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論文名稱(外文):A New Consulting Structure for a Specific Market in Brazil
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In the last decades, the changes on the competitive environment of the corporations supplied opportunities for the development of many sector in the economy. The management-consulting firms highly benefited in this context. The main consulting firms in the industry expanded their activities to various regions of the world, gaining exposure in the corporate world. Considering this situation, the main objectives of this study is to understand how the Brazilian market behaves with consulting firms, if the existent services supplies the needs of the companies, which are the main differential factor for a consulting firm and if the structures that are being used are adequate for the scenario they are in. Another objective of this study is to propose a new structure for the consulting industry. Clearly defined as an exploratory research and with consciousness of the methodological and conceptual limitations that surround this study, the generalization of the results is not shimmered. The information that made possible to conclude this study was collected through literatures and interviews in order to enhance the knowledge about the industry and make the objectives possible to be reached.
In the last decades, the changes on the competitive environment of the corporations supplied opportunities for the development of many sector in the economy. The management-consulting firms highly benefited in this context. The main consulting firms in the industry expanded their activities to various regions of the world, gaining exposure in the corporate world. Considering this situation, the main objectives of this study is to understand how the Brazilian market behaves with consulting firms, if the existent services supplies the needs of the companies, which are the main differential factor for a consulting firm and if the structures that are being used are adequate for the scenario they are in. Another objective of this study is to propose a new structure for the consulting industry. Clearly defined as an exploratory research and with consciousness of the methodological and conceptual limitations that surround this study, the generalization of the results is not shimmered. The information that made possible to conclude this study was collected through literatures and interviews in order to enhance the knowledge about the industry and make the objectives possible to be reached.
I. Introduction…………………………………………………………...…..……1
1.1 Research Problem….……………………………………………...…..…1
1.2 Research Objectives………………………..…………………….….......3
II. Literature Review………………………………………………………...……5
2.1 The Consulting Industry…………………………………………...…….5
2.1.1 What is a consulting firm……………………………………........5
2.2 The Management Consultant Profession………………………...…........7
2.2.1 Reasons for the Existence of Consulting Services………………10
2.2.2 Reasons to use the consulting firm services …………………….11
2.3 Types of Consulting Firms and the Main Brands on the Market………12
2.3.1 Consulting Firms Structure Division…………………..……..…13
2.4 The Consulting Process……………………………………………...…21
2.5 The Consulting Sector in Brazil………………………………………..25
III. Research Methodology………………………..………………………..…...28
3.1 Characterization of the Research……………………………………….28
3.2 Individual Interviews……………………………………………….......29
3.3 Questionnaire Structure………………………………………………...33
IV. Interview Analysis……..………………………..………………………..…33
4.1 Interviewees Background….…………………………………………...33
4.2 Interview Contents…………………………………………………......34
4.3 Interview Question Analysis…………………………………………...35
V. Conclusion………………………...…………………………………………38

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