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研究生(外文):Chi-Lin Tseng
論文名稱(外文):Effect of Physical Activity Program on Physical Fitness, Heart Rate Variability, and Cognitive Function in Obese Junior High School Students
指導教授(外文):Su-Ru Chen
口試委員(外文):Shu-Yu KuoYu-Kai Chang
外文關鍵詞:obesityphysical activityphysical fitnessheart rate variabilitycognitive function
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採實驗研究法,針對新北市某國中肥胖學童為收案對象,以隨機分配方式,實驗組接受12週身體活動訓練,每週4次,每次30分鐘,控制組維持一般日常生活活動,於身體活動訓練介入前1週及介入措施結束後1週、1個月、3個月進行追蹤測量。成效指標包括:體適能、心率變異度與認知功能。資料分析以描述性統計檢測個人基本資料及各量表得分,並以GEE(Generalized Estimating Equation)做為重複測量之分析,檢測身體活動訓練對肥胖學童體適能、心率變異度與認知功能之改善成效。
With the increase of the global prevalence of obesity, childhood obesity has become a common health problem in modern society. The purpose of this study is to explore the effects of a physical activity program on physical fitness, heart rate variability and cognitive function in obese junior high school students.
An experimental design was conducted with obese students in a junior high school in New Taipei City. The participants were randomly assigned to the experimental group and the control group. The experimental group received a 12-week physical activity training (4 times per week, 30 minutes each time), while the control group did not receive any training intervention. Data on physical fitness, heart rate variability and cognitive function were collected one week prior to the intervention as well as one week, one month and three months after the implementation of physical activity training. Descriptive statistics were used to summarize the personal information and the results of the intervention, and GEE (Generalized Estimating Equation) was applied to examine the effectiveness of the physical activity program on the physical fitness and heart rate variability and cognitive function.
The results of this study showed that (1) Regarding physical fitness, the students in the experimental group showed a significant decrease in body composition and an increase in physical fitness one week and one month after the intervention; there was only a decrease in body composition and a significant difference ( p<.05) in Cardiorespiratory endurance three months after the intervention, (2) Regarding heart rate variability, the experimental group showed significant increases in LF、HF、TP及HF% and decreases in LF/HF one week after the invention; there was significant increases in HF and HF% one month after the intervention; there was only a significant decrease in LF% three months after the intervention, (3) Regarding cognitive function, the experimental group showed significant decreases in percent of errors, the reaction time of square and neutral and an increase in conceptual level responses one week after the intervention; there was a significant decrease in the reaction time of square and neutral one month and three months after the intervention, and no significant differences ( p>.05) in other two dependent variables after the intervention.
The study indicated that the effectiveness of incorporation of the physical activity program in physical fitness, heart rate variability, and cognitive function in a short term; however, there is no improvement in long term effect. Therefore, the medical staff or school nurses are suggested to encourage obese junior high school students to engage more physical activities and form a habit of exercise with this physical activity guidelines attached, so that they are able to have a good balance of physical and mental development.
Keywords: obesity, physical activity, physical fitness, heart rate variability, cognitive function
致謝 ............................................................... ...................... Ⅰ
中文摘要 ............................................................... ...................... Ⅲ
英文摘要 ............................................................... ...................... Ⅴ
目 錄 ............................................................... ...................... Ⅶ
圖表目次 ............................................................... ...................... Ⅹ
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究動機與重要性 .......................................... 1
第二節 研究目的 ......................................................... 4
第三節 研究假設 ......................................................... 4
第四節 名詞界定 ......................................................... 4
第二章 文獻查證
第一節 學童肥胖 .................................................... 7
第二節 身體活動相關概念 .......................................... 12
第三節 肥胖學童心率變異度 ..................................... 17
第四節 身體活動對認知功能之影響 ....................... 23
第五節 身體活動對體適能及心率變異度之影響................ 25
第六節 研究架構 ................................................................ 31
第三章 研究方法
第一節 研究設計 ......................... .................................... 31
第二節 研究場所及對象 ................................................... 34
第三節 研究工具及其信效度 ............................................ 36
第四節 資料收集流程 ........................................................ 46
第五節 資料統計與分析 ................................................... 49
第四章 研究結果
第一節 研究對象基本屬性.................................................... 51
第二節 介入前國中肥胖學童體適能、心率變異度及認知功能之分布............................................................... 55
第三節 身體活動訓練介入對國中肥胖學童體適能、心率 變異度、認知功能之差異........................................ 58
第五章 討論
第一節 研究對象的基本屬性................................................ 91
第二節身體活動訓練對國中肥胖學童體適能之影響.......... 92
第三節身體活動訓練對國中肥胖學童心率變異度之影響.. 94
第四節身體活動對國中肥胖學童認知功能之影響….…… 96
第六章 結論與建議
第一節 結論............................................................................ 97
第二節 臨床應用與建議........................................................ 98
第二節 研究限制.................................................................... 100
中文部份 ............................................................... ............. 102
英文部份 ............................................................... ............. 109
附錄一 身體活動指導手冊 ................................................ 123
附錄二 個人資料表 ............................................................ 128
附錄三 IPAQ國際身體活動量表授權書 . ...................... 129
附錄四 IPAQ國際身體活動量表-學生圖卡短版問卷……. 130
附錄五 IRB核准通知書....................................................... 136
附錄六 受試者同意書........................................................... 137
附錄七 家庭社經地位計算方式............................................ 144
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