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研究生(外文):Lou, Yi-Lin
論文名稱(外文):The Fabrication of InP-Based Near-Infrared Broadband LED
指導教授(外文):Wu, Meng-ChyiHo, Chong-Long
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本論文旨在設計及製作以磷化銦為基板的近紅外寬波段發光二極體(LED)。磊晶片設計方面,我們利用InP/GaxIn1-xAsyP1-y異質接面使得LED得以一次輸出11.7 μm的光譜,且內含砷化鋁銦(InAlAs)電子阻擋層以提升載子復合效率,其中GaxIn1-xAsyP1-y以及InAlAs與InP基板皆為晶格匹配。製程中,我們利用快速熱擴散技術形成p-型區,該技術使用旋塗摻雜源,其可以避免使用檯面型結構所造成的漏電流過高問題,同時我們也使用電子槍蒸鍍透明導電膜,以達到電流分散的效果,進而提升LED的出光面積。本論文中,我們將深入探討擴快速熱擴散製程條件對於近紅外寬波段LED的電特性以及其光譜的影響。
最後,我們成功的製作出一個低漏電流(0.46595 nA)及低串聯電組(6.58 Ω)之近紅外寬波段發光二極體,其最佳的半高寬為 563 nm,此時,總發光功率在100 mA的注入電流下為5.8 mW;此外,最好的總發光功率為100 mA的注入電流下可達6.18 mW,此時其半高寬為420 nm,外部量子效率及插座效率分別為7.14%以及3.09%。

In this research, we demonstrated a novel planar-type InP-based near-infrared (NIR) broadband light-emitting diodes (LED) by using the rapid thermal diffusion (RTD) technique. The active layer consists of multiple double hetrostructures (DH) of InP/GaxIn1-xAsyP1-y layers and target to emit a broadband spectrum of 1-1.7 μm at once. In addition, we employed In0.52¬Al0.48As as electron blocking layer to improve the extraction efficiency. Moreover, when y=2.2x, GaxIn1-xAsyP1-y and In0.52¬Al0.48As are both lattice-matched to InP substrate. The p-type region were formed by RTD process with the zinc-phosphorous-dopant-coating (ZPDC) as the spin-on dopant (SOD) source to avoid high leakage from mesa-type structure. A gallium-doped zinc oxide (GZO) thin-film was adopted as transparent conductive layer to increase the light emitting region of LEDs.
Ultimately, we have successfully fabricated a small series resistance Rs of 6.5-8 Ω, and ultra-small leakage current of 0.465-95 nA under 5 V reverse bias. Moreover, the full-width of half-maximum (FWHM) is up to 563 nm and has an extraordinary total light output power of 5.8 mW.

中文摘要 .................................................................................................................. I
Abstract ................................................................................................................. II
Acknowledgements ...................................................................................................... III
Contents ................................................................................................................ IV
List of Figures ............................................................................................................ VII
List of Tables ............................................................................................................. XII
Chapter 1 Introduction .............................................................................................. 1
Chapter 2 Fundamental Principles and Theoretical Analysis ................................... 6
2-1 Introduction of InP/GaxIn1-xAsyP1-y Double Hetrostructure LED ................. 6
2-1-1 Physics Fundamentals of Double Hetrostructure .............................. 6
2-1-2 Principles and Merits of Rapid Thermal Diffusion ........................... 7
2-2 Theory and Development of Current Spreading Layer ................................. 9
2-3 Characterization Instruments ....................................................................... 13
2-3-1 I-V Characteristic Measurement System ......................................... 13
2-3-2 Electroluminescence (EL) Spectrum Measurement System ........... 13
2-3-3 Integrating Sphere Measurement System ........................................ 14
2-4 Transmission Line Model ............................................................................ 14
Chapter 3 Experimental Process ............................................................................. 22
3-1 Epitaxial Structure Design ........................................................................... 22
3-2 Photo-Mask Design ..................................................................................... 23
3-3 Thermal Driven-in Step ............................................................................... 27
3-4 Passivation Layer and Backside Reflector .................................................. 28
3-5 Fabrication Process of TLM Technology .................................................... 29
3-6 Fabrication Process of NIR Broadband LED .............................................. 30
3-6-1 Photo-Mask without Current Spreading Fingers ............................. 30
3-6-2 NIR LED Mask with Current Spreading Fingers ............................ 35
Chapter 4 Results and Discussion ........................................................................... 45
4-1 Basic Properties Measurements of Customized InP-Based NIR Broadband Epitaxy Wafer .............................................................................................. 45
4-1-1 Epi-wafer Cross-Section SEM photo and EDS ............................... 45
4-1-2 Photoluminescence (PL) .................................................................. 46
4-2 Analysis of Dopant Driven-in InP ............................................................... 46
4-2-1 Mg or Zn Driven-in InP ................................................................... 47
4-2-2 Influence of Diffusion Temperature and Time ................................ 47
4-3 Properties of Transparent Conductive Oxide and Backside Reflector ........ 50
4-3-1 Transparent Conductive Oxide – ITO ............................................. 50
4-3-2 Transparent Conductive Oxide – GZO ............................................ 52
4-4 Characteristics of InP-Based NIR Broadband LED without current spreading fingers pattern .............................................................................................. 53
4-4-1 Electrical Properties (I-V) ............................................................... 53
4-4-2 Electroluminescence properties (EL) .............................................. 55
4-4-3 Luminescence properties (L-I) ........................................................ 56
4-5 Characteristics of InP-Based NIR Broadband LED with current spreading fingers pattern .............................................................................................. 56
4-5-1 Electrical Properties (I-V) ............................................................... 57
4-5-2 Electroluminescence properties (EL) .............................................. 58
4-5-3 Luminescence properties (L-I) ........................................................ 59
Chapter 5 Conclusion .............................................................................................. 83
Reference ................................................................................................................ 84
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