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研究生(外文):Chi-Chen Lee
論文名稱:The Production of Creative Target Text and the Effect of Multimedia Version
論文名稱(外文):The Production of Creative Target Text and the Effect of Multimedia Version
指導教授(外文):Po-Ting Fang
外文關鍵詞:animated versionmultimedia translationuntranslatabilitynonequivalence
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自古以來,不同人種因文化和語言的不同,彼此之間無法避免地會有溝通上的障礙,因此人們極力地尋找有效溝通的方法;而翻譯儼然成為傳遞與連結信息的重要橋樑。翻譯的重要性不僅僅是單純地傳達訊息,它的作用更是在訊息中創造出自己的價值。然而在翻譯的世界裡,不存在完美的翻譯,因此衍伸出文化與語言系統之間的不對等與不可譯的特性。此一研究是從沃茲華茲(William Wordsworth)的英文詩集中挑選出三首詩作為研究的文本來源,再從楊德豫與李奇真的中文目標文本作為文化以及語言差異的樣本比較,希望能夠從中尋找出不對等的翻譯從何發生以及如何解決不可譯的問題。
此研究係利用動畫媒體輔助以跨越語言上不可譯的限制,重新定義文本的價值並且打造出有別於傳統閱讀的新感受,加入多媒體的應用,使之成為翻譯研究上的新寵兒(Chang, 2011)。因應現代翻譯的趨勢,依據此篇研究針對動畫所呈現的效果做分析,企圖探索改造新式的文學翻譯、如何協助讀者理解目標文本、再造另類詩篇的閱讀享受。因此,根據值化分析,探究不可譯性從何發生,以及如何藉由動畫作為輔助強化瞭解;並且利用量化分析,測量施測對象針對動畫譯本的接受度與反應。其結果反映出利用多媒體動畫之方法輔助,能夠創造出直接有效的翻譯,並且幫助讀者更貼近於原文精神的理解。但最重要的,此種創造類型的手法能夠整合跨領域的學術研究,並提供翻譯學門更寬廣的思考途徑。

Cultural and linguistic gaps are undeniable, ever present facts and they challenge people to find ways to communicate effectively with one another; that is translation. Translation is like a bridge that delivers and connects messages. It, therefore, plays a significant role to express or even create meaning. However, a perfect translation cannot be found which leads to the emergence of nonequivalence and untranslatability, especially in different linguistic and literary systems. Three British poems from William Wordsworth and target texts from Yang, De-Yu and Lee, Chin-Chen are selected to evaluate what nonequivalent factors usually appear and serve to resolve the problem of untranslatability.
This study suggests that animated multimedia could compensate for aspects of untranslatability in terms of transferring textual merits and re-creating a new reading experience. The reason for using animated multimedia is because multimedia version is a research area in applied translation study (Chang, 2011). The research analyzes whether animated texts could facilitate better TT understanding, and how animation could improve the creation of new literary interpretation and reproduce a poetic reading experience. This analysis is based not only on qualitative research by discussing how untranslatability occurs and how animation can help, but also on quantitative research by measuring target readers’ acceptance and response to animated texts. According to their response, the findings are going to point out that animated multimedia methods can create a valid translation methodology and help target readers get closer to source spirit. Most important of all, it can help to redefine translation as a creative activity in itself.

Acknowledgement i
Abstract (Chinese) ii
Abstract (English) iv
Table of Contents vi
List of Tables ix
List of Figures x
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
Chapter 2. Poetic Background 5
2.1 Nonequivalence and Untranslatability in TT 5
2.1.1 Word Omission and Complement 6
2.1.2 Word Order 6
2.1.3 Active Voice and Passive Voice 7
2.1.4 Diction 7
2.1.5 Tense Expression 8
2.1.6 Poetic Meter 9
2.1.7 Poetic Rhyme 11
2.1.8 Chinese Seven-Character Poetic Tones and Rhyme 12
2.2 Equivalent Translation 16
2.2.1 Formal, Dynamic Equivalences and Functional Translation 17
2.2.2 Poetic Merit in E-poetry and Equivalent Theory 18
2.3 Poetic Characteristics 20
2.3.1 Poetic Emotion between Lines 20
2.3.2 Poetic Sub-narration 21
2.3.3 Poetic Imagery 22
Chapter 3. Qualitative Research on Poetic Analysis and the Effect of Animated Multimedia Version 25
3.1 Poetic Analysis 25
3.2 Animated Multimedia Approach 38
3.3 Compensation and Untranslatability in Animated Version 46
Chapter 4. Quantitative Research in Methodology 53
4.1 Participants 53
4.2 Materials 53
4.3 Procedure 53
4.4 Results and Discussion 54
4.5 Conclusion 59
Chapter 5. Concluding Remarks 61
References 66
Appendix A: Survey Instrument 72
Appendix B: Three Translated Poems 73
Appendix C: Film Story Board of My Heat Leaps Up 74
Appendix D: Film Story Board of A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal 75
Appendix E: Film Story Board of The Daffodils 76

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