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研究生(外文):Chien-An Huang
論文名稱(外文):Study on the High-Temperature Creep and Oxidation Behavior of Directionally Solidified Superalloy of High Entropy
指導教授(外文):Sheng-Rui Jian
外文關鍵詞:High-entropy superalloyDirectional solidificationHigh temperature creepHigh temperature oxidation
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使之變成高熵超合金(HESA-6/A/C),其中HESA-A 以鎳(Ni)作為基底,添加八種不同元素其中2wt.%的鉭而沒有鈮;而HESA-C 只添加2wt.%的鈮而沒有鉭。試棒進行單方向凝固鑄造及完整固溶及時效熱處理,並探討其高溫潛變(982C/159MPa)及高溫氧化(1000C 1hr/50hr/100hr)性質的影響與變化。研究結果顯示高熵超合金HESA-C 的γ''相析出最為整齊且體積分率最高,因此高溫潛變性質最好。高溫氧化後發現HESA-C 的晶界無沉淀析出層為最薄,且產生一層連續緻密性的Al2O3 氧化層進而提高了材料的抗氧化性能,故HESA-C 氧化性質最好。

In this study, high-entropy superalloy was selected as a base material for alloy design in order to develop low cost but high performance new type of heat-resistant
alloys. High-entropy superalloys (HESA-6/A/C) were nickel-based superalloys incorporated with high-entropy effect, wherein nickel (Ni) is a base element in HESAA
with eight different elements additions in which 2wt.% tantalum without niobium, on the other hand, 2wt% of niobium were added in HESA-C but no tantalum.
Specimens were prepared through directionally solidified casting processes and full solid solution and aging heat treatments, thereafter high temperature creep tests
(982C/159MPa) were conducted and high temperature oxidation tests (1000C 1hr/50hr/100hr) were investigated. Results show that the γ'' phase of high-entropy superalloy HESA-C is precipitated neatest and with maximum volume fraction, so as to the best high temperature creep behavior. After high temperature oxidation tests, the PFZ of HESA-C is the thinnest and a continuous dense oxide layer of Al2O3 is formed further to improve the oxidation resistance of the material, so that the oxidation behavior of HESA-C is the best among three high-entropy superalloys.

中文摘要 ................................................................................................................... I
英文摘要 ................................................................................................................. II
誌 謝 ...................................................................................................................... III
總目錄 .................................................................................................................... IV
表目錄 .................................................................................................................... VI
圖目錄 .................................................................................................................. VII
第一章 前言 ............................................................................................................ 1
1-1 研究目的................................................................................................... 1
1-2 緒論............................................................................................................ 1
第二章 文獻回顧 .................................................................................................... 5
2-1 超合金簡介............................................................................................... 5
2-2 高熵合金簡介........................................................................................... 7
2-3 高熵超合金之元素添加及影響............................................................... 9
2-4 超合金鑄造程序..................................................................................... 10
2-5 熱處理對超合金的影響......................................................................... 12
2-6 高溫氧化................................................................................................. 14
2-7 潛變理論................................................................................................. 18
第三章 實驗材料與步驟 ...................................................................................... 36
3-1 實驗材料合金設計................................................................................ 36
3-2 真空熔煉鑄造........................................................................................ 36
3-3 熱性質分析(DSC) .................................................................................. 37
3-4 固溶、時效熱處理................................................................................ 37
3-5 為X-ray 繞射儀(XRD) .......................................................................... 38
3-6 高溫潛變試驗及試棒製作..................................................................... 38
3-7 高溫氧化實驗及試片製作..................................................................... 39
3-8 掃描式電子顯微鏡(SEM)試片製備與觀察.......................................... 40
第四章 結果與討論 .............................................................................................. 56
4-1 單方向凝固鑄造試棒巨觀觀察............................................................. 56
4-2 單方向凝固鑄造試棒微觀觀察............................................................. 56
4-3 熱處理之微觀觀察................................................................................. 57
4-4 高熵超合金之高溫潛變性能................................................................. 57
4-5 潛變後rafting 觀察................................................................................. 58
4-6 高熵超合金之高溫恆溫氧化性能......................................................... 59
第五章 結論 .......................................................................................................... 73
參考文獻 ................................................................................................................ 74

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