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研究生(外文):Chien-Yun Peng
論文名稱(外文):Individual Differences: Taiwanese College Students’ Learning Style Preference, Learning Strategy Use, and Their English Reading Performance
指導教授(外文):Hui-Chun Liu
外文關鍵詞:learning style preferencelearning strategy useEnglish reading performanceTaiwanese college students
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長期以來,第二語言學習的研究持續關注學習者在學習風格及學習策略使用之個別差異、與它們對語言學習成果的可能影響。本研究的三個具體目標如下: (一) 分析台灣大學生的英語學習風格偏好和找出他們的偏好與英文閱讀表現之關聯、(二) 歸納台灣大學生英語學習策略的使用頻率和找出他們的學習策略的使用和英文閱讀表現之關聯、及(三) 探究台灣大學生英語學習風格偏好和學習策略使用的相關性。70位非英文系的台灣大學生參與本研究。本研究使用 (一) Reid’s (1984) 感知學習風格偏好問卷、 (二) Oxford’s (1989) 語言學習策略量表、及 (三)中級全民英語能力分級閱讀理解測驗為測量工具。問卷的分析藉由描述性統計和相關性分析執行以探究研究問題。 本研究之主要結果有五項: (一)台灣大學生整體位於次要學習風格偏好,且他們最偏好聽覺學習風格,最不偏好個別學習風格、(二)聽覺學習風格與台灣大學生之英文閱讀表現有中度正相關、(三)整體來說,台灣大學生經常使用學習策略,且他們最常使用補償策略,最不常使用情意策略、(四)台灣大學生之情意策略使用與英文閱讀表現有中度負相關、及(五)台灣大學生之動覺與觸覺學習風格與記憶、後設認知、社交、及情意學習策略的使用存在顯著相關。研究結果建議台灣的大學英文老師在教學活動的設計上,結合學生的學習風格偏好和學習策略使用之訓練。此外,大學生應該積極去了解自己的學習風格偏好與學習策略使用,善用偏好的學習風格,並藉由不同課堂活動主動運用適當的學習策略。


For many years, research in second language learning has been focusing on the role of individual differences in learning style and learning strategy use and how it may affect the language learning outcome. Specifically, this study has three research goals: (a) to identify Taiwanese college students’ learning style preferences, and its relationship with their English reading performance, (b) to report the use of learning strategies by Taiwanese college students and its relationship with their English reading performance, and (c) to explore the relationship between learning style preference and the learning strategy use of Taiwanese college students. A total of 70 non-English major Taiwanese college students participated in the study. Reid’s (1984) Perceptual Learning-Style Preference Questionnaire (PLSPQ), Oxford’s (1989) Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL), and the reading section of an intermediate-level General English Proficiency Test developed by The Language Training and Testing Center in Taiwan were employed as study instruments. Summary statistics and correlational analyses were performed to address the proposed research questions. Five major findings were identified in the current study: (a) Taiwanese college students were found to be at minor level of learning styles overall, and specifically, they preferred the auditory style the most and the individual style the least, (b) a positive, moderate relationship was found between the auditory style and Taiwanese college students’ English reading performance, (c) Taiwanese college students in general were found to employ learning strategies at a medium level and they used compensation strategies most frequently and affective strategies the least frequently, (d) a negative, moderate correlation was identified between the use of affective strategies and Taiwanese college students’ English reading performance, and (e) in general, only the kinesthetic style and the tactile style were found to be significantly correlated with Taiwanese college students’ use of memory, metacognitive, social, and affective strategies. The findings suggested that college English teachers in Taiwan should take students’ learning style preference and learning strategy use in training into consideration when they design their instructional tasks. In addition, college students should be encouraged to become more aware of their own learning styles and the use of learning strategies, to take advantage of their preferred learning styles, and to actively employ learning strategies when engaging in different class activities.



1.1 Background of the Study...1
1.2 Significance of the Study...3
1.3 Research Questions...4
1.4 Operationalization of Terms...5
1.4.1 Learning Style...5
1.4.2 Learning Strategy...6
1.4.3 Reading Comprehension...7

2.1 The Role of Learning Style in Language Learning...8
2.1.1 Learning Style, General Academic Achievement, and English Reading Comprehension Performance...8
2.1.2 Learning Style and Its Measurement...13
2.2 The Role of Learning Strategy in Language Learning...14
2.2.1 Learning Strategy, General English Proficiency, and English Reading Comprehension Performance...14
2.2.2 Learning Strategy and Its Measurement...18
2.3 Learning Style, Learning Strategy, and Language Learning...19
2.3.1 Relationship between Learning Style and Language Learning Strategy...20

3.1 Participants...25
3.2 Instruments...25
3.2.1 Questionnaire: Perceptual Learning Style Preference Questionnaire (PLSPQ)...25
3.2.2 Questionnaire: Strategy Inventory for Language Learning
3.2.3 Reading Comprehension Test: General English Proficiency Test (GEPT)...30
3.3 Data Collection Procedures...31
3.3.1 The Pilot Study...31
3.3.2 The Formal Study...32
3.4 Data Analyses...35

4.1 Taiwanese College Students’ Learning Style Preference and Their English Reading Performance...37
4.1.1 Taiwanese College Students’ Overall Learning Style Preference...37 Results of Overall Learning Style Preference Distribution...37 Discussion on the Findings of Language Learning Style Preferences...41
4.1.2 Relationship between Learning Style Preference and English Reading Performance...44 Results of the Relationship between Learning Style Preference and English Reading Performance...44 Discussion on the Findings of the Relationship between Learning Style Preference and English Reading Performance...47
4.2 Taiwanese College Students’ Learning Strategy Use and Their English Reading Performance...49
4.2.1 Taiwanese College Students’ Overall Learning Strategy Use...49 Results of Overall Learning Strategy Use Distribution...49 Discussion on the Findings of Language Learning Strategy Use...56
4.2.2 Relationship between Learning Strategy Use and English Reading Performance...58 Results of the Relationship between Learning Strategy Use and English Reading Performance...58 Discussion on the Findings of the Relationship between Learning Strategy Use and English Reading Performance...60
4.3 Relationship between Taiwanese College Students’ Learning Style Preference and Learning Strategy Use...61
4.3.1 Results of the Relationship between Learning Style Preference and Learning Strategy Use...61
4.3.2 Discussion on the Findings of the Relationship between Learning Style Preference and Learning Strategy Use...63

5.1 Summary of Major Findings...66
5.2 Pedagogical Implications...67
5.3 Limitations of This Study and Recommendations for Future Studies...69

Appendix A: The Perceptual Learning Style Preference Questionnaire
( English Version)...82
Appendix B: The Perceptual Learning Style Preference Questionnaire
(Chinese Version)...86
Appendix C: The Strategy Inventory for Language Learning
(English Version)...88
Appendix D: The Strategy Inventory for Language Learning
(Chinese Version)...94
Appendix E: GEPT Reading Comprehension Test...100
Appendix F: Consent Form...112
Appendix G: Mean and Standard Deviation for Each Category in the PLSPQ...113
Appendix H: Mean and Standard Deviation for Each Category in the SILL...115
Appendix I: Participants’ Feedback on Item 51 in Chinese Version of Strategy Inventory for Language Learning...117

Table 1 Specification on Perceptual Learning Style Preference Questionnaire Items...26
Table 2 The Five-Point Likert-Scale Perceptual Learning Style Preference Questionnaire...27
Table 3 Specification on the Strategy Inventory for Language Learning Items...28
Table 4 The Five-Point Likert-Scale Strategy Inventory for Language Learning...29
Table 5 The Number of the Participants in the Pilot Study...31
Table 6 Reliability Statistics of the Pilot Study in the PLSPQ...32
Table 7 Reliability Statistics of the Pilot Study in the SILL...32
Table 8 Four-Phases for Formal Data Collection Procedure ...33
Table 9 Number of the Participants in the Formal Study ...34
Table 10 Participants'' Performance on the GEPT Reading Test...34
Table 11 PLSPQ''s Reliability Statistics in the Formal Study...34
Table 12 SILL''s Reliability Statistics in the Formal Study...35
Table 13 Data Analyses for Research Questions of This Study...36
Table 14 Taiwanese College Students’ Learning Style Preference Distribution...38
Table 15 Study Participants’ Learning Style Preference Distribution...39
Table 16 Item Analysis Results of the Six Learning Styles...40
Table 17 Relationship between Learning Style and English Reading Performance...45
Table 18 Distribution of Learning Strategy Used by Taiwanese college students...50
Table 19 Study Participants’ Learning Strategy Use Distribution...51
Table 20 Item Analysis for the Six Learning Strategy Types...53
Table 21 Analyzing the Relationship between Learning Strategy and English Reading Performance...59
Table 22 Correlation between Learning Style Preference and Learning Strategy Use...62

Figure 1. Learning Strategy Use Distribution on the Open-ended Question (Item 51)...54


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