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研究生(外文):Cheng-Yu Hsu
論文名稱(外文):Strength Evaluation of Welded Connections under Eccentric Loads by Ultimate Analysis
外文關鍵詞:welded connectioneccentric loadultimate strength analysis
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本研究針對使用者可能面臨之上述問題,提出一套較為完整解決方法包括:1.參考過去有關本主題之相關研究,分別根據彈性分析與極限分析原理推導銲接接合受彎矩及剪力聯合作用之相關理論,整理提出一套比較完整之分析公式,佐以例題方式說明設計手冊銲接圖表數值取得之演算過程,提供使用者分析上之實質幫助;2.由於當斜角偏心載重超過75度時之標稱強度計算涉及沉長複雜公式,所以理論公式對工程界沒有實質意義,為了滿足工程界的分析與設計需要(θ > 75°),必須建立一個模型以估算當斜角偏心載重超過75度時之標稱強度,以取代複雜之公式運算。

A welded connection is often subjected to both bending moments and shears due to an eccentric load. The current AISC design specifications provide only the design tables/charts for design purpose. The specifications indicate that the table/chart values are obtained based on the ultimate strength which is very complex and tedious to apply. However, the specifications allow designers to analyze the welded connection by using the elastic analysis which is very conservative. The specifications do not give an alternate to analyze the connection if the eccentric load angle exceeds 75 degrees. There is no any illustrated example provided to guide the designers how to obtain the table values.
This study aims to provide a set of reasonable solution to overcome the problems mentioned above. The first one, the methods based on elastic and ultimate strength analysis with detailed steps are present. The second one, a model is expected to solve the case which the eccentric load angle exceeds 75 degrees. This is because of the long and tedious procedure is not a common practice for a designer.
This study provides the deficiency of the current Specifications. This will also provide a better solution for practicing engineer in their routine design.

Abstract in Chinese i
Abstract in English ii
Table of Contents iii
Figures List iv
Tables List vi
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Objectives 2
Chapter 2 Analysis Methods for Welded Connections 3
2.1 Elastic method 3
2.2-1 Instantaneous center of rotation method (2005 AISC) 5
2.2-2 Instantaneous center of rotation method (2010 AISC) 7
2.3 Design tables for eccentrically loaded weld groups 10
2.4 Design tables for concentrically loaded weld groups elements 11
Chapter 3 Illustrated Examples 13
3.1 C-shaped fillet weld with eccentric load which is at right-hand side 13
3.2 C-shaped fillet weld with eccentric load which is at left-hand side 28
3.3 Fillet weld with concentric load 43
3.4 One vertical fillet weld with concentric load 50
Chapter 4 Illustrated Examples 57
4.1 C-shaped fillet weld with eccentric load at right-hand side (75° ≤ θ ≤ 90°) 57
4.2 C-shaped fillet weld with eccentric load at left-hand side (75° ≤ θ ≤ 90°) 61
4.3 Box-shaped fillet weld with eccentric load (75° ≤ θ ≤ 90°) 65
4.4 Box-shaped fillet weld with eccentric load (75° ≤ θ ≤ 90°) 69
4.5 Two vertical fillet welds with eccentric load (75° ≤ θ ≤ 90°) 73
Chapter 5 Conclusions 77
References 79

1. American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc., (2005), Manual of Steel Construction, Allowable Steel Design, Thirteenth Edition, AISC, Chicago, IL.
2. American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc., (2010), Manual of Steel Construction, Allowable Steel Design, Fourteenth Edition, AISC, Chicago, IL.
3. Blodgett, O.W., (1966), Design of Welded Structures, James F. Lincoln Arc Welding Foundation, Cleveland, OH.
4. Butler, L.J., Pal, S. and Kulak, G.L., (1972), “Eccentrically Loaded Welded Connections,” Studies in Structural Division, Vol. 98, No. ST5, (May), pp. 989-1005, ASCE, Reston, VA.
5. Crawford, S.F and Kulak, G.L., (1968), “Behavior of Eccentrically Loaded Bolted Connections,” Studies in Structure Engineering, (No. 4), Department of Civil Engineering, Nova Scotia Technical College, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
6. Higgins, T.R., (1971), “Treatment of Eccentrically Loaded Connections in the AISC Manual,” Engineering Journal, Vol. 8, No. 2, (April), pp. 52-54, AISC, Chicago, IL.
7. Lesik, D.F. and Kennedy, D.J.L., (1990), “Ultimate Strength of Fillet-Welded Connections Loaded in Plane”, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 17, No. 1, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Canada.

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