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研究生(外文):Chia-Hui Yang
論文名稱(外文):Optimal Manufacturing of Buckypaper Actuator and Analyzing Effect of Ionic Liquid
指導教授(外文):Yi-Wen ChenI-Wen Chen
口試委員(外文):Yi-Wen ChenI-Wen ChenMing-You ShieChia-Yi Huang
外文關鍵詞:Single-wall Carbon NanotubeMulti-wall Carbon NanotubeBuckypaperActuatorIonic Liquid
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奈米碳管紙致動器(Buckypaper actuator; BP actuator)比起其他材料的致動器(Actuator),較適合用來應用於仿生機械系統上,且已經有許多團隊及學者針對其做研究及開發,而本研究的研究目的是於增加奈米碳管紙致動器之性能,以往的研究都是針對奈米碳管紙的種類或是分析奈米碳管紙致動器的製程參數,期望能增加其性能,而分析過去學者的研究,發現其材料之一:離子液體(Ionic liquid; IL),對奈米碳管紙致動器有極大的影響,因此,本研究分析四種不同離子液體製成奈米碳管紙致動器其性能的差異,並提出最適合製成奈米碳管紙致動器之離子液體。以此能製作出性能佳之致動器,擁有高度潛能應用於機器人或是微機電控制系統(Micro Electro Mechanical Systems; MEMS)。在本研究中,首先先自製單壁奈米碳管(SWCNT):多壁奈米碳管(MWCNT) = 9:4之奈米碳管紙(Buckypaper; BP),本研究提出一製作奈米碳管紙製程,成功得到相當性能之奈米碳管紙,然後再使用自製奈米碳管紙製作奈米碳管紙致動器,並量測其輸出力及位移,從量測數據中分析四種不同的離子液體其離子種類及離子大小對於奈米碳管紙致動器性能的影響,發現離子體積較小的離子液體能得到較好的輸出力及位移,擁有陽離子EMI+和陰離子SCN-的離子液體所製成之奈米碳管紙致動器能得到較大的輸出力,擁有陽離子EMI+和陰離子Otf-的離子液體製成之奈米碳管紙致動器位移較佳。
The Buckypaper actuator(BP actuator)was more appropriate to be applied in biomimetic system than other actuators. Many researchers had demonstrated the performance of it. The goal of our research is to increase the performance of BP actuator. The previous research increased the performance of BP actuator by analyzing different types of BP or the manufacturing parameters. The ionic liquid(IL)also had a strong influence on BP actuator through the past researches. Thus, our research analyze the performance of BP actuator based on four different IL, and propose an optimal IL to manufacture BP actuator with better performance. It has a high potential to applicate in robot or micro electro mechanical systems. First, our research manufacture Buckypaper(BP)with SWCNT-to- MWCNT ratio at nine to four, and propose a process of manufacturing BP. It also has a high performance. The BP actuator is made of the Buckypaper(BP)which our team manufacture. After that, our research analyze the influence of ionic types and ionic volumes about four IL by measuring the force and the displacement. Our research find the smaller volumes of ion has a better force and displacement. The BP actuator with cation EMI+ and anion SCN- has a bigger force, and the Buckypaper actuator with cation EMI+ and anion Otf- has a better displacement. According to these result, our research find an optimal IL to manufacture BP actuator.
摘 要 i
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
表目錄 v
圖目錄 vi
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 研究目的 3
1.4 研究架構 4
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2.1 EAP致動器的分類與發展 5
2.2 EAP致動器─三明治結構(Sandwich structure) 9
2.3 EAP致動器─離子液體(Ionic Liquid; IL) 10
2.4 離子液體對三明治結構的離子式EAP致動器的影響 11
第三章 研究方法 13
3.1 實驗材料與儀器 13
3.2 實驗流程 28
3.3 分析流程 38
第四章 實驗結果與數據分析 40
4.1 奈米碳管紙結果分析 40
4.2 奈米碳管紙致動器結果分析 42
4.3 小結 52
第五章 結論與建議 53
5.1 結論 53
5.2 未來課題 53
參考文獻 55
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