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研究生(外文):Hong, James Hsiang
論文名稱(外文):Lung Cancer Risk Evaluation Expert System
指導教授(外文):Jou, Jwo-Huei
外文關鍵詞:Lung CancerExpert System
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According to the released information from Republic of China’s Ministry of Health and Welfare, in the last 30 years, the number one death cause has been cancer. Most importantly, in 2014, lung cancer has become the most deadly cancer among the top ten cancers. Nevertheless, due to lack of equipment and technology advancement, many people have discovered their lung cancer tumors during their last stages, especially before 2004. However, American Cancer Society has pointed out that the five-year survival rate of the first stage of lung cancer is 15 times that of fourth stage. Therefore, if a system, which helps its users determine whether they are high risk groups who may develop lung cancer, can be developed, then, people’s survival rates will be increased. Being aware of this, this study tries to develop a lung cancer risk evaluation expert system. Through this system, we hope to let its users quickly and easily understand their risks of obtaining cancer, so, in their next steps, they can seek treatments or prevention. Currently, the risk factors this system considers are family history, smoking, secondhand smoke, air pollution, chemical carcinogens, and working environment. After a user finishes all of the questions provided by the system, this system will generate a total risk value and informs its user his or her risk category. This research finds, experts’ correctness testing and more users’ user-friendliness testing are needed for this system to become a product.

摘要 2
Abstract 3
獻 5
致謝 6
壹、緒論 9
貳、專家系統文獻回顧 12
參、本肺癌風險評估專家系統 16
3-1 簡介 16
3-2 系統架構 16
3-3 風險數值計算 22
肆、知識架構樹 25
伍、系統測試 32
陸、結果與討論 41
6-1 測試結果與討論 41
6-2 內容 42
6-3 易用度 43
6-4 準確性 45
6-5 造成肺癌最常見原因 45
柒、結論 47
捌、參考文獻 49

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