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研究生(外文):Thu-Ha Le
論文名稱(外文):Customer-based Brand Equity of Washing-Powder Brands Case Study
指導教授:黄 營 芳
指導教授(外文):Ying-Fang Huang
口試委員(外文):Liang Jian Li
中文關鍵詞:品牌資產 基礎客戶 洗衣粉
外文關鍵詞:Brand equity customer-based washing-powder
  • 被引用被引用:2
  • 點閱點閱:400
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This case study aims to explore the components of brand equity, build and test our measurement scales as well as build a theoretical model represented the relationship between the components brand equity.
Based on the theory of brand and measure have already in the world and a qualitative exploring research in Vietnam, a theoretical model was given with the scale measuring the concept study in the model. A preliminary qualitative research with the sample size is 70 consumers to assess preliminary scale and a formal study with sample size 477 consumers is performed to test scale models and theoretical models.
The results of the measurement model showed that after adding and adjusting, the scale is achieved reliability and value allowed. The results showed that four factors that constituted brand equity of washing-powder brands in Hanoi. That is brand awareness, desire to brand, perceived brand quality and brand loyalty. Theoretical models of this brand equity added contribution to the theoretical system of brand equity has on the world market. Based on the results of this research, the advertising and marketing companies can research to grasp the key component of brand equity and how to measure them.
The test results show the relevance of theoretical models as well as the acceptance of the hypothesis proposed in this study. Specifically, there are two main factors creating brand loyalty is perceived brand quality and desire to brand. In addition, brand awareness component impact proportional to perceived brand quality component and desire to brand. The results contribute added a theory of brand equity in Vietnam. Moreover, it helps marketing managers to better understand the components of brand equity, from which to design and adjust the program to build and promote brand effectively.

Abstract i
摘要 ii
Acknowledgements iii
1.1 Formed the basis of the subject 1
1.2 Research objectives 5
1.3 Research scope 5
1.4 Research method 6
1.5 Structure of thesis 8
2.1 The fundamental concepts 9
2.1.1 Brand and product 9
2.1.2 Brand equity 11
2.2 Some previous studies about washing-powder 16
2.3. Summary 19
3.1 The model of Customer-based brand equity of washing-powder brands in Hanoi city 20
3.1.1Brand awareness (BA) 22
3.1.2 Desire to brand (BD) 22
3.1.3 Perceived brand quality (PQ) 22
3.1.4 Brand loyalty (BL) 23
3.2 Research design 25
3.2.1 Research method 25
3.2.2 Official sample 33
3.3.3 Research process 34
3.3 Preliminary scales 34
3.3.1 Preliminary Qualitative scale 35
3.3.2 Preliminary Quantitative scale 36
3.4 Official scale 44
3.4.1 The variables were used to measure the level of brand awareness 44
3.4.2 The variables were used to measure the level of desire to brand 45
3.4.3 The variables were used to measure the level of perceived brand quality 46
3.4.4 The variables were used to measure the level of brand loyalty 47
3.4.5 Encoding and Inputting Data into SPSS 47
3.5 Summary 51
4.1 Structure of survey object 53
4.1.1 Gender 53
4.1.2 Age 53
4.1.3 Career 55
4.1.4 Income 56
4.1.5 Washing-powder brands 57
4.1.6 Sources of information about product 58
4.1.7 Place to purchase product 59
4.1.8 The feel of customer about the price of product 60
4.2 The status description of surveying consumer-based brand equity of washing-powder brands in Hanoi city 61
4.2.1 The statistic description the survey results of brand awareness component 62
4.2.2 The statistic description the survey results of desire to brand component 62
4.2.3 The statistic description the survey results of perceived brand quality component 63
4.2.4 The statistic description the survey results of brand loyalty quality component 64
4.3 Hypothesis Test 65
4.3.1 Compare Mean method 65
4.3.2 One-way ANOVA Analysis of Variance 73
4.4 Multiple regression analysis 83
4.4.1 Testing of the relevance of the research model 84
4.4.2 The significance of the regression coefficients in the model 85
4.5 Summary 87
5.1 Introduction 90
5.2. Summary of main findings and contribution of this case study 91
5.2.1. Measurement model 91
5.2.2 Theoretical model 92
5.3 Suggested solutions to enhance customer-based brand equity of washing-powder brands 94
5.4 The limitations and further research directions 97

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1. 品牌權益對關係品質之關係的干擾效果 — 以超市經營為例
2. 網路口碑、品牌權益及從眾行為對使用親子飯店網頁遊客購買意願影響之研究
3. 運動贊助行銷對品牌權益及銷售額之影響
4. 知覺價值、體驗行銷與顧客行為:品牌認同、品牌權益、品牌關係之觀點
5. 品牌權益、品牌偏好與購買意圖關係之研究:品牌權益之整合性架構
6. 公平貿易對於消費者咖啡購買意願、知覺風險及知覺價值之影響:以品牌權益為調節因子
7. 財富管理客群選擇銀行之因素探討:數位金融、客戶行為、品牌權益、理專特質和長期關係
8. 涉入程度與品牌權益及品牌共鳴對顧客公民行為的影響-以越南摩托車產業為例
9. 持續性旅遊涉入探討目的地品牌權益-以旗山老街為例
10. 從道德決策觀點探討價值觀、道德判斷與道德強度對綠色產品購買意願之影響—以洗衣劑產品為例
11. 以品牌識別建立自有品牌產品之品牌權益 - 以「台灣與日本」7-11之比較研究以品牌識別建立自有品牌產品之品牌權益-以「台灣與日本」7-ELEVEN 之比較研究-
12. 品牌權益與促銷價值對於消費者購買行為之影響-以7-11發熱衣為例
13. 品牌權益與購買行為之研究-以住宅為例
14. 消費者愛國主義與品牌權益及購買意願之關係-以宏碁電腦為例
15. 英國、日本、德國品牌權益模型實證分析與台灣品牌權益模型之建構-以台灣電腦產業為例