedback between criteria and dimensions, which can also provide suggestions to improve suppliers’ performance. In the meanwhile, we use sensitivity analysis to show the range of weights which would affect suppliers’ ranking. Furthermore, this study applies the green supplier selection procedure to a case study of a Taiwanese TFT-LCD Company. As the results, the method not only ranks the suppliers but gives suppliers recommendations.

1.1 Background
1.2 Motivation
1.3 Research Framework
2.1 Green Supply Chain Management and Green Supplier Selection
2.2 Criteria for Evaluating Suppliers
2.3 Methodologies for Proposed Procedure
2.3.1 ANP and DEMATEL
2.3.2 Background of the ELECTRE
3.1 Evaluation of Criteria Weight
3.2 Evaluation of Suppliers
3.3 Integrating Ranking Results
3.3.1 Geometric Mean Method
3.3.2 Linear Assignment Method
4.1 Data Collection
4.2 Computational Process and Results
4.3 Comparison with the Original ELECTRE III Method
4.4 Integrating Ranking Results of DMs
4.5 Sensitivity Analysis
4.6 Discussions and Managerial Implications
APPENDIX A - DANP Computational Process for the GP Department

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