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研究生(外文):Huang, Kai-Yu
論文名稱(外文):The study of the performance by combined photoelectrochemical technology to remove polyvinyl alcohol
指導教授(外文):Shu, Chi-MinChou, Wei-Lung
口試委員(外文):Wang. Chih-TaYou, Mei-LiHsieh, Tung-Feng
外文關鍵詞:mediated electrochemical oxidation (MEO)photo electrochemicaloxidation (PEO)paired photo electrochemical oxidation processCerium(IV)
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研究主要分為四個部分,第一部分為以硫酸鈰直接氧化PVA之動力學機制探討;第二部分為MEO產生鈰(IV)來去除溶液中之PVA,並利用不同溫度來求得在反應過程中之反應動力學及活化能;第三部分為藉由PEO程序所產生之OH˙來去除PVA,且探討不同UV光強度對去除PVA之影響;第四部份為將MEO與PEO程序合併形成一成對光電化學氧化系統,改變不同操作參數來同時去除溶液中之PVA,實驗結果顯示,最適化之操作參數分別為電流密度3 mA cm-2、鈰(III)濃度0.01 M、硝酸濃度 0.3 M、氧氣流速500 cm3 min-1及UV光強度1.2 mW cm-2,並探討PVA被礦化之影響,最後將比較分離槽與非分離槽之成對光電化學反應系統之優劣。

Various types of synthetic polymers have been used in industries, including polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), polyvinyl chloride (PVC), and polypropylene (PP) for manufacturing products. PVA is a water-soluble polymer, commonly used as a sizing agent in the textile, paper-coating, and polarizing film light in liquid crystal displays (LCDs). However, a large number of discharge wastewaters that are difficult to degrade using biological treatment. Therefore, advanced oxidation process is the best method for wastewater treatment. According to different classification of reaction mecanisms, mediated electrochemical oxidation (MEO) and photo electrochemical oxidation (PEO) have rarely used in treating PVA wastewater. This study investigated the removal of PVA from wastewater by paired photo electrochemical oxidation system, in which employing metal redox mediators with high redox potential for MEO process and UV assisted photo electrochemical oxidation. The tasks also included the comparisons of efficiencies in different processes and determine the optimum conditions. Based on the results, the feasibility of this study by paired photo electrochemical oxidation process in situ was evaluated.
The research was divided into four parts: First, the kinetic mechanism for direct oxidation of PVA by cerium sulfate is dicussed; in second part, the electrogeneration of Ce (IV) can effectively remove PVA from the Ce (III) by the anodic MEO process. In addition, the kinetic constants for the removal of PVA are determined and the activation energy is also calculated for the MEO process; the third part, the hydroxyl free radicals are produced by PEO process, and investigated for various UV ligt intensities to evaluate the influence on te removal efficiency of PVA; Finally, the synergistic effect of combination process of MEO and PEO would be a paired photo electrochemical oxidation system for the removal efficiency of PVA. The optimum current density, Ce (III) concentration, nitric acid concentration, oxygen flow rate, and UV irradiation intensity are found to be 3 mA cm-2, 0.01 M, 500 cm3 min-1, and 1.2 mW cm-2, respectively. Eventually, the performance of comparisons with divided and undivided cell would be also investigated in this thesis.

中文摘要 i
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 viii
第一章 前言 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 含聚乙烯醇之廢水 2
1.3 研究動機與目的 2
第二章、文獻回顧 4
2.1 聚乙烯醇 4
2.1.1簡介 4
2.1.2聚乙烯醇廢水處理之文獻回顧 5
2.2 高級氧化技術之介紹與應用 9
2.3 芬頓(Fenton)程序 11
2.3.1 傳統芬頓程序 11
2.3.2 電芬頓(Electro-Fenton)程序 13
2.3.3 光芬頓(photo-Fenton)程序 14
2.4 電解氧化法 17
2.4.1 直接電解氧化(direct electrolysis oxidation,DEO) 18
2.4.2 間接電解氧化(Indirect Electrolysis Oxidation,IEO) 20
2.4.3 金屬媒子之電解氧化程序 21
2.4.4 影響媒介物電解氧化程序處理效率之操作參數 26
2.5 光催化反應程序 28
2.5.1 紫外光特性 28
2.5.2 光化學反應理論 29
2.5.3 過氧化氫(Hydrogen peroxide, H2O2) 31
2.5.4 UV/H2O2氧化程序 31
2.5.5 影響UV/H2O2氧化程序之參數 33
2.5.6 O2於陰極電解還原形成H2O2之理論 34
第三章、研究方法及設備材料 36
3.1研究流程 36
3.2 實驗藥品與設備 38
3.2.1實驗藥品 38
3.2.2實驗設備 38
3.3 實驗方法及步驟 39
3.3.1 PVA廢水之基本性質測試 39
3.3.2電極與活化陽離子膜之前處理 40
3.3.3非分離槽反應裝置與操作 40
3.3.4分離槽反應裝置與操作 42
3.3.5 直接氧化、MEO與PEO程序之反應機制探討 43
3.4 實驗儀器分析原理與量測 43
3.4.1 紫外光分光光度計 (UV/Vis spectrophotometer) 43
3.4.2 Ce(IV)濃度測定 46
3.4.3 H2O2濃度測定 46
3.4.4 COD量測原理 46
3.4.5 TOC量測原理 47
第四章、結果與討論 48
4.1 以硫酸鈰(IV)直接氧化聚乙烯醇 48
4.1.1反應機構及動力理論分析 48
4.1.2聚乙烯醇濃度之影響 50
4.1.3硫酸鈰(IV)濃度之影響 53
4.1.4硝酸濃度之影響 54
4.1.5溫度之影響 56
4.2陽極—媒介物電化學氧化程序(MEO) 58
4.2.1 電流及電解時間對鈰(III)氧化之影響 58
4.2.2 電流之影響 59
4.2.3 硝酸濃度之影響 61
4.2.4 溶液溫度之影響 63
4.2.5以媒介物電化學氧化技術(MEO)去除PVA之動力機制探討 64
4.3 陰極—光電化學氧化程序(PEO) 66
4.3.1 不同陰極材料對過氧化氫產生量之影響 66
4.3.2 各種參數對過氧化氫產生量之影響 67 電流密度之影響 67 氧氣流速之影響 68 溶液pH之影響 69 電解質之影響 70
4.3.3 光化學氧化法去除PVA 71 UV光照射對過氧化氫之影響 71 UV光強度之影響 72 光電化學氧化系統去除PVA之動力機制分析 73
4.4 成對電化學反應系統處理聚乙烯醇 75
4.4.1電流密度效應之探討 75 電流密度對PVA去除效率之影響 75 電能消耗與電流效率之評估 78
4.4.2不同鈰(III)濃度之探討 80 鈰(III)濃度對PVA去除效率之影響 80 電能消耗與電流效率之評估 82
4.4.3不同硝酸濃度之探討 84 硝酸濃度對PVA去除效率之影響 84 電能消耗與電流效率之評估 86
4.4.4不同氧氣流速之探討 87 氧氣流速對PVA去除效率之影響 87 電能消耗與電流效率之評估 89
4.4.5不同UV光強度之探討 91 UV光強度對PVA去除效率之影響 91 電能消耗與電流效率之評估 93
4.4.6 PVA之礦化效果 95
4.4.7成對電化學反應系統之反應槽比較 96
第五章、結論與建議 98
5.1 硫酸鈰直接氧化聚乙烯醇 98
5.2 以MEO程序去除聚乙烯醇 98
5.3 以PEO程序去除聚乙烯醇 98
5.4 以成對光電化學系統去除聚乙烯醇 99
參考文獻 100

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