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研究生(外文):Lin, Yung-Wang
論文名稱(外文):The Study of Cloud Data Privacy Preserving Mechanisms
指導教授(外文):Chen, Yung-ChinLin, Yung-Jang
口試委員(外文):Wei, hing-ChiuanChen, Wun-YuanLiang, Ying-ShinHuang, Ming-ShyangChen, Yung-ChinTsau, Shr-ChangLin, Yung-Jang
外文關鍵詞:Cloud ComputingCloud DatabaseData EncryptionData FragmentationData MaskingAccess Control
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本研究將針對在雲環境中非法使用他人文件資料的議題, 尋求解決之道。我們針對如何確保資料安全提出了三個研究主題。其一是將存於雲端中的個人資料依據ISO標準及國內法的要求,建構個資盤點與管理系統,俾做有效的管理。其二是針對存放於雲端資料庫中的資料如何確保隱私提出解決的方法,我們討論目前常用的方法共分為兩類,即數據加密和數據碎片。在數據加密的方法,我們討論K-匿名的方法作為解決方案及其挑戰。在數據碎片的方法中,我們也引入集群的思維並討論其優缺點。據此本研究提出兩者混合運用近似較優的個資隱私保護方法。其三則針對屬機密文件部分提出一個基於資料遮罩的存取控制機制。利用使用者驗證資訊置換數位檔案位元資料,使數位檔案因位元資料不正確而無法被正確且完整的開啟。合法使用者利用正確的驗證資訊可還原數位檔案被破壞的部分。本研究主要目的在維護一個低風險、且高信賴度的雲端環境。

Due to the ever-updated technology of the Internet and the acceleration of network bandwidth, cloud computing has arisen. The development of cloud has offered an effective platform, which enables users to swiftly store and share the data. Organizations at all levels or individuals no longer need to pay extra cost purchasing information technology equipment, but seek multi-functional cloud service from the providers. Thus, to cater to the cost down of manpower and the decreased budge of the equipment, cloud will be the best option. Nonetheless, using the cloud system has its inevitable risk. It is highly possible that hackers visit the platform with its authentication mechanisms and access others personal data, which has posed a threat to cloud data.
This study focuses on the issue of illegal access of personal documents and seeks corresponding solutions. Three focal points will be brought up regarding the information security. First and foremost, we will discuss the management of personal data as per ISO SOP and domestic regulations. Secondly, we discuss the solutions to the privacy of cloud databases, which include data encryption and data fragmentations. K-anonymity is adopted to discuss data encryption; as for data fragmentations, we use collection as a solution. This study suggests enterprises adopt both methodologies to ensure personal data preserving. Thirdly, this study focuses on discussing data masking in regard to classified documents. With authorization mechanisms, data bits of digital archives can only be correctly and completely accessed by legitimate users. This study aims at preserving a low-risk and high-reliability cloud environment.

Chapter 1: Introduction - 1 -
1.1 Research Background - 1 -
1.2 Purpose - 2 -
1.3 Research Scheme - 3 -
Chapter 2: Introduction and Application of Cloud Computing - 5 -
2.1 Definition of Cloud Computing - 5 -
2.2 Application of Cloud Computing - 5 -
2.3 Cloud Computing Service Features - 6 -
2.4 Evolution of Cloud Computing - 7 -
2.5 Service Type and Deployment of Cloud Computing - 9 -
2.6 Applications of Cloud Computing - 12 -
2.7 Information Security of Cloud Computing - 13 -
2.7.1 Challenge of Cloud Computing - 13 -
2.7.2 Threat of Cloud Computing - 14 -
2.8 Safety Assessment of Cloud Computing - 16 -
2.9 Summary - 20 -
Chapter 3: Developing a Personal Data Inventory Tracking and Managing System - 22 -
3.1 Relate work - 22 -
3.2 Purpose and Research Field - 27 -
3.3 System Model - 28 -
3.3.1 Name of the System - 28 -
3.3.2 Purpose of the System - 29 -
3.3.3 System Structure Model - 30 -
3.3.4 System Functions - 30 -
3.3.5 System Users - 32 -
3.3.6 System Management - 32 -
3.3.7 Database Table Structure - 32 -
3.4 Nodulus - 33 -
Chapter 4: Preserving Privacy in Cloud Database - 35 -
4.1 Relate work - 35 -
4.2 Data Encryption - 39 -
4.2.1 Anonymity by generalization - 39 -
4.2.2 Challenge - 42 -
4.3 Data Fragmentation - 43 -
4.3.1 Confidentiality Constraints - 44 -
4.3.2 Data Partition using Clustering - 45 -
4.3.3 Challenge - 46 -
4.4 Hybrid of Encryption and Fragmentation - 47 -
4.5 Summary - 49 -
Chapter 5: Data Masking - 51 -
5.1 Relate work - 51 -
5.1.1 Cloud computing service model - 51 -
5.1.2 RBAC access control model - 52 -
5.1.3 Data coloring - 53 -
5.2 The Proposed Scheme - 57 -
5.2.1 The mask generation stage - 57 -
5.2.2 The data mask stage - 59 -
5.2.3 The mask verification removal stage - 59 -
5.3 Security and analysis - 60 -
5.3.1 cloud platform file data security - 60 -
5.3.2 Data mask interceptor and guessing attacks - 61 -
5.3.3 Brute force attack - 61 -
5.3.4 Important files using data mask - 61 -
5.3.5 Hardware support computational efficiency - 62 -
5.4 Nodulus - 62 -
Chapter 6: Conclusions and Suggestions - 64 -
References - 68 -

Figures of Contents
Figure 1.1 Research scheme diagram - 3 -
Figure 3.1 PDCA cycle applied to the management of personal information …….- 25 -
Figure 3.2 System structure diagram - 30 -
Figure 4.1 The process of data stored in cloud database - 38 -
Figure 4.2 Overview of data fragmentation - 44 -
Figure 4.3 Confidentiality constraints - 44 -
Figure 4.4 Hybrid of encryption and data fragmentation - 49 -
Figure 5.1 RBAC model - 52 -
Figure 5.2 Each user will have different roles in different session.High-level role hierarchy will inherit the permissions of the lower-middle class - 53 -
Figure 5.3 Use watermarking techniques to complete the coloring that embedded cloud dropsin the file and re-use watermarking technique in the verification stage to remove the authentication information to match - 54 -
Figure 5.4 The access control model use data coloring - 55 -
Figure 5.5 User first enter, and to the deviceto generate data masking and use a masking to protect files F . - 58 -
Figure 5.6 framework computing - 60 -

Tables of Contents
Table 3.1 The differences between Personal Data Information Protection Act and Computer-Processed Personal Data Protection Act - 24 -
Table 3.2 Database table structure - 33 -
Table 4.1 Patient relation - 41 -
Table 4.2 The Relation after 3-Anonymity - 42 -
Table 5.1 Notations - 56 -

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