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研究生(外文):Yann-Kuang Lu
論文名稱(外文):The Relationship of Service Quality and Professional Competence to Satisfaction and Loyalty — A Case Study of Nursing Professional Association
指導教授(外文):Chun-Chia Wang
口試委員(外文):Yung-Hui ChenDah-Yan HwangChun-Chia Wang
外文關鍵詞:Member Service QualityWeb-based Service QualityProfessional CapabilitySatisfactionLoyalty
  • 被引用被引用:4
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  本研究以單一護理專業團體為調查對象,採用問卷調查法進行實證研究,有效回收問卷為203份。使用SPSS 22對受測樣本進行敘述性統計分析,以獲得樣本的基本結構。再利用SmartPLS 3.0統計方法,對模型進行檢測,以驗證本研究之各項假說。
“Service Quality” and “Professional Capability” have both become the most important indices in enhancing operating performance in the 21 Century. Hence, how to effectively furnish premium service quality and improve professional capability in order to shape and cement value propositions and facilitate member retention and subsequently fulfill customer satisfaction and loyalty have become not only agendas of utmost importance but also the research motive of this study. Research objective of this study aims to explore influences exerted by “member service quality”, “web-based service quality”, and “faculty professional capability” on customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  This research has targeted one nursing professional association as subject of investigation and adopted empirical research methodology via questionnaire survey. A total of 203 valid respondents have been collected by researcher with descriptive statistical analyses being conducted on tested samples to acquire basic structure of this study utilizing SPSS 22. SmartPLS 3.0 statistics was then run on research models to test and validate various hypotheses.
Analyses of this study have shown: (1) Positive significant influences exist both in “member service quality” and “web-based service quality” on customer satisfaction and loyalty. (2) Positive significant influences exist between faculty professional capability and satisfaction. (3) No significant influences exist between faculty professional capability and customer loyalty. However, via mediating effects of satisfaction, faculty professional capability can impact members’ loyalty. (4) Positive significant influences exist between satisfaction and loyalty. It is therefore the recommendations of this study that aggressively enhancing service quality and professional capability is indispensible in attaining member satisfaction, while connecting and solidifying relationship between members and association to create and sustain loyal members and in turn further strengthen competitive advantages of the association is also extremely vital for any organizations to realize vision of sustainable business operations.

中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第三節 研究流程 4
第二章 文獻探討 6
第一節 服務品質 7
(一)服務的定義 7
(二)服務態度的定義 10
(三)服務品質的定義 12
(四)服務品質模式 14
第二節 網站服務 17
(一)網際網路運用的特性 17
(二)網站服務品質 19
(三)網站服務品質衡量構面 20
第三節 專業能力 24
(一)專業能力的定義 24
(二)專業能力的構面 26
第四節 滿意度 27
(一)顧客滿意度的定義 27
(二)顧客滿意度的種類 29
(三)顧客滿意相關理論 29
(四)顧客滿意度的衡量構面 31
第五節 忠誠度 33
(一)顧客忠誠度的重要性 33
(二)顧客忠誠度之定義 34
(三)顧客忠誠度的衡量 36
第三章 研究方法 38
第一節 研究設計 38
(一)研究範圍與對象 38
(二)量表內容 38
第二節 研究架構 39
第三節 變數的操作型定義與問卷設計 40
(一)會員服務品質、師資專業能力、網站服務品質、會員滿意度與忠誠度操作型定義 40
(二)問卷設計 43
第四節 研究假設 47
第五節 分析方法與分析工具介紹 48
(一)敘述性統計分析 48
(二)模型檢測 48
第四章 資料分析 51
第一節 回收樣本統計資料 51
第二節 樣本之基本特性描述 52
第三節 測量模型分析 59
第四節 結構模型分析 67
第五節 假設檢定結果 71
第五章 研究結論及建議 77
第一節 實證結果與討論 77
第二節 管理意涵 82
第三節 研究限制與後續建議 83
參考文獻 85
中文部份 85
英文部份 88
附錄 94
研究問卷 94

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