This study aims to understand the current status of the Taipei elementary school leaders and teachers in the field of preparation community, and comparison between different background variables, but also an analysis of correlation and predictive power of Taipei elementary school leaders and teachers in the field of preparation community. And to make specific recommendations based on research results, providing educational administrative offices, schools and future researchers for reference. The study method of this study is questionnaire survey. The study subjects are from Taipei City public elementary school teachers, who are out of 56 public elementary schools and 830 school teachers in total. I recovered 790 copies, 786 valid questionnaires, the effective response rate 94.7%. Survey data are analyzed by descriptive statistics, independent sample t test average, one-way analysis of variance, Pearson product moment correlation, stepwise multiple regression analysis and other statistical methods. Conclusions obtained in this study are as follows: 1. The leadership of elementary school is through leadership philosophy, leadership team, leading action, and leading performance to achieve the purpose of sustainable development. 2. The community of teacher preparation in fields is through professional competence, professional growth, professional services and professional resources to make it operate smoothly. 3. The operating status of each elementary school is good. Among them, “leading performance” performs the best, and “leading action” needs to be converted. 4. The perception situation of the community of teacher preparation in fields in Taipei is classified as "generally important". Its "professional knowledge" factor is the highest priority, but its "professional growth" factor is relatively weak. 5. The perception situation of leading action of school leadership in male teachers is higher than female teachers. 6. The perception of leading performance, professional growth and the community of teacher preparation in fields in senior teachers is higher than junior teachers. 7. Master’s degree teachers’ perception of leadership philosophy is higher than bachelor degree teachers. 8. The teachers who are also directors are higher in school leadership, professional services and professional resources than mentors. 9. The school leadership of Taipei elementary schools and the community of teacher preparation in fields have a positive correlation. 10. The leadership of Taipei elementary schools has predictive power in all aspects of the community of teacher preparation in fields. The better the school leader leads, the higher the community of teacher preparation in fields runs.