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研究生(外文):Kao-Lin Chiou
論文名稱(外文):The development of the thermal paving system for meltable materials
外文關鍵詞:Additive manufacturingpaving system
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The purpose of this research is to develop the thermal paving system for high melting photo curable resin technique. The research is focusing on paving system using solid materials. Because there is no formula of the high melting point photo curable resin, this research adopts the similar materials which are ceresin wax, wax plaster and high viscosity ceramic slurry for testing. Those materials are heated test. The solid materials and colloidal materials transform to molten liquid and the materials will have high mobility and low viscosity. In addition, it will be smooth and reduce the friction between the scraper and the bottom surface by installing the board, which is made by Polytetrafluoroethene. The materials will be spread evenly on the board due to the high mobility and the layer of the materials will be extremely thin. After spreading the materials, the molten liquid will transform to solid state or harden because stop heating and wait for cool down and the solid layer will support next layer. Repeat the steps until finish the test work piece.
For checking the process of this paving system, this research adopts a new paving system using additive manufacturing. This system includes the control program and the platforms for x-axis moving and z-axis lifting. After the work pieces go through software and cut the contour map every layer and import into the user interface software to conduct the continuously automatic paving. After processing of x-axis paving and z-axis lifting, the trial work pieces will be completed and it can prove the feasibility of this paving system. Therefore, the feasibility of the process of this paving system can be proved.

摘 要 I
誌謝 IV
目錄 V
表目錄 VIII
圖目錄 IX
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究背景與目的 2
1.3 論文架構 2
第二章 文獻探討 4
2.1 積層製造簡介 4
2.2 鋪層材料分類 5
2.2.1 SLA(Stereo Lithography Apparatus)系統 6 上照式 DLP-SLA 系統 7 下照式 DLP-SLA 系統 8
2.2.2 FDM(Fused Deposition Modeling)系統 9
2.2.3 3DP(Three Dimensional Printing) 10
2.2.4 LCM(Lithography-based Ceramic Manufacturing) 12
2.2.5 CLIP (Continuous Liquid Interface Production) 12
2.2.6 3S (Solvent Slurry Stereolithograpy) 13
2.2.7 各鋪層系統原理之整理 15
2.3 輻射能成型之製程 15
2.3.1 雷射式 16
2.3.2 光罩式 16
2.4 光罩成型系統 17
2.4.1 靜態光罩 17
2.4.2 動態光罩 18
2.5 各成型系統文獻總結 20
第三章 系統機構開發 22
3.1 製程與鋪層原理 22
3.2 機台規劃 25
3.2.1 骨架設計 25
3.2.2 X軸移動平台設計 27
3.2.3 Z軸升降平台設計 30
3.3 系統機構組裝 31
3.4 本章總結 36
第四章 系統程式開發 37
4.1 控制晶片之選擇 37
4.2 步進馬達控制 39
4.3 控制程式 43
4.3.1 單晶片命令模組 43
4.3.2 機台驅動控制介面 45
4.4 加熱鋪層設備介紹 48
4.4.1 溫度控制器與溫度感測線 48
4.4.2 電磁接觸器與加熱棒 49
4.4.3 溫度控制系統組合 50
4.5 本章總結 52
第五章材料 配方與鋪層實驗 53
5.1 鋪層材料與設備 53
5.1.1 白蠟 54
5.1.2 蠟+石膏 55
5.1.3 漿料調製 56 陶瓷粉末 56 可見光硬化樹脂 57 UV光硬化樹脂 57 漿料配方 58
5.2 機台Z軸運動高度實驗 59
5.3 鋪層實驗 63
5.3.1 白蠟與蠟石膏鋪層結果 64 白蠟鋪層實驗 64 蠟石膏鋪層實驗 65
5.3.2 漿料鋪層實驗 66
5.4 本章總結 70
第六章 結論與未來方向 71
6.1 結論 71
6.2 未來方向 72
參考文獻 73

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