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研究生(外文):HUANG, SHI-YI
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Middle-Aged Female Using in Visual Assistive Product
指導教授(外文):YEH, PO-CHAN
外文關鍵詞:Middle-agedFemaleVisual assistive devices
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視覺是對外互動最頻繁的感官系統,根據調查發現視覺退化由40 歲開始產生,其後,更隨著年齡增長而日趨嚴重,然而,部分中高齡者於初期退化受心理因素或視覺輔具造型不優,而帶來他人之異樣眼光,而放棄使用視覺輔具,導致視力退化加劇,其中,女性之中高齡者更是如此,因此本研究目的為設計一符合中高齡女性之視覺輔具,因此了解視覺輔具的特性、使用情況,以及中高齡者女性之生心理層面,成為本研究一重要課題。
本研究依序以問卷調查、訪談與偏好度評估研究,了解中高女性偏好之視覺輔具,問卷調查主要了解現行視覺輔具使用現況、需求及期望設計;訪談則針對材質、成本與偏好風格進行探討;偏好度評估方式為實驗美學,為驗證本研究設計之款式與市售視覺輔具偏好差異。結果發現:(1) 外觀偏好紅色金屬並搭配銀色鍊子,款式具有裝飾性與獨特性之設計;(2) 售價在 500 元內為優先考量,外框造型與素色則利於搭配服飾;(3) 教育程度較高且月收入 4 到 5 萬者,除了外觀外,亦重視其實用性。
本研究針對中高齡女性之視覺輔具設計建議為:(1) 著重於手持舒適與外觀美感,並可附加鏈子配戴;(2) 應考量體積輕巧、攜帶便利、實用性與舒適性。
Vision is a sensory system which interacts with the external most frequently. According to survey, it is found that visual deterioration started from the age of 40 and will become worse gradually when people get older. However, in the initial stage of deterioration, part of the middle-aged people give up using the visual assistive devices due to psychological factors or because of the unappealing design of the visual assistive devices leading to odd stares from the others. As a result, their eyesight deteriorated dramatically. This happened particularly to the middle-aged females. Hence, the objective of this study is to design a visual assistive device suitable for the middle-aged females. Therefore to understand the characteristics of the visual assistive devices, their usage and both the physical and psychological aspects of the middle-aged females become important subjects of this study.
This study tried to understand the visual assistive devices preferred by the middle-aged females by means of questionnaire surveys, interviews and preference assessment studies in sequence. We tried to understand via questionnaire surveys mainly the current usage of visual assistive devices, demands and expected designs for them whereas the interviews explored focusing on material, cost and preferred style. The means of preference assessment is experimental aesthetics to verify the differences in preference between the styles of visual assistive device designed by this study and those being sold in the market. The results showed that : (1) In the aspect of appearance, they preferred red metal with silver chains and also decorative and unique design in style; (2) priority will be given to devices with selling price within 500 dollars, style of the frames and plain colors facilitate the matching of clothing; (3) females with higher educational level with monthly salary of 40,000 to 50,000 not only care about the appearance of the devices but also their practicalities.
Suggestions of this study on the design of the visual assistive devices catered for the middle-aged females are : (1) Focus on comfortable carrying and appealing appearance, and can be attached with chains for use ; (2) should consider something light and small in size, portable, practical and comfortable.
摘要 i
謝誌 iv
目錄 v
表目錄 ix
圖目錄 xi
第壹章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機 1
第三節 研究目的 2
第四節 研究限制 3
第五節 研究架構 3
第貳章 文獻探討 6
第一節 社會現況 6
第二節 中高齡 12
第三節 輔具相關 15
一、視覺輔具種類 15
二、視覺輔具特性 17
第四節 心理特性 17
第五節 產品設計 22
一、視覺 23
二、手部 23
第六節 文獻小結 26
第參章 現況與前期研究 27
第一節 視覺輔具使用之問卷調查 27
一、受試對象 27
二、研究設計 28
三、分析方法 28
四、結果 29
五、小結 33
第二節 市售視覺輔具之現況調查 33
一、受試對象 34
二、研究設計 34
三、分析方法 34
四、結果 35
五、小結 36
第三節 專家訪談 36
一、訪談對象與內容 37
二、訪談結果 38
三、訪談小結 43
第肆章 設計與評估研究 45
第一節 表現形式與草圖發想 45
第二節 材料與技法 48
一、材料與工具 49
二、技法步驟說明 50
三、小結 55
第三節 評估方法 55
一、受試圖卡 56
二、受試對象 57
三、研究設計 57
四、分析方法 59
五、結果 59
六、小結 68
第伍章 結論與建議 70
第一節 結論 70
一、外觀層面 71
二、心理層面 71
三、整體偏好 72
第二節 未來研究與建議 72
參考文獻 74
附錄一、視覺輔具使用之問卷調查 82
附錄二、市售視覺輔具滿意度之問卷調查 87
附錄三、項鍊式視覺輔具之偏好度問卷調查 88
附錄四、訪談逐字搞 90

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