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研究生(外文):Chen, Yu Chuan
論文名稱(外文):Augmented Block Cimmino Distributed Algorithm for solving a tridiagonal Matrix on GPU
指導教授(外文):Lee, Che Rung
外文關鍵詞:ABCDGPUparalleltridiagonal matrixalgorithmsolver
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解三對角矩陣在現在自然科學及工程學裡的問題,例如微分方程、偏微分方程、或是流體動力學等問題,已成為不可或缺的一環。因為三對角矩陣本身的特殊稀疏架構,有很多針對此架構的演算法被提出,在這之前,主流是運用對角旋轉(Diagonal Pivoting)的方式解決準確性的問題。然而對角旋轉有它的限制,在某些矩陣的測試下會得到錯誤的答案。此時,找尋不同於主流或改良主流演算法的必要性與日俱增,而增廣塊狀西門諾分散式演算法(Augmented Block Cimmino Distributed Algorithm)提供了一個不同於主流的演算法。

The tridiagonal solver nowadays appears as a fundamental component in scientific and engi-neering problems, such as Alternating Direction Implicit methods (ADI), fluid Simulation, and Poisson’s equation. Due to the particular sparse format of tridiagonal matrix, many algorithms of solving the system are conceived. Previously, the main stream of solving the system is by using Diagonal Pivoting to reduce the accuracy issue. But, Diagonal Pivoting has its limits and will lead to error solution while the condition number increases. Augmented Block Cimmino Distributed (ABCD) algorithm serves as another option when trying to resolve the problem accurately.
In this thesis, we study and implement the ABCD algorithm on GPU. Because of the spe-cial structure of tridiagonal matrices, we investigate the boundary padding technique to eliminate the execution branches on GPU for better performance. In addition, our implementation incorpo-rates various performance optimization techniques, such as memory coalesce, to further enhance the performance. In the experiments, we evaluate the accuracy and performance of our GPU im-plementation against CPU implementation, and analyze the effectiveness of each performance op-timization technique. The performance of GPU version is about 15 times faster than that of the CPU version.

摘要 i
Abstract ii
Table of Contents iii
1. Introduction 1
2. Preliminaries 2
2.1. Notation 2
2.1.1. Letters presented in uppercase style: A 2
2.1.2. Letters presented in lowercase style: X 2
2.1.3. Letters presented in uppercase style: F 2
2.1.4. Letters presented in uppercase style: V and W 2
2.1.5. Kernel functions 2
2.2. Tridiagonal Solvers 2
2.2.1. Cyclic Reduction 3
2.2.2. Parallel Cyclic Reduction 3
2.2.3. Recursive doubling 4
2.2.4. Diagonal Pivoting 4
2.3. SPIKE algorithm 4
3. Algorithm 8
3.1. ABCD algorithm 8
3.1.1. Cimmino Method 8
3.1.2. Augmented Block Cimmino Distributed algorithm 12
3.2. ABCD algorithm for solving many small tridiagonal systems 16
3.3. ABCD algorithm for solving a huge tridiagonal system 18
3.4. Operation counts for Givens rotation and direct multiplication 21
4. Implementation and performance optimization 24
4.1. ABCD implementation 24
4.1.1. Coalesce implementation on GPU 24
4.1.2. Augmented matrix 25
4.1.3. Givens rotation and direct multiplication for solving 〖(A ̅_i A ̅_i^T)〗^(-1) 26
4.1.4. Calculation of S and solving by substitution 27
4.1.5. Calculating v and x for u+v 28
4.2. mix version of ABCD and SPIKE on GPU 29
4.2.1. SPIKE implementation 29
4.2.2. SPIKE-ABCD algorithm implementation 30
4.3. boundary padding technique 31
4.3.1. Padding of C_(i,j) and negative identity for bottom and top partitions 31
4.3.2. Padding of first partition for givens rotation 32
4.3.3. Padding and using sparse storage on u 35
5. Experiments 38
5.1.1. Coalesce speedup evaluation 38
5.1.2. C_(i,j) and I padding and additional padding on first partition evaluation 39
5.1.3. Sparse storage and padding on u evaluation 40
5.2. Numerical stability test on different matrices 41
5.3. GPU calculation time evaluation 47
6. Conclusions 50
7. References 51
8. Appendix 53
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