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論文名稱(外文):Flow of Concentrated Hydrogel Spheres Under Shear
指導教授(外文):Jung-Ren HuangJih-Chiang Tsai
外文關鍵詞:Granular flowGranular material
  • 被引用被引用:0
  • 點閱點閱:152
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We study the three-dimensional motion of a kind of elastic and soft particles with smooth surface, hydrogel spheres, by video imaging. The spheres are subjected to steady shear with the setup of double-cone geometry. In our system, the upper cone is driven by a motor and has constant angular velocity while the lower cone is fixed. The spheres exhibit super diffusion behavior, and the mean square displacement (MSD) shows quasi-periodic behavior with height-dependent periods. The MSD curve increases faster when the height increases before it climbs up to the first peak. The motion of the hydrogel spheres is dominated by the motion in φ direction. In our system the motion of the hydrogel spheres is much different from that of the Newtonian fluid under steady shear and also different from the Brownian motion.
致謝 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 iv
圖表目錄 vi
I. 緒論 - 1 -
I-1研究動機 - 2 -
I-1-1布朗運動(Brownian Motion) - 2 -
I-1-2研究目的 - 3 -
I-1-3論文大綱 - 3 -
I-2顆粒體(Granular Particles) - 3 -
I-2-1顆粒體介紹 - 3 -
I-2-2魔晶球(Hydrogel Spheres) - 3 -
II. 實驗儀器及顆粒追蹤 - 5 -
II-1實驗儀器及實驗步驟 - 5 -
II-2影像擷取與顆粒追蹤 - 6 -
III. 討論 - 8 -
III-1牛頓流體在本系統內之流動 - 8 -
III-2均方位移(MSD) - 8 -
III-2-1 MSD之分析 - 8 -
III-2-2 MSD角度(φ)分量之分析 - 9 -
III-2-3 MSD徑向(ρ)分量之分析 - 9 -
III-2-4 MSD軸向(z)分量之分析 - 9 -
III-3魔晶球在系統中的流動 - 9 -
IV. 結論 - 11 -
V. 圖表 - 12 -
V-1實驗架設圖 - 12 -
V-2實驗數據分析圖 - 14 -
VI. 參考資料 - 70 -
VII. 附錄 - 72 -
單顆粒子追蹤(Single Particle Tracking) - 72 -
計算均方位移(MSD) - 73 -
區域流場分析 - 79 -

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