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論文名稱:網路團購市售包裝食品之網路口碑與營養標示知覺風險 對從眾行為之影響
論文名稱(外文):Influence of electronic word-of-mouth communication,and perceived risks of nutrition labeling on conformity behavior with online group buying of packaged foods
指導教授(外文):An-Hung FuHwei-Shen Lin
口試委員(外文):Huei-Jhu WangJian-Jheng Sie
外文關鍵詞:online group-buyingelectronic word-of-mouthperceived risks of nutrition labelingconformity behavior
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本研究於 2014年11月進行正式施測,採滾雪球抽樣方式網路問卷調查。本研究以年齡18歲以上有網路團購經驗者之族群做為母群體,此族群可支配所得較多,也較有自主能力。總計回收513份有效問卷。
二、網路口碑:女性在網路口碑整體、網站資訊評論均高於男性(p< 0.05),20-39歲網站資訊評論高於50歲以上(p< 0.05),大學/專科在網站資訊評論高於研究所(p< 0.05)。
三、營養標示知覺風險:30-49歲在營養標示功能的上高於50歲以上(p< 0.05),而已婚的營養標示確認的高於單身(p< 0.05)。
四、從眾行為:女性在從眾行為除整體較高於男性(p< 0.05),在其餘變項,年齡、教育程度、婚姻狀況、職業、平均月收入均無顯著差異。
五、網路團購包裝食品其網路口碑、營養標示知覺風險、從眾行為之相關性:營養標示知覺風險各構面與網路口碑各構面均呈顯著正相關(r= 0.27~0.49, p< 0.01),網路口碑與從眾行為呈顯著正相關(r= 0.25~0.45, p< 0.01),營養標示知覺風險與從眾行為呈顯著正相關(r= 0.24~0.32, p< 0.01)。


This study was to explore the status and the relevance of the electronic word-of-mouth, and perceived risks of nutrition labeling on conformity behavior of online group-buying packaged food.
The study, held in November 2014, adopted snowball sampling internet questionnaire survey. Research population was consumers who were older than 18 years old with online group-buying experience, as this group of people had more disposable income and independent ability. Totally, 513 valid questionnaires were collected.
The questionnaires used in the study were self-edited Electronic Word-of-Mouth questionnaire, Perceived Risks of Nutrition Labeling questionnaire, and Conformity Behavior questionnaire. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s Product-moment orrelation, multiple regression analysis. The study obtained the following conclusions:
1. The background variables of online group-buying consumers: 71.2% of samples were female, 50.1% were married , 35.9% were 40 to 49 years old, 61.2% were college graduates , soldier, 30.6% were civil servant & teacher, 18.9% of samples had average monthly income of NTD30,001~40,000, accounted for the largest proportion.
2. The electronic word-of-mouth: female were higher than male (p< 0.05) on the cognition of electronic word-of-month and website information reviews; the 20 to 39 years old were higher than over 50 years old (p< 0.05), and the college graduates were higher than the institute graduates (p< 0.05) on website information reviews.
3. Perceived risks of nutrition labeling: the 30 to 49 years old were higher than over 50 years old (p< 0.05), and the married were higher than the single (p< 0.05) on the recognition of nutrition labeling.
4. Conformity behavior: female is higher than male (p< 0.05) on the conformity behavior, but there was no significant difference among different ages, education level, marriage status, job, average monthly income.
5. Relevance among the electronic word-of-mouth, perceived risks of nutrition labeling and conformity behavior of online group-buying packaged food: the all dimensions of perceived risks of nutrition labeling and the electronic word-of-mouth had significant positive correlation (r= 0.27~0.49, p< 0.01); the electronic word-of-mouth and conformity behavior had significant positive correlation (r= 0.25~0.45, p< 0.01); perceived risks of nutrition labeling and conformity behavior had significant positive correlation (r= 0.24~0.32, p< 0.01);
According to the findings, this study came up with discussion and suggestions for relevant institutions, businessmen, consumers, and future researches’ reference.

Keywords: online group-buying, electronic word-of-mouth, perceived risks of nutrition labeling, conformity behavior

致謝辭 i
中文摘要 ii
Abstract iv
目錄 vi
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 x
第一章 緒 論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 2
第二節 研究目的 10
第三節 研究問題 11
第四節 名詞釋義 12
第二章 文獻探討 15
第一節 網路團購相關研究 15
第二節 網路口碑相關研究 21
第三節 營養標示相關研究 29
第四節 知覺風險相關研究 40
第五節 從眾行為相關研究 45
第三章 研究方法 53
第一節 研究假設 54
第二節 研究對象及樣本抽樣 56
第三節 研究工具 58
第四節 研究架構 70
第五節 研究實施程序 71
第六節 資料處理 73
第四章 研究結果與分析 77
第一節 網路團購消費者之背景變項 77
第二節 網路團購消費者在不同量表之描述性分析 82
第三節 不同背景變項的團購消費者之網路口碑 83
第四節 不同背景變項的團購消費者之營養標示知覺風險 89
第五節 不同背景變項的團購消費者之從眾行為 94
第六節 營養標示知覺風險與網路口碑之相關與多元迴歸分析 99
第七節 網路口碑與從眾行為之相關與多元迴歸分析 103
第八節 營養標示知覺風險與從眾行為之相關與多元迴歸分析 107
第九節 綜合討論 111
第五章 結論與建議 121
第一節 研究結論 121
第二節 研究限制 126
第三節 研究建議 127
參考文獻 129
附錄一 市售包裝食品營養標示規範部份修正規定 148
附錄二 包裝食品營養標示應遵行事項 151
附錄三 專家效度問卷 158
附錄四 網路問卷 173








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