This study investigates the current learning disturbances and the coping strategies of college students. It also analyzes the relationships between learning disturbances and coping strategies, as well as the predictability of coping strategies for learning disturbances. With questionnaire survey, the study recruited 839 students from daytime courses of three universities in Taipei City as study samples. The data obtained are processed and analyzed using statistical methods such as mean, standard deviation, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s product-moment correlation and multiple regression analysis. This study results are as follows: 1. The current learning disturbances level perceived by college students are “moderate to high,” with the “school and social factors” having the highest level of disturbances and the “family factors” having the lowest level of disturbances. 2. There are significant differences in perceived levels of learning disturbances among college students with different academic class rankings. 3. When facing learning disturbances, the frequencies of coping strategies adopted by college students, from high to low, were “active solution,” “resource seeking,” and “emotion venting,” respectively. 4. There are significant differences in adopting coping strategies when facing learning disturbances among college students in different years and with different academic class rankings. 5. There is a positive correlation between the learning disturbances of college students and coping strategies. 6. There is predictability of the coping strategies for college students’ learning disturbances. Based on the research results, this study makes a few suggestions to schools, teachers, college students, and future research.
Keywords: college students, learning disturbances, coping strategies