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研究生(外文):Duo-Xi Hsu
論文名稱(外文):Synthesis and application of Al doped ZnO nanowires
指導教授(外文):Cheng-Liang Hsu
口試委員(外文):Yu-Zung ChiouCheng-Liang HsuTing-Jen Hsueh
外文關鍵詞:Al doped ZnO nanowires
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本研究中,鋁摻雜氧化鋅奈米線成功地透過水熱法合成並且分析,從SEM我們可以看到線長大約1.8 µm,而透過EDS分析可以得知,鋁摻雜的元素百分比為1.5%,在XRD與PL中,我們可以看到摻雜前後的峰值變化,而從TEM中,我們透過計算得到晶格常數為0.52 nm,且為單晶纖鋅礦結構。
之後我們量測了電性,製作了氣體感測器來探測不同酒精與丙酮濃度、濕度感測器偵測各種不同濕度下的電流改變、UV光檢測器在波長360 nm紫外光催化下的響應與奈米金/白金顆粒改良的生醫元件來量測不同濃度的葡萄糖濃度在氫氧化鈉中的響應,另外壓電元件成長於塑膠軟板上也在本文中被探討,在一般環境下與不同濕度環境下量測其輸出電壓及電流。
In this work, Al:ZnO nanowires were successfully synthesized on glass and PET substrates by hydrothermal method, and also analyzed by SEM, EDS, XRD, PL and TEM. The length of Al:ZnO is about 1.8 µm while the atomic doping concentration of Al is 1.5 %. In XRD and PL images, we can see the peak shifted, which were affected by Al doping. By TEM, 0.52 nm lattice spacing was observed, which shows structurally uniform single crystals with a wurtzite structure in our nanowires.
We measured the electrical properties, made the gas sensor for detecting different concentrations of alcohol and acetone, humidity sensor for measuring the response in different related humidity, photodetector for measuring the response under different wavelength of excitation light and used the 360 nm UV lamp to discuss the photoresponse. Nanoparticles modified electrode was fabricated for detecting different concentrations of glucose as biosensor. Finally, piezoelectric devices were fabricated which grown on PET substrate, measuring the output current and voltage at atmospheric environment and in different relate humidity.
中文摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 III
Contents IV
Table contents VI
Figure Contents VII
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1-1 Foreword 1
1-2 Structural development of the ZnO 2
1-3 Theoretical foundation and literature review 3
1-3.1 Synthesis methods of ZnO nanowires 3
1-3.1.1 Vapor-Liquid-Solid method 3
1-3.1.2 Vapor-Solid method 3
1-3.1.3 Hydrothermal method 3
1-3.2 Effect of the doped ZnO 4
1-3.3 Piezoelectric effect 6
1-3.4 Piezoelectric materials and operating mode 8
Chapter 2 Experimental details 11
2-1 Experimental flow chart 11
2-2 Hydrothermal growth 13
2-2.1 Hydrothermal method principle 13
2-2.2 Fabrication of ZnO nanowires by hydrothermal method 14
2-2.3 Fabrication of Al:ZnO nanowires by hydrothermal method 15
Chapter 3 Analysis instruments and measurement equipment profile 19
3-1 Analysis instruments 19
3-1.1 Field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) 19
3-1.2 Energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) 20
3-1.3 X-ray diffraction (XRD) 21
3-1.4 Photoluminescence (PL) 21
3-1.5 High resolution transmission electron microscopy (HR-TEM) 23
3-2 Measuring equipment 24
3-2.1 Keithley 4200 24
3-2.2 Stanford SR 560 / Stanford SR 570 / National Instruments BNC-2120 24
3-2.3 Metrohm Autolab PGSTAT 101 26
Chapter 4 Analysis of the structures of the nanowires 27
4-1 SEM analysis of the nanowires 27
4-1.1 SEM analysis of the ZnO nanowires 27
4-1.2 SEM analysis of the Al:ZnO nanowires 28
4-2 EDS analysis of the Al:ZnO nanowires 29
4-3 XRD analysis of the Al:ZnO nanowires 31
4-4 PL analysis of the Al:ZnO nanowires 33
4-5 TEM analysis of the Al:ZnO nanowires 34
4-6 Hall analysis of the Al:ZnO nanowires 36
Chapter 5 Device fabrication and electrical measurement 37
5-1 Electrodes fabrication and measurement method 37
5-1.1 Electrodes fabrication 37
5-1.2 Gas sensor measurement method 39
5-1.3 Humidity sensor measurement method 40
5-1.4 Piezoelectric measurement method 40
5-1.5 Photodetector measurement method 41
5-1.6 Electrochemical measurement method 42
5-2 Measurement results and discussion 43
5-2.1 The Al:ZnO NWs I-V results and discussion 43
5-2.2 The Al:ZnO NWs gas sensor results and discussion 44
5-2.3 The Al:ZnO NWs humidity sensor results and discussion 49
5-2.4 The Al:ZnO NWs piezoelectric results and discussion 53
5-2.5 The Al:ZnO NWs piezoelectric in different humidity condition results and discussion 55
5-2.6 The Al:ZnO NWs photodetector results and discussion 57
5-2.7 The Al:ZnO NWs electrochemical results and discussion 59
5-2.7.1 NWs arrays electrode 61
5-2.7.2 Au nanoparticles modified NWs array electrode 62
5-2.7.3 Pt nanoparticles modified NWs array electrode 64
Chapter 6 Conclusion and future work 66
6-1 Conclusion 66
6-2 Future work 66
Reference 67
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