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研究生(外文):Yeh Ni-Chun
論文名稱(外文):Leisure Benefits and Repurchase Intention of Power Fitness Yoga Members
指導教授(外文):Pi , Lu-Luan
外文關鍵詞:Lu Wen-Hau Power Fitness YogaPhysiological benefitsEducational benefitsRepurchase intentionWord of mouth
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本研究目的在探討強力適能瑜珈課程學員之人口統計變項分佈情形、學員休閒效益與再購意願之現況、不同人口統計變項對休閒效益與再購意願之差異性、休閒效益與再購意願之相關性、休閒效益對再購意願之預測力。本研究採立意抽樣調查法以陸文灝老師之強力適能瑜珈課程北區 (復北、芝山) 教室學員為研究對象。正式問卷共發放355份,回收355份,剔除無效問卷5份,有效回收率為98.6%。並以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析、多元迴歸分析等進行資料分析。其研究結果與討論如下:
一、 強力適能瑜珈課程學員人口統計分佈情形
二、 強力適能瑜珈課程學員休閒效益與再購意願之現況
三、 強力適能瑜珈課程學員在休閒效益與再購意願之差異化
學員之性別、年齡、教育程度、職業、婚姻狀況及每月可支配金額對休閒效益之感受度顯著,未有明顯差異;每週上課次數與年資對休閒效益達顯著性差異; 性別、教育程度與婚姻狀況之再購意願未有顯著性差異;年齡、職業、每週上課次數、年資及每月可支配金額對再購意願達顯著差異。
四、 強力適能瑜珈課程學員在休閒效益與再購意願之相關性
由皮爾森相關分析發現,強力適能瑜珈課程學員之休閒效益與再購意願呈現中度正相關,r= .687,強力 適能瑜珈 課程學員之 休閒效益愈高,再購意願也愈高。
五、 強力適能瑜珈課程學員在休閒效益對再購意願之預測力
多元回歸分析資料以逐步迴歸進行分析發現,強力適能瑜珈課程學員休閒效益對再購意願之預測力,結果:(一)、休閒效益的生理效益、教育效益與美學效益之β係數分別是 .320、 .255與 .147均為正值,對再購意願之「重複購買」的預測力達42.1%解釋變異量。(二)、休閒效益的生理效益、放鬆效益、心理效益與教育效益之β係數分別是 .249、 .182、 .190與 .175均為正值,對再購意願之「推薦他人」的預測力達44.6%解釋變異量,因此強力適能瑜珈課程學員之休閒效益對再購意願具有正向之預測力。

The purpose of this study was to identify the current situation of participants from different backgrounds participating in Power fitness Yoga as well as the relationship among leisure benefits and repurchase intention; difference among leisure benefits and repurchase intention on demographic variables; relativity between leisure benefits and repurchase intention; prediction of leisure benefits and repurchase intention. A questionnaire survey was given to power fitness yoga members by purposive sampling. A questionnaire survey was comprised of 355 participants of the Fu Bei and Zhishan of Lu Wen Hou training center, A total of 350 valid questionnaires were collected with validation rate of 99%. Data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, independent-sample t-test, one way ANOVA, Pearson correlation analysis and multiple step regression analysis. The results are as follows.
1. Demographic Profile of Powerfitness yoga members:
The majority of member’s gender are female, 299 member of 85.4%; the majority of respondents in age from 36~55, 123 members of 35%; 128 participants of 36.6% takes exercise twice a week; For the duration of attending, 37.1%, or 130 students, have joined over 4 years; in term of educational level were 309 peoples (88.3%) indicated having a colleague degree and above; occupational in commercial site were 68 participants(19.4%); marital status were 299 members had married (65.4%) ; 229 members (65.4%) reported their monthly discretionary to be 60,001 and over .
2. Current staus of Leisure benfits and repurchase intention in Powerfitness yoga members:
The means average for each of lesire benefits dimensions was 4.51, each of components factor were higher than 4.0, the highest means average were 4.68 in educational benefits, 4.64 in physiological benefits and 4.63 in aesthetic benefits. it is showed that all particippants having great leisure benefits.
3. Differentiation between Leisure benefits and repurchase intention in Powerfitness yoga memebers:
The members in leisure benefits instrument are not significant different among gender, age, education level, occupation, marital status, discretionary, and significant different among frequency, year to joint exercise program. The members in repurchase instrument are not significant different among gender, education level, marital status, and significant different among age, occupation, frequency, year to joint exercise program, discretionary.
4. Relativity between leisure benefits and repurchase intention in powerfitness yoga members:
Pearson’s correlation showed the leisure benefits and repurchase intention of Power fitness Yoga members involved in positive mild level, the more exercise program they had taken, the more leisure benefits they obtained, and getting higher repurchase intention as well.
5. Prediction of leisure benefits and repurchase intention in Powerfitness yoga members.
Multiple hierarchical regression analysis of the data was conducted, result: (1) The β coefficients of Physiological Benefits, Educational Benefits, Aesthetic Benefits were positive, at .320, .255 and .147. Repurchase intention predicted leisure benefits with 42.1% variance. (2) The β coefficient of Physiological Benefits, Relaxation Benefits, Psychological Benefits, and Educational Benefits were positive at .249, .182, .190 and .175. The word of mouth intention predicted leisure benefits with 44.6% variance.
Conclusion: After taking power fitness yoga course combined with stronger and healthier physical fitness to improve cardiorespiratory endurance, skeletal muscle endurance and muscle strength, flexibility, balance, speed of movement, reaction time, and body composition to reach the best physiological benefits, The contents of the classes make the members have positive attitude and mentally very healthy and can satisfy all levels of demand and sense of achievement of Psychological Benefits, members can also receive health information such as sports medicine theories in helth promotion to reduce sport injuries and disease prevention for getting educational benefits. Students also can enjoy the relaxation benefits of stabilized emotion, healthy state in mind and sleep quality improvement. In addition, with regular exercise program, members were stronger, lost body fat, keep fit and felt much more self-confident to obtain Aesthetic Benefits .
Powerfitness Yoga is an exercise program that is planned, structured, repetitive, and with the primary purpose of improving or maintaining physical fitness, physical performance, or health. This program are both safe and effective for almost every middle and late adulthood of all ages with health concern.
There are numerous benefits to do training program regularly, especially in Physiological, Psychological, Educational, Aesthetic and Relaxation, therefore members would like to repurchase and further recommend the training program to others.

學位論文授權書 ii
學位考試審定書 iii
中文摘要 iii
英文摘要 v
謝 誌 ix
目 錄 xi
表目錄 xiii
圖目錄 xv
第壹章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 4
第三節 研究問題 4
第四節 研究範圍與限制 5
第五節 研究流程 5
第六節 名詞釋義 7
第貳章 文獻探討 9
第一節 強力適能瑜珈課程 9
第二節 休閒效益 20
第三節 再購意願 32
第四節 休閒效益與再購意願之相關研究 37
第參章 研究方法 39
第一節 研究架構 39
第二節 研究工具 40
第三節 預試分析 44
第四節 正式施測與調查 53
第五節 資料分析處理 59
第肆章 研究結果與討論 61
第一節 強力適能瑜珈課程學員人口統計變項分佈情形 61
第二節 強力適能瑜珈課程學員之休閒效益與再購意願現況 68
第三節 強力適能瑜珈課程學員休閒效益與再購意願之差異性 74
第四節 強力適能瑜珈課程學員休閒效益與再購意願之相關性 96
第五節 強力適能瑜珈課程學員之休閒效益對再購意願之預測力 99
第伍章 結論與建議 106
第一節 結論 106
第二節 建議 111
參考文獻 113
一、中文部分 113
二、外文部分 125
附錄 131
附錄一 專家效度問卷 131
附錄二 專家效度意見彙整表 141
附錄三 預試及正式問卷 146

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1. 王怡菁 (2012)。自行車參與者遊憩涉入與休閒場所依戀關係之研究。嘉大體育健康休閒期刊,11(3),54-65。
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