In this thesis, the author's artworks during year 2010-2014 are discussed. The author takes an accumulation of various aspects of current world as “nature,” and classify this “nature” according to issues of material, technique, phenomenon, culture and production. Six works, including <Museum of Taxidermy>, <Domestication>, <National Freeway 1 Na-tional Park>, <You Are My Nature>, <Debris> and <Coast Mining>, with different forms and issues are focused in this article as a series of inde-pendent chapters, arranged in chronological order of production. In the-se six chapters, via the author's instincts and works' backgrounds, how these works have been done with various techniques is described in de-tail. To better describe origins of these six works, lesser works of <I Don't Know Cruelty>, <Phoenix Thief> and <A Future Hinders Us> are also in-troduced in this article. Later, the author's instincts are validated via ana-lyzing and comparing them with various events in reality and works of other artists. In the conclusion of this thesis, the author goes back to as-pects of art and self, and try to re-think how to build connections be-tween artworks and our society outside motives of those artworks. In such a way, the author tries to identify meanings of “nature” and art-works to individuals.