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研究生(外文):CHEN, BI-YU
論文名稱(外文):The Relationship between Taiwanese EFL 5th Graders’ Self-efficacy and their Use of Vocabulary Learning Strategies:The Case of Xin-Zhuang Elementary School in New Taipei City
指導教授(外文):Chang, CHI-YU
外文關鍵詞:Vocabulary Learning StrategiesSelf-efficacyEFL
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這分研究是探討在EFL環境下新北市新莊國小五年級生英語單字學習自我效能和單字學習策略的關係。研究對象為287為新北市新莊國小的五年級學生,研究工具為單字學習問卷和單字學習自我效能問卷。接著針對單字學習策略和6位五年級學生進行訪談。單字學習效能問卷改編自MORGAN-JINS(1999)學童學術學習自我效能問卷和Bandura的兒童自我效能問卷(2006),而單字學習問卷是採用Cheng(2005)所建立的中文版單字學習策略問卷。所有問卷的資料經由SPSS 20.0版的計算去做數據分析,所使用的分析法敘述性分析、T-TEST、PEARSON CORRELATION分析資料。

This study investigated the relationship between Taiwanese EFL 5th graders’ self-efficacy beliefs and their use of vocabulary learning strategies. The participants were 287 Taiwanese EFL elementary 5th graders at Xin-Zhuang Elementary School in New Taipei City, Taiwan. A vocabulary learning strategies questionnaire and a vocabulary learning self-efficacy questionnaire were applied to collect the data. Furthermore, interviews regarding to vocabulary learning strategies were conducted among six fifth graders. The vocabulary learning strategy questionnaire was adapted and modified from Cheng’s (2005) Chinese version of Vocabulary Learning Strategies. The Vocabulary Learning Self-efficacy questionnaire was adopted from the Morgan-Jinks’ Student Efficacy Scale (1990), and the Children Self-efficacy Scale by Bandura (2006). The researcher used descriptive statistics, T-test and Pearson product-moment correlation to analyze the collected data by SPSS 20.0 The result showed that there was a positive significant relationship between VLSE and VLS. The result showed that highly self-efficacious students were more willing to use vocabulary strategies than those with low self-efficacy. It also showed that high self-efficacious learners used Determination strategies and Metacognitive strategies more, but the low self-efficacious learners used Social strategies more.
1.1 Background and Motivation 1
1.1.1 Importance of Vocabulary Learning 1
1.1.2 Studies of Self-efficacy and
Language Learning Strategies 4
1.2 Objectives of the Study 7
1.2.1 Purpose of the Study 7
1.2.2 Research Questions 7
1.3 Theoretical Framework 8
1.3.1 Social Cognitive Theory 8
1.3.2 Concepts of Social Cognitive Theory 9

2.1 Self-Efficacy 11
2.1.1 Definition of Self-Efficacy 11
2.1.2 Self-Efficacy and Other Related Concepts 12
2.2 Self-Efficacy, Academic Performance and Learning Strategies 13
2.2.1 Studies of Self-Efficacy and Academic Performance 12
2.2.2 Studies of Self-efficacy and Learning Strategies 14
2.3 Vocabulary Learning Strategies 17
2.3.1 Definition of Vocabulary Learning Strategies 17
2.3.2 Classification of Vocabulary Learning Strategies 18
2.3.3 Taxonomy of Schmitt’s Vocabulary Learning Strategies 23
2.4 The Link between Self-Efficacy and VLS 29

3.1 Study Design 32
3.1.1 Research Structure 33
3.1.2 The Flowchart of this Study 33
3.2 Participants 34
3.2.1 Background of Participants and School 34
3.2.2 The Fifth Graders 35
3.2.3 The Final Participants 35
3.3 Instruments 36
3.3.1 Vocabulary Learning Self-efficacy Questionnaire 36 Construction of Vocabulary Learning
Self-Efficacy Questionnaire 38
3.3.2 Vocabulary Learning Strategy Questionnaire 39 Construction of VLSQ 40
3.4 Procedure of Conducting this Study 42
3.4.1 Pilot Study of VLSEQ 43 Procedure of the Pilot Study 43 The Results of the Pilot Study 44 The Problems and Modification 47
3.4.2 Main Study 48
3.4.3 Qualitative Data, the Interviews with Six Participants. 49
3.5 Data Analyses 49

4.1 Current Levels of EFL Fifth Graders’ Vocabulary Learning
Self-Efficacy and Use of Vocabulary Learning Strategies 53
4.1.1 Current Levels of Vocabulary Learning Self-Efficacy
among Fifth Graders 53
4.1.2 Results of Each Subcategory of VLSE 56
4.2 Vocabulary Learning Strategies in Each Subcategory 58
4.2.1 Strategies Used in Each Subcategory and
the Subcategory Used Most 59
4.2.2 The Five Most Used Strategies and
the Five Least Used Strategies 63
4.2.3 Strategies Used by High Level of VLSE
and Low Level of VLSE 65
4.3 The Relationship between VLSE and VLS 69
4.3.1 Relationship between VLSE and VLS 69
4.3.2 Relationship between Each Subcategory and VLSE 70
4.4 Evidences from the Interviews with Six Fifth Graders 71
4.4.1 Interviews with Three High Self-Efficacious Learners 71
4.4.2 Interviews with Low Self-Efficacious Learners 74

5.1 Discussion on Vocabulary Learning Self-Efficacy 79
5.1.1 Pilot Study of VLSEQ 79
5.1.2 Vocabulary Learning Self-Efficacy 80
5.2 Discussion on Vocabulary Learning Strategies 83
5.2.1 The five Most Used Strategies and
the Five Least Used Strategies 83
5.2.2 Strategies Used by High Self-Efficacious and Low
Self-Efficacious Learners 85
5.3 Discussion on the Relationship between Self-Efficacy and
Vocabulary Learning Strategies 86
5.4 Discussion on Qualitative Findings 88
5.4.1 Reports from High Self-Efficacious Learners 88
5.4.2 Reports from Low Self-Efficacious learners 89

6.1 Summary of Major Findings 90
6.1.1 Levels of Current Fifth Graders’ Vocabulary Learning
Self-Efficacy 90
6.1.2 Vocabulary Learning Strategies 91
6.2 Pedagogical Implications 91
6.2.1 Raising Fifth Graders’ Awareness
of Vocabulary Learning Strategy Use 92
6.2.2 Enhancing Students’ Vocabulary Learning Self-Efficacy 92
6.3 Limitations of this Study and Suggestions
for Future Studies 93

Endnotes 95

Reference 96
Appendix A Vocabulary Learning Self-Efficacy Questionnaire
(Original Version) 105
Appendix B Vocabulary Learning Self-Efficacy Questionnaire
(Finalized Version) 106
Appendix C A Questionnaire on EFL Learners' Self-efficacy about
English Vocabulary Learning and Their Vocabulary
Learning Strategies(Finalized Chinese Version) 108


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