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研究生(外文):Po-Chung Yen
論文名稱(外文):Study on the Heat Treatment Improvement of Directionally Solidified High Entropy Ni-based Superalloy
指導教授(外文):Sheng-Rui Jian
外文關鍵詞:Directional solidificationheat treatmentsuperalloyhigh entropy alloy
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同比例添加,設計出三種不同比例的鎳基高熵超合金:HESA-A 只添加了
2wt.%的鉭而沒有鈮;而HESA-C 只添加了2wt.%的鈮而沒有鉭;HESA-B 則是鉭跟鈮各添加了1wt.%。透過不同熱處理溫度以及元素添加的變化,來探討其微觀組織及機械性質上的影響。研究發現,經過固溶熱處理1210℃後,強化相γ''已幾乎被溶回γ 基地中;而從不同溫度之時效熱處理的變化顯示,在900C 單時效及900C/750C 雙時效硬度值都超過了400HV,其中以900C/750C 雙時效的硬度值為最高,且其γ''體積分率亦為最高。而從合金設計元素添加的變化中發現,HESA-A 碳化物中的鉭含量高達48.81wt.%,HESA-B 碳化物中的鉭含量是27.82wt.%、鈮含量有20.81wt.%,HESA-C 碳化物中的鈮含量高達47.78 wt.%。從元素分佈分析探討γ´及γ 之間元素的含量變化得知,HESA-A因為添加了2wt.%的鉭,所以偏向γ´相的含量比HESA-B還要來的高,而HESA-C 因為添加了2wt.%的鈮,所以偏向γ´相的含量亦比HESA-B 還要來的高。另外,HESA-C 的鎢元素偏向在γ 基地相因為添加了鈮2wt.%但沒有添加鉭,而HESA-A 及HESA-B 的鎢元素卻仍然留在γ´相。

In this study, nickel (Ni) as a base, by adding about ten elements and through software calculation, three kinds of nickel-based high-entropy superalloys were designed, namely, HESA-A only adds 2wt.% tantalum and no niobium, while HESA-C only adds 2wt.% of niobium and no tantalum, whereas HESA-B is added to each of tantalum and niobium with 1wt.%. Through different heat treatment temperatures and changes in the added element, microstructures are inspected and mechanical properties are investigated. The study found that after 1210C solution heat treatment, strengthening phase γ'' has almost dissolved back to γbase phase, in addition hardness values exceed 400HV for both aging heat treatments at 900C single aging and 900C/750C double aging, where the hardness value of 900C/750C double aging is the highest one, nevertheless the γ'' volume fraction of it is also the highest one. From the differences of added elements due to the alloy design of three nickel-based high-entropy superalloys, tantalum content of HESA-A carbides is 48.81wt.%, tantalum and niobium contents of HESA-B carbides are respectively 27.82wt.% and 20.81wt.%, niobium content of HESA-C carbides is 47.78 wt.%. From the partition analysis of element concentration between γ'' and γ, because of adding 1wt.% more tantalum and no niobium, HESA-A shows higher content of tantalum in γ'' phase than that of HESA-B, and HESA-C also shows higher content of niobium in γ'' phase than that of HESA-B because of adding 1wt.% more niobium but no tantalum. Furthermore, tungsten in HESA-C moves to the γ
base phase because of adding 2wt.% niobium but no tantalum, whereas tungsten remains in the γ'' phase in both cases of HESA-A and HESA-B.

摘要 .......................................................................................................... I
Abstract ............................................................................................................ II
致 謝........................................................................................................III
總目錄 .............................................................................................................V
表目錄 .......................................................................................................... VII
圖目錄 .........................................................................................................VIII
第一章 緒論 ....................................................................................................1
第二章 文獻回顧............................................................................................6
2-1 鎳基超合金.........................................................................................6
2-2 材料介紹.............................................................................................6
2-3 多元高熵合金.....................................................................................7
2-3-1 高熵效應..................................................................................7
2-3-2 嚴重晶格應變效應..................................................................8
2-3-3 遲緩擴散效應..........................................................................8
2-3-4 雞尾酒效應..............................................................................9
2-4 超合金的鑄造製程...........................................................................10
2-5 單方向凝固製程...............................................................................11
2-6 鎳基超合金的析出相與強化機構...................................................11
2-7 熱處理對鎳基超合金的影響...........................................................13
第三章 實驗材料與步驟..............................................................................23
3-1 實驗材料...........................................................................................23
3-2 實驗試片製作...................................................................................23
3-3 固溶、時效熱處理...........................................................................24
3-4 硬度測試...........................................................................................25
3-5 電子微探針(EPMA).........................................................................25
3-6 背向散射電子繞射晶粒方位分析(EBSD)......................................26
3-7 X-ray 繞射儀(XRD) .........................................................................26
3-8 熱性質分析(DSC) ............................................................................26
3-9 光學顯微鏡OM 試片製備與觀察..................................................27
3-10 掃描式電子顯微鏡SEM 試片製備與觀察..................................27
3-11 穿透式電子顯微鏡TEM 試片製作及觀察..................................28
第四章 結果與討論......................................................................................44
4-1 單方向凝固鑄造試棒巨觀觀察.......................................................44
4-2 單方向凝固鑄造試棒微觀組織觀察...............................................44
4-3 鑄造後元素分布之分析...................................................................44
4-4 晶粒成長方位...................................................................................45
4-5 熱處理固溶、時效條件之訂定.......................................................45
4-6 熱處理之顯微結構觀察...................................................................46
4-7 鎳基高低超合金機械性質分析之影響...........................................48
4-8 一次時效熱處理900℃穿透式電子顯微鏡之微觀結構觀察.......49
4-9 鈮元素及鉭元素的改變對鎳基高熵超合金之影響......................50
第五章 結論 ..................................................................................................67
第六章 參考文獻..........................................................................................69

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