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研究生(外文):Ming-Zuo Hong
論文名稱(外文):An Investigation of Automobile in a Simple Idealization for Energy Dissipation Effects with Bridge Pier Structures and Advanced Damping Mechanism
指導教授(外文):Ko-Young Shao
外文關鍵詞:bridge pier structurevehicle load dynamic responseenergy dissipation systemsdamperrubber bearinglead rubber bearingisolated facilities
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Taiwan is between the Eurasian Plate and the Philippine Sea plate, the size of the earthquake continued, for example: 921 Earthquake, Jiasian earthquake, with the recent earthquake in Tainan, these earthquakes to life and property of the people have caused significant damage. Taiwan''s transportation construction have required more bridges, bridges for earthquake damage is very significant, especially in vehicles as well as walking on the bridge, when the earthquake struck, shaking the vehicle on the bridge plus seismic vibrations, is tantamount to deepen bridge damage, the use of high-performance damping mechanism developed by our predecessors, without changes in the natural vibration frequency of the bridge itself, and does not change the stiffness of the case under the bridge to explore the benefits of adding damping to the pier structure. Bridge installation of high-performance damping mechanism in the unit to change the natural frequency of vibration of the structure, under the stiffness, but it can enhance the effect of seismic bridge structures, weakening the destruction caused by the earthquake on the bridge. And the installation of high-performance damping energy dissipation mechanism can effectively improve inter-deck drift too little effect, the bridge and in the horizontal, vertical, can effectively improve the amount of displacement of the bridge deck.
Analysis and Discussion This study pier structural system subjected to load dynamic response of the vehicle to install high-performance vibration damping mechanism for damping effectiveness. Pier structural system for the installation of high-performance damping mechanism and bridge support in containing isolated case and the vehicle load damping installation of efficient research institution can perform analysis and discussion to explore the damping of the control structure is used as a new, reinforced energy dissipation element and structural repair works. To enhance the effect of structural seismic on, and can enhance the new, seismic capacity reinforcement and repair structures, the bridge structure in the amount of vibration under earthquake forces greatly reduced the range to be permitted by law, to ensure that people and vehicles and the bridge structure safety, thus slowing the disaster caused by the earthquake.

中文摘要 Ⅰ
英文摘要 Ⅱ
致謝 Ⅲ
總目錄 Ⅳ
圖目錄 Ⅴ
表目錄 Ⅵ
第一章、緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機及目的 3
第二章、文獻回顧 5
2.1橋梁及橋墩柱結構構造 5
2.1.1橋面板及上部結構 8
2.1.2橡膠支承墊及隔震效用 12
2.1.3橋墩柱及下部結構 21
2.1.4橋墩縱向佈置 30
2.2靜態載重與動態載重之定義與區別 31
2.3諧合質量法 33
2.4含黏滯性阻尼之自由振動反應 36
2.4.1 臨界阻尼系統 37
2.4.2 超越阻尼系統 38
2.4.3 低阻尼系統 38
2.5液態黏性阻尼器力學行為 40
2.6液態黏性阻尼器等效阻尼比之規範 43
2.6.1黏性阻尼器所提供之阻尼比 44
2.6.2液態黏性阻尼器之阻尼消能 49
2.6.3多自由度結構系統含液態黏性阻尼器有效阻尼比 49
2.7含阻尼單自由度結構系統 51
2.8含隔震單自由度振動反應 54
2.8.1隔震原理與特性 56
2.8.2隔震單自由度之自由振動反應 62
2.9有限元素分析軟體之介紹 65
三、橋墩結構物加裝高效能阻尼消能機構之理論 69
3.1 含液態黏性阻尼器等效阻尼比之規範 69
3.1.1 含阻尼單自由度結構系統 69
3.1.2 高效能阻尼消能機構 71
3.2橋墩柱結構物基本介紹 73
3.2.1橋墩結構物數值模擬 78
四、數值模擬 81
4.1 鋼筋混凝土橋墩柱結構系統考慮材料線性之靜力分析與驗證 83
4.2 鋼筋混凝土橋墩柱結構系統之動力分析 84
4.2.1 直接積分法Newmark 85
4.2.2 外力為SIN之振動波時之理論分析 88
4.2.3 橋墩結構物實例之單自由度理論分析 93
4.3 車輛載重動力反應 99
第五章、結論 101
5.1結論 101
5.2建議 102
參考文獻 103

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