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研究生(外文):Lee, Yi-Jui
論文名稱(外文):Load Balancing on SDN-Based Service Chaining using Openstack
指導教授(外文):Chen, Yuh-ShyanJuang Tong-Ying
口試委員(外文):Chang, Chih-YungChen, Tzung-ShiChen,Yan-XiangChen, Yuh-ShyanJuang Tong-Ying
外文關鍵詞:Software-Defined NetworkOpenStackNetwork Function VirtualizationSoftware-Defined based Network Service ChainingLoad-Balancing
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Network function virtualization (NFV) compares with the traditional network, NFV has high flexibility and scalable, OpenStack which provides a good virtualization technology and Software-Defined Network (SDN) provides centralized management data plane features, Using OpenStack and SDN these technology enable network virtualization to grow quickly. In this thesis, OpenStack integrate with SDN to implement the network service chain (NSC). NSC can be dynamic add or delete network function VM and adjusting packet path based on user demand to improve scalability for network infrastructure. The high scalability of the NSC increase a lot of users, but also bringing VM resource overload and causing low efficiency of network ser-vices VM, so VM resource need a load balancing method. This thesis proposes a method to set the upper threshold of the virtual machine resources, if the traffic load in continuous time exceeds the threshold limit then OpenStack adds the VM of the same function and SDN transfer part of the user to the new VM to get the network service. The dynamic adding VM and redirecting path method can help mitigation the original virtual machine load. This thesis implements the experiment that can be quickly set up virtual network services with the OpenStack and SDN, dynamically add the same function VM then user packets can adjust the path to remove original VM highly overload state and enhanced the utilization of virtual network service chain.
1 Introduction 1
2 Related Works 4
2.1 Related works 4
2.2 Motivation 7
3 Preliminaries 9
3.1 System architecture 9
3.2 Basic idea 12
4 SDN-Based Network Service Chaining Platform Building 15
4.1 OpenStack and SDN 15
4.2 Building the SDN-based Network Service Chaining Platform Steps 20
5 Load Balancing Algorithm 23
5.1 VM Threshold Limit Algorithm 23
6 Implementation of the NSC Platform and Load Balancing analysis 29
6.1 Implementation of the SDN-based Network Service Chaining 29
6.2 Load Balancing Experiment Data Analysis 37
6.2.1 Experiment 1: To verify the CPU is decrease after using the load balancing mechanism 38
6.2.2 Experiment 2: To verify the stability is increase after using the load balancing mechanism 39
6.2.3 Experiment 3: To verify the request with multi transmission delay is increasing stability after using the load balancing mechanism 40
6.2.4 Experiment 4: To verify the throughput is increase after using the load balancing mechanism 41
6.2.5 Experiment 5: To verify the average throughput is increase after using the load balancing mechanism 42
7 Conclusions 43
8 Acknowledgements 44
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