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研究生(外文):Li, Tsung-Hsien Peter
論文名稱(外文):Imperative Subjects in Mandarin Chinese
指導教授(外文):Tsai, Wei-Tien Dylan
外文關鍵詞:Imperative Subjectsobligatory topicalizationVocatives/ AddresseesAgree
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本研究探討漢語祈使句主語其特色。在先前文獻裡,學者們認為漢語祈使句主語應是在輕動詞詞組. 然而, 藉由動詞組刪略測試、時間副詞組分析、以及義務詞組位置對應,漢語祈使句主語並不應在輕動詞詞組內,但應該在義務詞組內。更有趣的是,漢語祈使句情態副詞“千萬”會使得祈使句主語話題化因此必需移位至話題詞組上。此現象主要是因為“千萬”在語音上會有焦點重音進而形成漢語話題與主語之間的干涉效應參見蔡(2014)。此外, 本文認為漢語祈使句主語的第二人稱特色應歸因於在語用範疇中指令詞組的“呼格” (Speas and Tenny 2003; Hill 2007; Hageman and Hill 2013). 漢語祈使句的第二人是經由“呼格”的對協而產生的(Haegeman and Lohndal 2010)。此等分析也正確地預測出祈使句及其第二人稱在副句中的不可能性,原因在於“呼格”在副句中已因為被裁減而不存在. 因此,此論文提供了句法與語用的介面研究。
The study investigates the characteristics of imperative (IMP) subjects in Mandarin Chinese (MC). In the previous studies, MC IMP subjects are thought to be in [Spec, vP]. Yet, from the test of VP-Ellipsis, time adverbials test and deontic modals position, MC IMP subjects would not be in [Spec, vP], but in [Spec, ModP Deontic] instead. More intriguingly, the IMP mood adverb qiānwàn ‘by all/no means’ would trigger subject obligatory topicalization (SJOT) due to its focus pitch which induce the intervention the binding of D(efiniteness)-operator and MC IMP subjects in the sense of Tsai (2014). Furthermore, the 2nd person features of MC IMPs should be attributed to vocatives in [Spec, DirectiveP] in the pragmatics area above CP-level in the sense of Speas and Tenny (2003), Hill (2007), Hageman and Hill (2013). The 2nd person features are licensed via Agree in Haegeman and Lohndal (2010). Such an analysis also correctly predicts the impossibility of MC IMPs and their 2nd person features in embedded clauses, since vocatives would suffer truncation in subordinate clauses. Thus, the thesis provides a study of the interface between pragmatics and syntax.
Table of Contents
Chinese Abstract (摘要) ii
English Abstract iii
Acknowledgements iv
Table of Contents v
List of Tables vii
List of Figures viii
Abbreviations ix
1. Introduction 1
2. Literature Review 1
2.1. Varieties of Imperative Subjects 1
2.2. Characteristics of IMP Subjects and Related Analyses 6
2.3. The Position of IMP subject in MC 9
2.4. Summary 14
3. Definition of Mandarin Imperatives 16
4. Where are MC IMP Subjects Located? 23
4.1. Situating the MC IMP Subjects 23
4.2. Obligatory Topicalization Case of MC Imperative Subjects 30
4.2.1. Qiānwàn as an Imperative Mood Adverb 30
4.2.2. Subject Obligatory Topiclization (SJOT) 36
5. Problems of Alternative Analyses for IMP 2nd Person Features 49
6. The Plausible Analysis 57
6.1. The Characteristics of Addressees/Vocatives 57
6.2. The 2nd Person Features of IMP Addressee Subjects 63
6.3. Overall Structure 72
7. Conclusion 74
References 79

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