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論文名稱(外文):The Effect of Implicit Theories of Intelligence on Positive and Negative Affect at Work in Healthcare Professionals: The Roles of Work Stress and Rumination as Moderators
外文關鍵詞:implicit theory of intelligence,positive and negative affect,work stress,positive and negative affectwork stressrumination
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Previous reseach regarding the effect of implicit theories of intelligence on positive and negative affect showed equivocal results. The discrepancies might be resulted from not taking into account individual work stress and rumination. The present study tried to investigate how implicit theories of intelligence affected positive and negative affect at work in healthcare professionals. It also explored if work stress and rumination played moderating roles in the effect of implicit theories of intelligence on positive and negative affect at work in healthcare professionals. The study recruited 200 participants working in 4 district hospitals in central Taiwan and administered them questionnaires as study instruments.The study results showed:1.Facing increasing work stress, healthcare professionals’ positive affect at work decreases and negative affect increases. 2. When healthcare professionals ruminated more, they had more negative affect. 3. As for positive affect, if individual facing low work stress, those who holding incremental view would have more positive affect at work than those holding entity view. The degree of rumination did not have effect on affect. Furthermore, if facing high work stress, those who ruminated less and held incremental view would have more positive affect than those held entity view. For those ruminated more and facing high work stress, holding incremental view would have less positive affect than their counterparts. 4. As for negative affect, if individual facing low work stress, those who holding incremental view would have more negative affect than those holding entity view. The degree of rumination did not have effect on affect. Furthermore, if facing high work stress, those who ruminated less and held incremental view would have more negative affect than those held entity view. For those ruminated more and facing high work stress, holding incremental view would have less negative affect than their counterparts.Finally, the present study had discussion from theorectical and practical perspectives and provided suggestions for application of the resultes and future study.

第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
一、醫療人員執行工作時的正負向情緒影響深遠 1
二、智力內隱理論對正負向情緒影響沒有明確定論 2
三、過去研究並未考量工作壓力在智力內隱理論與正負向情緒關係中的角色 4
四、過去研究並未考量反芻思考在智力內隱理論與正負向情緒關係中的角色 6
五、小結 8
第二節 研究問題與目的 9
一、研究問題 9
二、研究目的 9
第二章 文獻探討 11
第一節 醫療人員智力內隱理論對工作正負向情緒的影響 11
一、醫療人員工作的正負向情緒界定 11
二、醫療人員智力內隱理論的界定 13
三、醫療人員智力內隱理論對正負向情緒影響 15
第二節 醫療人員工作壓力及反芻思考與正負向情緒之間的關係 17
一、工作壓力界定與對正負向情緒的影響 17
二、反芻思考界定與對正負向情緒的影響 20
三、工作壓力及反芻思考對智力內隱理論與正負向情緒間關係的調節效果 24
第三節 文獻總結 27
第三章 研究方法 29
第一節 研究架構與預測 29
第二節 研究對象 31
第三節 研究工具 32
第四節 研究程序 38
第四章 研究結果 39
第一節 描述統計與相關分析 39
第二節 主要研究結果 40
一、工作壓力及反芻思考對醫護人員智力內隱理論與工作正向情緒的調節效果 40
二、工作壓力及反芻思考對醫護人員智力內隱理論與工作負向情緒具調節效果 44
第五章 研究討論 48
第一節 研究結果的意涵 48
一、醫療人員工作壓力對正負向情緒的影響 48
二、醫療人員反芻思考對工作負向情緒的正向影響 49
三、工作壓力及反芻思考對醫療人員智力內隱理論與工作正負向情緒具調節效果 50
第二節 研究建議 53
一、研究結果應用建議 53
二、未來研究建議 55
參考文獻 57
一、中文部分 57
二、英文部份 60
自我觀念與生活態度調查表 64

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