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研究生(外文):Lin, Yu-Ting
論文名稱(外文):Active aging related factors elderly people living alone: a case series in Shilin, Taipei
指導教授(外文):Chen, Chen- Fen
口試委員(外文):Hsu, Hui-ChuanKuo, Jing-Houng
外文關鍵詞:Living AloneActive agingWelfare cognitive
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This study builds on the active aging perspective to explore the life situation of the elderly living alone, elderly people living alone to explore regional differences in cognitive and welfare services, will affect the status of active aging and active aging factors. A case series in Shilin 348 the book elderly people of the object to structure questionnaires and interviews conducting the inquiry. During the data collection for the October 2013-December 2013. A total of 250 questionnaires recovered, complete visit was 71.8%. Research methods, chi-square test to test the correlation between any two variables, depending on the variables in this study is more categorical variables there are differences of degree, by a number of independent variables consisting of categorical variables, so the use of the ordered logistic regression. The result, the proportion of elderly people living alone in the Shilin District of Taipei men than women, aged over 80 years old respect for the elderly up to About 40% of approximately (42.6%), a minimum proportion of young elderly (13.3%). Ethnic group regard to Taiwanese (including Hakka) for most. Educational attainment, most primary level, but it is worth noting that those who have a high school education level and above, the proportion of a lot. Marital status to separated, divorced and widowed most. About 70 percent of elderly people living alone with children. Elderly people living alone 76 percent religious. Cognitive aspects of welfare services, nearly eighty percent (79.1%) of the elderly people living alone know the four (or more) of welfare services. A total of seven areas, according to the study sample and lifestyle merge into four areas; Street area after the merger with (merger street and Hougang) most (34.8%), a minimum of Yangmingshan second partition (12.8%). Active aging aspect, Shilin District elderly people living alone in a majority of active aging persons (49.1%), followed by those who have two active 71 (31.7%); only 27 are active for three persons (12.1%); least the there is neither active persons 16 (7.1%). The results showed that the active elderly people living alone because of Ethnic group aging, education, welfare services and areas of cognitive vary.
It recommends that the service provider should be partition for different times of healthy active aging, participation, security level, the relatively weak level, to provide further assistance. In healthy level, should be concerned about the health of elderly people living alone after neighborhoods, providing clean home environment, improve residential environment, health care, or in cooperation with neighborhood community office provides home-service assistance. Participation level, should consider how to improve the frequency of participation Shetzu region, frequency and Motivation, because Shetzu area relatively far distance from the service center, traffic inconvenience this may cause a decline in the frequency of their participation, the proposed pipeline can be expanded, and then promote related activities or programs to promote the frequency of their participation and increased participation pipeline. Recommends further examine the situation in the security level Shetzu area related economic benefits and resources apply. It recommends that the Taipei City Government, should be founded on active aging architecture, adjusted to provide welfare services, avoiding emphasis on economically disadvantaged elderly people living alone, so that welfare can be closer to the user. Limitations of the study some of the information collected is limited to elderly people living alone Shihlin district, it is difficult to infer to the elderly living alone in Taipei or Taiwan in other regions, suggestions for future research could expand the scope of data collection. Investigation and analysis of this study to quantify based, only analyzed for the collection of data, can not understand the elderly people living alone for active aging subjective view, suggestions for future research could do for this further analysis and discussion.

第一節研究背景………………………………………… 02
第二節研究目的………………………………………… 06
第三節研究地區的選擇………………………………… 07
第一節當代老人獨居之背景因素……………………… 08
第二節活躍老化之發展脈絡及概念…………………… 15
第三節獨居老人與活躍老化之關聯…………………… 25
第一節研究架構………………………………………… 27
第二節研究範圍………………………………………… 28
第三節研究變項及操作型定義………………………… 29
第四節研究步驟與資料蒐集…………………………… 35
第五節資料分析方法…………………………………… 37
第一節 獨居老人之基本資料分析 …………………… 38
第二節 獨居老人活躍老化之健康、參與、安全分析 43
第三節 獨居老人之活躍老化分析 …………………… 48
第四節獨居老人活躍老化之預測性 ………………… 59
第一節主要研究發現 ………………………………… 61
第二節討論 …………………………………………… 64
第三節研究限制與未來建議 ………………………… 66

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第一頁 上一頁 下一頁 最後一頁 top
1. 朱僑麗、陳肇男〈2012〉。非正式社會支持網絡在全民健康保險實施前後對健康檢查服務利用之影響。 臺灣公共衛生雜誌,31(2),164-175。
2. 朱僑麗、陳肇男〈2012〉。非正式社會支持網絡在全民健康保險實施前後對健康檢查服務利用之影響。 臺灣公共衛生雜誌,31(2),164-175。
3. 吳沄蓁、趙淑員 〈2010〉。 社區獨居老人的健康需求、需求滿意度及影響因素探討-以彰化縣某鄉鎮為例。 弘光學報, 第63期。
4. 吳沄蓁、趙淑員 〈2010〉。 社區獨居老人的健康需求、需求滿意度及影響因素探討-以彰化縣某鄉鎮為例。 弘光學報, 第63期。
5. 吳易謙、韓良誠、林錫璋〈2008〉。 長壽與成功老化。 內科學誌, 19(5), 394-400。
6. 吳易謙、韓良誠、林錫璋〈2008〉。 長壽與成功老化。 內科學誌, 19(5), 394-400。
7. 林正祥、劉士嘉〈2013〉。 台灣老人成功與活躍老化之健康餘命探討。 臺灣公共衛生雜誌, 32(6), 562-575。
8. 林正祥、劉士嘉〈2013〉。 台灣老人成功與活躍老化之健康餘命探討。 臺灣公共衛生雜誌, 32(6), 562-575。
9. 林麗惠〈2006a〉。台灣高齡學習者成功老化之研究。 人口學刊, 33, 133-170。
10. 林麗惠〈2006a〉。台灣高齡學習者成功老化之研究。 人口學刊, 33, 133-170。
11. 林麗惠〈2006b〉。高齡參與志願服務與成功老化之研究。生死學研究,7, 1-36。
12. 林麗惠〈2006b〉。高齡參與志願服務與成功老化之研究。生死學研究,7, 1-36。
13. 林麗惠〈2012〉。活躍老化指標建構及其對老人教育政策之啟示。成人及終身教育學刊,第十九期,77-111。
14. 林麗惠〈2012〉。活躍老化指標建構及其對老人教育政策之啟示。成人及終身教育學刊,第十九期,77-111。
15. 徐慧娟〈2003〉。 成功老化:老年健康的正向觀點。 社區發展季刊, 103, 252-260。