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研究生(外文):Oleksandra Aleksandrova
論文名稱(外文):The Effect of Ambient and Traditional Advertising on Advertisement Effectiveness: Brand Familiarity and Ad Repetition as Moderators
指導教授(外文):Jun-Fang Liao
外文關鍵詞:ambient advertisingadvertising effectivenessbrand familiarityad repetition
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在廣告混亂程度變高的情況下,要用傳統廣告吸引和抓住消費者的注意力變得越來越難。為了突破廣告混亂、傳達到目標顧客,許多廣告主開始考慮比較特別的傳播方式。眾多方法當中以近年來很普及是環境廣告形式 ,那是一個以家外的創意廣告,其主要目的是在藉由喚起驚奇的情感吸引消費者的注意力。為了更好了解這創新廣告的方式,本研究提出如何檢驗比較環境廣告與傳統家外廣告,就對消費者的態度與購買意願來看其效果。此外,本研究旨在探討品牌熟悉度與廣告重複如何影響環境廣告的效益。為達到這些目的,本研究方法採用實驗室實驗法,並分析408份有效問卷。研究結果指出,看環境廣告的受試者表示比較正面的廣告態度以及比較高的購買意願。然而,不知名品牌使用環境廣告時,比使用傳統家外廣告時,產生的品牌態度更好。本研究發現,在環境廣告時跟在傳統家外廣告時,廣告重複對廣告效果的影響沒有顯著差異。此外,儘管知名品牌的廣告大體上說比較有效,但品牌熟悉度對廣告重複的影響力沒有調節作用。關於品牌熟悉度是否影響廣告方式和品牌態度之間的關係,研究結果不一致。
Due to increasingly high levels of advertising clutter, it is becoming more and more difficult for traditional advertising to attract and hold consumers’ attention. In order to break through the clutter of competing ads and reach their target audiences, many advertisers have begun to consider other, less conventional methods of communication. One of those methods which have gained popularity within past years is ambient advertising – a creative form of out-of-home advertising which aims to grab the attention of consumers by evoking surprise.
To achieve a better understanding of this innovative method, this study sets out to examine how ambient advertising compares to the traditional out-of-home advertising in terms of their effect on consumers’ attitudes and purchase intentions. Furthermore, this research aims to investigate how brand familiarity and the level of ad repetition influence the effectiveness of ambient advertising. To achieve these objectives, the study used two laboratory experiments with 408 participants in total.
The results revealed that the participants who were exposed to the ambient ads instead of traditional ones showed more positive attitudes toward the advertisement and a greater intention to purchase. Additionally, ambient ads led to more favorable attitudes toward unfamiliar brands than typical out-of-home ads. The research found no significant effect of repetition on the performance of ambient and traditional ads. Furthermore, although the ads for familiar brands generally were more effective, brand familiarity did not the moderate the effect of repetition on ad type – advertisement effectiveness relationships. The findings on how brand familiarity influences the relationship between ad type and brand attitude were mixed.
Chapter One: Introduction……………………………………….1
1.1 Research Background and Motivation…………………………………1
1.2 Research Purpose……………………………….………………………3
Chapter Two: Literature Review………………….………………4
2.1 Guerrilla Marketing……………………………………………….……4
2.1.1 History of the Concept…………………………………..……………………...4
2.1.2 Guerrilla Effect…………………………………………….…………………...5
2.2 Ambient Advertising……………………………………………………7
2.2.1 Definition of Ambient Advertising………………………………….………….7
2.2.2 Ambient vs. Traditional Out-of-Home Advertising…………………….………7
2.3 Measurement of Advertising Effectiveness………….………….…..…8
2.3.1 Attitudes toward Advertisement and Brand……………………………….…....8
2.3.2 Purchase Intention……………………………………..……….………….…....9
2.3.3 Effectiveness of Ambient Advertising…...……………………………………10
2.4 Effect of Advertisement Repetition……………………………………12
2.4.1 Berlyne’s Two-Factor Theory…………………………………….…………...13
2.4.2 Previous Research……………………………………………..………………14
2.4.3 Effect of Repetition in Ambient Advertising………………………….………14
2.5 Brand Familiarity………………………………………………………16
2.5.1 Brand Familiarity and Processing of Advertisement…………………….……16
2.5.2 Brand Familiarity and Brand Attitude…………………………….…………..17
2.5.3 Brand Familiarity and Effect of Repetition………………….…......................18
2.6 Conceptual Framework………………………………………………...20
Chapter Three: Methodology…………………………………....21
3.1 Experiment 1…………………………………….………………...…21
3.1.1 Experimental Design…………………………….………………………….…21
3.1.2 Stimuli Development…………………………………………………...……..21
3.1.3 Subjects and Experimental Procedure………………………………………22
3.1.4 Measurement and Scaling………………………………………………….…23
3.1.5 Manipulation Checks…………………………………………………….……24
3.2 Experiment 2………………………………………………………...…24
3.2.1 Experimental Design…………………………….………………………….…24
3.2.2 Stimuli Development…………………………………………………...……..24
3.2.3 Subjects and Experimental Procedure………………………………………25
3.2.4 Measurement and Scaling………………………………………………….…26
3.2.5 Manipulation Checks…………………………………………………….……27
Chapter Four: Analysis…………………………………..............28
4.1 Experiment 1…………………………………….………………...…28
4.1.1 Sample Size and Demographic Characteristics…………………………….…28
4.1.2 Reliability and Validity of Measurements……………………………………..29
4.1.3 Manipulation Check…………………………………………………………...30
4.1.4 Results of Hypotheses Testing……………………………………………...…31
4.2 Experiment 2………………………………………………………...…33
4.2.1 Sample Size and Demographic Characteristics…………………………….…33
4.2.2 Reliability and Validity of Measurements……………………………………..34
4.2.3 Manipulation Check…………………………………………………………...35
4.2.4 Results of Hypotheses Testing……………………………………………...…36

Chapter Five: Discussion and Conclusion………………….……41
5.1 Summary of Results……………………………………………….…...41
5.1.1 Benefits of Ambient Advertising……………………………………………41
5.1.2 Difference in Repetition Effects between Ad Types…………………………..42
5.1.3 Moderating Effect of Brand Familiarity…………….………………………...43
5.2 Practical Implications……………………………………………..........44
5.3 Limitations and Further Research……………………………………...45

Appendix 1: Questionnaire for Experiment 1……………………59
Appendix 2: Stimuli for Experiment 1…………………………...62
Appendix 3: Questionnaire for Experiment 2……………………64
Appendix 4: Stimuli for Experiment 2…………………………...67
Appendix 5: Descriptive Statistics for Dependent Variables….…69
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1. 影響延伸態度之因素探討-以品牌熟悉度與品牌承諾為干擾變數
2. 敘事廣告副文本放置有無與時間點對品牌態度之影響-以感知廣告真實性、廣告操弄意圖推論、轉移、廣告態度為中介
3. 網路影音廣告之廣告內容、網頁相關性與廣告涉入對廣告效果之影響
4. 幽默廣告類型對廣告效果之影響 : 以恐懼訴求與訊息正反性為干擾變項
5. 外來語對廣告態度的影響:以消費者品牌熟悉度與規範焦點為干擾變數
6. 代言人可信度與品牌形象之關係:品牌熟悉度之干擾角色
7. 隱喻式平面廣告之視覺圖像與標題對廣告效果的影響—探討消費者之廣告態度、品牌態度、廣告記憶與購買意願
8. 品牌熟悉度對於網路購物推薦機制輔助消費者購物決策滿意度之影響
9. 網路廣告設計呈現方式對廣告價值,廣告效果的影響-以產品涉入與廣告涉入為干擾效果之探討
10. 美食觀光目的地品牌熟悉度、品牌權益與旅遊意願關係之研究
11. 行動與傳統廣告之效果差異研究─以MMS與DM廣告為主
12. 行動廣告市場之現況與未來發展 ─ 行動媒體、媒體代理與廣告效益評估
13. 廣告公司的公司廣告:台灣廣告代理商企業形象平面廣告內容分析(1977-2008)
14. 價格促銷、品牌熟悉度與消費者知覺促銷利益對品牌評價的影響-以台北市連鎖便利商店促銷活動為例
15. 成分品牌策略與產品知識、品牌熟悉度對品牌認同度影響之研究