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研究生(外文):Chun-Chieh Fang
論文名稱(外文):High Efficiency Power Inverter
指導教授(外文):I-Tseng Tang
口試委員(外文):Na-Fu WangYu-Zen TsaiI-Tseng Tang
外文關鍵詞:full bridge converterspush pull converter
  • 被引用被引用:1
  • 點閱點閱:226
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This paper focuses on the study of high-frequency DC to AC converter with high power conversion. The converter is divided into two parts. The first part realizes DC/DC boost conversion; the DC input voltage of battery is boosted to high voltage DC by virtue of push-pull type conversion architecture, while the open circuit of DC boost circuit is not subject to voltage stabilization feedback control. The second part realizes DC/AC full-bridge conversion; the high-voltage DC is converted into AC output, and the size of DUTY for the full-bridge architecture switch should be adjusted according to the required AC voltage, frequency and the degree of user's open load, in order to achieve the standard specifications for simulation of city electricity.
The voltage boost part does not adopt voltage stabilization feedback control. With the fluctuation in the level of input voltage and the load, the low efficiency of power converter used during charging can be enhanced. Compared with the machine of traditional voltage stabilization feedback, there is about 5-10% of the power loss to be saved in the overall conversion efficiency. This part will be compared with the actual loading by another same model of machine featuring DC/DC voltage stabilization feedback control, thereby gaining the results and being confirmed.

摘 要
目 次
表 次
圖 次
第一章 緒 論
1-1 研究背景
1-2 研究動機與目的
1-3 論文組織
第二章 常用電源轉換架構說明
2-1 Buck轉換架構說明
2-2 Boost轉換架構說明
2-3 Buck-Boost 轉換器
2-4 Flyback轉換架構說明
2-5 Push-Pull轉換架構說明
2-6 Half-Bridge轉換架構說明
2-7 各種轉換器特點歸納
第三章 設計DC/AC電源轉換器
3-1 轉換器電氣規格與整體架構概論
3-2 升壓電路
3-2-1 PWM控制IC及控制迴路說明
3-3 全橋換流電路
3-3-1 設計全橋DC/AC mosfet驅動器
3-3-2擬似正弦波AC RMS責任週期推導
3-4 PCB Layout
3-5 控制軟體設計
第四章 實機測試與整機效率驗證
4-1 開機軟啟動波形
4-2 機器開載波形
4-3 整機效率實驗
4-3-1 DCBUS未穩壓機型加600W數據
4-3-2 DCBUS未穩壓機型加載300W數據
4-3-3 DCBUS未穩壓機型加載150W數據
4-3-4 DCBUS穩壓300VDC機型加載600W數據
4-3-5 DCBUS穩壓300VDC機型加載300W數據
4-3-6 DCBUS穩壓300VDC機型加載150W數據
第五章 實驗結果比較分析
5-1 DCBUS未穩壓機型加載綜合分析
5-2 DCBUS穩壓300V機型加載綜合分析
5-3 兩款機型開載600W整體效率比較分析
5-4 兩款機型開載300W整體效率比較分析
5-5 兩款機型開載150W整體效率比較分析
第六章 結論與未來發展方向
感 謝

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