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研究生(外文):Chia -Yun Wu
論文名稱(外文):An Empirical Study of Service Innovation Model in Insurance Financial Industry
外文關鍵詞:Finance and Insurance IndustryService InnovationInnovationAHP
  • 被引用被引用:3
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關鍵詞: 金融保險業、服務創新、創新、層級分析法(AHP)

This research mainly discussed the service innovation model in Taiwan’s finance and insurance industry through in-depth interviewing 12 C-level executives within industry, to build the analytic structure of service innovation model in Taiwan’s finance and insurance industry, and further determined relative weights of each dimension through analytic hierarchy process (AHP).
Reviewing related literature and conducting experimental verification through expert questionnaires and AHP, this research brought out five ositions: (1) In the main dimensions from service innovation model in Taiwan’s finance and insurance industry, the most significant dimension is “novelty of service in the market” rather than “service recovery”, “novelty of service in the company” and “novelty of service delivery.” (2) In the main dimensions from service innovation model in Taiwan’s finance and insurance industry, “service quality” is the most important factor in dimension of “novelty of service delivery.” (3) In the main dimensions from service innovation model in Taiwan’s finance and insurance industry, “new product and service development” is the most important factor in dimension of “service recovery.” (4) In the main dimensions from service innovation model in Taiwan’s finance and insurance industry, “developing breakthrough new products and service” is the most important factor in dimension of “novelty of service in the market.” (5) In the main dimensions from service innovation model in Taiwan’s finance and insurance industry, “keeping innovation” is the most important factor in dimension of “novelty of service in the company.”
Keywords: Finance and Insurance Industry, Service Innovation, Innovation, AHP

第一章 緒論
第一節 研究背景與動機 2
第二節 研究目的 10
第三節 研究範圍 10
第四節 研究結構 12
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 服務 14
第二節 台灣金融保險業 17
第三節 創新 19
第四節 服務創新 29
第三章 服務創新模式之建構
第一節 研究架構與流程 32
第二節 研究對象與AHP問卷設計 34
第三節 服務創新衡量模式之實證分析 37
第四章 結論與建議
第一節 研究結果與發現 44
第二節 對後續研究者之建議 46
參考文獻 47
附錄一 AHP問卷填答者名單 54
附錄二 AHP問卷 55

附錄三 AHP統計結果 65

表1 1-1 行政院主計處依行業別統計國內生產毛額表 4
表1-1 2 服務業結構表 5
表1-1 3 各企業在服務創新之案例 8
表1-3 1 研究範圍 11
表1-4-1 研究流程圖 13
表2-1-1 服務的定義 15
表2 2-1 台灣保險業之歷史沿革 17
表2-3-1 創新的定義 21
表2-3-2 創新之分類 25
表2-4-1 比較G-D邏輯與S-D邏輯概念 31
表3-3-1 「評估主準則」之相對權重 38
表3-3-2 「評估指標」之相對權重 39

圖1-4 1 研究流程圖 13
圖2-3-1 產品創新矩陣 24
圖2 3-2 創新架構 24
圖2-4 1 服務創新的流程 30
圖3-1-1 理論基礎架構圖 33

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