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研究生(外文):Min-Hui Tseng
論文名稱:以健保資料分析 帶狀皰疹的用藥與治療
論文名稱(外文):Drug Utilization and Treatment Analysis on Herpes Zoster: A Study based on National Health Insurance Database
指導教授(外文):Prof. Chin-Yin Huang.
口試委員(外文):Da-Zhen LinChin-Yin Huang.Lin-Wan Xie
外文關鍵詞:National Health Insurance DatabaseChinese MedicineConcentrated Chinese MedicineHerpes Zoster,Post-Herpetic Neuralgia
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主要用2010年承保抽樣歸人檔中抽取30萬筆資料,以相關於帶狀皰疹的國際疾病碼(ICD-9-CM code)有053.11、053.19、053.20、053.21和053.9做基礎,所得到的病患資料為1208人,作為研究的依據。並將患者資訊分成幾種組別加以討論,分別為:(1)依病患就醫模式分為三組,分別為看西醫患者、看中醫患者以及中西醫皆看診之患者。(2)將醫療機構整理所分為醫院、診所,另外又加上醫院與診所的項目。(3)帶狀皰疹與帶狀皰疹後神經痛(指ICD-9-CM code有053.19)兩類。以這些分類作卡方檢定與ANOVE檢定的分析。

Chickenpox, also known as varicella, is a virus that infects a man in the childhood. Once the chickenpox is healed, the chickenpox virus is lurking in the dorsal root ganglia. As the man’s body immune system is weak because of aging, illness or on stress, chickenpox virus will be re-activated and transferred to dermatomes through dorsal roots; and caused a neuropathic pain and herpes. It usually named shingle or herpes zoster.
The objectives of this research is to utilize the National Health Insurance Database (NHIRD) to investigate (1) the demographics of the patients with herpes zoster, (2) drug utilizations of the patients with herpes zoster and with post-herpetic neuralgia, and (3) correspondence of the current Chinese medicine utilization with the suggestions in the ancient Pharmacopoeia.
This research retrieved 1208 patients with ICD-9-CM codes of 053.11, 053.19, 053.20, 053.21, or 053.9 from 300,000 patients randomly sampled from the 2010 NHIRD. The patients are stratified by (1) western, Chinese, or hybrid institutions, (2) level of hospitals, and (3) with or without post-herpetic neuralgia (ICD-9-M 053.19). The above strata were evaluated by Chi square or ANOVA tests.
The results of the research indicate that there is no significant association between gender and post-herpetic neuralgia. Clinics are the most popular institutions for patient visitations. The number of patients increases as the patients age for with herpes zoster or with post-herpetic neuralgia. For drug utilization, antipyretic analgesics, antibiotics, and steroid were the major medicines. For patients who choose Chinese medicine to cure the disease, Chin-Lar-Li-She and Jie-Du-Jhih-Tong are the most popular ones.

摘要 I
致謝詞 III
第一章緒論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究流程 3
第二章文獻探討 4
2.1帶狀皰疹在西醫上的現況 4
第三章研究方法 14
3.1 資料資訊 14
3.2資料處理 15
第四章研究結果 16
4.1基本資料整理 16
4.2用藥資訊 24
第五章結論 32
參考文獻 33

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