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研究生(外文):Yi-Hang Chiu
論文名稱(外文):The Effect of Reducing Stigma by Renaming Schizophrenia
外文關鍵詞:renamestigmasocial distanceschizophreniamedical and nursing student
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本研究採橫斷式研究,以台北醫學大學醫學系與護理學系一年級和四年級學生為母群體,採用便利抽樣方法,共發放360份問卷,計回收235份,回收率為65%,再扣除填答不完整問卷後,有效樣本數為222份。本研究工具包含「汙名量表」、「汙名感受量表」、「社會距離量表」、「接觸經驗」以及「基本資料」等五個項目。在推論性統計分析方面以SPSS 17.0進行描述性統計分析、成對樣本T檢定,檢驗不同的科系、年級、選科對精神分裂症/思覺失調症之公眾汙名、自我汙名以及社會距離之間的差異。本研究亦針對七位醫學系二至四年級的學生進行深度訪談,質性資料參考Colaizzi提出的方法進行分析並整理。

The stigma often associated with serious mental illnesses is a huge burden to patients, their families and the society as whole. The emergence of a stigma is a complex process. In 2014, Taiwan renamed the concept of schizophrenia in an attempt to reduce the stigma associated with this disease entity.

The purpose of this study is to understand the effect of renaming schizophrenia. We investigated the stigma associated with schizophrenia and compared the change in public-stigma, self-stigma and social distance by renaming it. We then investigated factors that could explain the reduced stigma.

This is a cross-sectional and availability sampling study. From the 360 medical and nursing students from Taipei Medical University who completed the questionnaire, a total of 222 were included in the study. The response rate was 65%. The questionnaire contained several parts: the stigma scale, the perceived stigma scale, social distance scale, experience of contacting and basic data. We used SPSS descriptive analysis and paired-t test to analyze the quantitative data. We also interviewed seven medical students. The qualitative data was analyzed according to Colaizzi’s method.

This study showed that the public-stigma, social-stigma and social distance improved by renaming schizophrenia. The college that they pertained to seemed irrelevant to the effect. However, both students’ number of years in school and their inclination for certain specialties in medicine were found to be related to the effect of reducing stigma. This effect was also not significant in those interested in pursuing psychiatry in the future and this may be explained by their higher acceptance of mental illnesses compared with their cohort.

Our study subjects were medical/nursing students who will become an integral part of the medical team in the future. We hope that the results of this study can be of use in the implementation of future public policies and changes in medical education that promote a higher acceptance of schizophrenia by reducing the stigma associated with it.
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究背景與動機-----------------------------------------------------------------1
第二節 研究目的--------------------------------------------------------------------------4
第三節 研究問題--------------------------------------------------------------------------5
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 第一節 汙名化的概念、定義與影響----------------------------------------6
第二節 思覺失調症的症狀與給予他人的感受--------------------------------------7
第三節 第三節 精神疾病的汙名化---------------------------------------------------10
第四節 精神疾病的社會距離----------------------------------------------------------16
第五節 思覺失調症的汙名化現況及其結果----------------------------------------18
第六節 舊稱精神分裂症的去汙名化-------------------------------------------------20
第三章 研究方法
第一節 研究假設-------------------------------------------------------------------------24
第二節 研究架構-------------------------------------------------------------------------24
第三節 研究對象-------------------------------------------------------------------------25
第四節 研究設計-------------------------------------------------------------------------26
第五節 研究工具-------------------------------------------------------------------------27
第六節 資料分析-------------------------------------------------------------------------31
第四章 研究結果
第一節 社會人口學特性----------------------------------------------------------------33
第二節 精神疾病的接觸經驗----------------------------------------------------------34
第三節 精神分裂症與思覺失調症的公眾汙名比較-------------------------------35
第四節 精神分裂症與思覺失調症的自我汙名比較-------------------------------38
第五節 精神分裂症與思覺失調症的社會距離比較-------------------------------40
第六節 精神分裂症更名為思覺失調症對汙名化與社會距離的影響----------42
第七節 精神分裂症與思覺失調症汙名化比較訪談-------------------------------52
第五章 討論
第一節 第一節 精神分裂症更名為思覺失調症的去汙名化效果----------------57
第二節 精神分裂症更名為思覺失調症的去汙名化效果的影響因素-----------61
第六章 結論
第一節 研究發現--------------------------------------------------------------------------65
第二節 研究特色與貢獻-----------------------------------------------------------------67
第三節 研究限制--------------------------------------------------------------------------67
第四節 建議--------------------------------------------------------------------------------68


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