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研究生(外文):Chih-Cheng Chao
論文名稱(外文):Preparation and Application of High Gas Barrier Medical Butyl Elastomer
外文關鍵詞:butyl rubberbrominated isobutylene p-methyl styreneperoxides coagents crosslinking reactiongas barrier propertybutyl latexnanocomposites
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本研究主要是以高阻氣性丁基橡膠為研究主軸,並分為第一部與第二部兩個研究主題,其中第一部為 : 新穎丁基橡膠以過氧化物/助交聯劑進行交聯反應之機制與物性探討;而第二部為 : 丁基乳膠/奈米黏土複合材料之製備與物性探討。

第一部為新穎丁基橡膠以過氧化物/助交聯劑進行交聯反應之機制與物性探討,目前BIMS用於藥用瓶塞之交聯系統為HMDAC,但此系統有許多缺點如:阻氣性差、撕裂特性差、永久壓縮變形差,因此第一部分為研究過氧化物/助交聯劑交聯新一代的丁基橡膠BIMS (brominated isobutylene p-methyl styrene),並改善BIMS用於藥用瓶塞之缺點。研究中以分子設計的方法且利用過氧化物中奪氫能力較低的TBEC (tert-butylperoxy 2-ethylhexyl carbonate),此低奪氫能力之過氧化物TBEC可以選擇性與BIMS主鏈中之官能基p-MS、溴化p-MS進行交聯反應。此外,TBEC有較低的交聯反應溫度,可以降低BIMS主鏈中聚異丁烯 (poly isobutylene)因自由基而發生的β-scission反應。
然後,本研究再進一步比較不同的助交聯劑與過氧化物TBEC共交聯BIMS,實驗結果顯示,利用助交聯劑BMI-MP (N,N’-m- phenylene dimaleimide)與TBEC交聯BIMS,有利於提高BIMS之交聯效率,並從FT-IR與橡膠硫化數據TS2之分析了解到,助交聯劑BMI-MP於BIMS共交聯反應中是以零級反應之H-transfer為主要交聯機制。由動態機械性質的結果分析,得知交聯網目結構中有部分交聯點發生在p-methyl styrene的位置,此結果顯示能提高BIMS的彈性。
最後,將過氧化物交聯系統 (TBEC/BMI-MP)與目前用於醫用膠塞的之雙胺硫化系統HMDAC比較兩者之物理特性,證實TBEC/BMI-MP系統可取代HMDAC系統,並可將BIMS之透氧率降低30%,熱裂解溫度提高10度,撕裂強度提高20~ 30%,及永久壓縮變形率提高達30%,由此可知,以過氧化物交聯新穎丁基橡膠BIMS,未來在藥用瓶塞的應用上將有相當大的潛力與應用性。

第二部為丁基乳膠/奈米黏土複合材料之製備與物性探討,這個部分研究丁基乳膠摻混奈米級黏土,使黏土於橡膠基材中,達到奈米級剥層 (exfoliation)或插層 (intercalation)之分散,實驗方法為利用行星式奈米球磨機先將奈米黏土乳化分散後,再分別以乳化法 (emulsion)與共凝聚法 (co-coagulation)的方式製備丁基橡膠之奈米黏土複合材料,並以XRD、TEM分析黏土之分散性。結果發現,乳化法可達剝層結構而共凝聚法所得之結構皆為插層結構,且利用DMA、TGA量測兩種製備方法之丁基橡膠複合材料在不同黏土比例下的動態機械性質與熱性質,其中以乳化法制備丁基橡膠複材 (EmR-5)於DMA檢測其玻璃轉化溫度 (Tg)為-24.76oC,與原丁基橡膠比較下降約 3 oC,此乃界面活性劑造成潤滑作用所致,熱分解溫度為(Td) 342 oC,Td值上升19oC是由於黏土分散性佳所致。此外,運用乳化法測試透氧率分析得知阻氣性結果提升可達30%以上。然而,共凝聚法製備之複材其物理特性並無顯著改變,表示插層結構的複材物理特性提升的效果有限。最後,利用萬能拉力機比較各試樣的機械性質,結果顯示以乳化法製備之奈米橡膠其硬度測試較純料提高20%,而拉力提升約2倍,由此得知,使用乳化摻混方式製備奈米黏土橡膠複合材料在醫療器材上,有充分應用的潛力。

Butyl rubber (IIR) has high gas barrier property because of its high content of polyisobutylene about 90% in butyl rubber polymer chain. Because of its excellent gas barrier property IIR could be applied to medical closure drug sealing. IIR based sealing materials can be use to isolate air and avoide bacteria into a vial effectively. Moreover, excellent tear strength of IIR can be employed to resist fragment when puncturing a metal needle into butyl rubber closure. In addition, butyl latex is made by butyl rubber, which can be applied to protect clothing and gloves. Such a high gas barrier of butyl clothing and gloves can be used to block poisonous gas and virus.
In this study focused to prepare the high gas barrier of butyl elastomer, which is divided into two parts. Part I aims to evaluate the cross-linking reaction mechanism and physical properties of brominated isobutylene p-methyl styrene (BIMS) by peroxide/co-agent. Part II is the preparation and physical properties of butyl latex/nano-clay composites.
In part I, in order to evaluate the cross-linking reaction mechanism and physical properties of BIMS, peroxide and co-agent have been used to cure the new generation butyl elastomer BIMS. The main objective of this study is to improve the defect of the current traditional vulcanization of HMDAC (hexamethylene diamine carbamate) for medical closure. By using molecular design selected peroxide TBEC (tert-butyl peroxy 2-ethyl hexyl carbonate) to crosslink BIMS. Free radical of peroxide TBEC has less hydrogen absorption ability resulting in cross-linking reaction of BIMS by absorption hydrogen and bromine atoms of BIMS backbone of the p-methyl styrene and brominated p-methyl styrene. Furthermore, the obtained results were compared with different co-agent to crosslink BIMS with peroxide TBEC. The results revealed that the BMI-MP (N,N’-m- phenylene dimaleimide) leading to the most efficient cross-linking density. Additionally, FT-IR and rubber rheometer analysis explored the main cross-linking reaction mechanism is H-transfer of zero order reaction. The result of dynamic mechanical properties shows that the cross-linking network of BIMS had some portion on p-methyl styrene group and it can enhance the elasticity of BIMS. Finally, this research compared physical properties of new vulcanization system of peroxide / co-agent and traditional vulcanization process of HMDAC for medical rubber closure. The result of experiment demonstrated that the new system of TBEC/BMI-MP can replace HMDAC system, and increased the oxygen transmission of 30%, decomposition temperature of 10℃, tear strength of 20~30%, and the compression set of 30% respectively. Based on above results, the developed peroxide method to crosslink new generation BIMS would be considerable potential usage in medical rubber closure.
In other part, this research has studied the preparation and physical properties of butyl latex / nano-clay composites for the nano-scale dispersion of exfoliation and intercalation structure. Planetary nanoball-mill and surfactant have been utilized to prepare the layered clay based nanocomposites by co-coagulation and emulsion method, respectively. The dispersion of layered clay based nanocomposites was investigated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). TEM images were clearly revealed that the partially exfoliated and intercalated obtained via latex method, and purely intercalated attained via co-coagulating method. In addition, DMA and TGA were performed to evaluate the change of dynamic mechanical and thermo properties of different content of nano-clay in the latex method. The result shows the Tg of butyl latex composites (EmR-5) was -24.76 oC, which was decreased about 3 oC when comparing with pure butyl rubber (EmR-0). The reduction of Tg attributed from the surfactant, which can plays an efficient role as a lubricate, and decomposition temperature was increased by 19 oC due to good dispersion and exfolicated clay. Emulsion method based nanocomposites shows the decreased oxygen transmission of 30%, upon compared with that the co-coagulation method, because of the intercalated structure of co-coagulation method does not influenced on the physical properties of nanocomposites. Additionally, the hardness and the tensile strength have been risen up to 20% and 2 times higher than the pure IIR material by emulsion method. The study herein prepared clay/rubber nanocomposites provide insights to the potential usage in medical device by using latex blending with nanoclay.

謝誌 i
摘要(中文) ii
摘要(英文) iv
目錄 vii
圖目錄 xii
表目錄 xvi
縮寫表 xviii
第一部 新穎丁基橡膠以過氧化物/助交聯劑進行交聯反應之機制與物性探討 1
摘要 1
第一章 緒論 2
1.1 研究背景 2
1.2 研究動機 8
第二章 文獻解析 10
2.1 橡膠和交聯反應 10
2.2 過氧化物 11
2.2.1 過氧化物的交聯反應 15
2.2.2 過氧化物的反應機制 16
2.2.3 過氧化物和硫磺交聯反應的比較 19
2.3 助交聯劑 20
2.3.1 助交聯劑的分類 21
2.3.2 助交聯劑之反應機制 22
2.4 丁基橡膠彈性體 25
2.4.1 丁基橡膠 25
2.4.2 鹵化丁基橡膠 30
2.4.3 BIMS聚合物 31
2.5 聚異丁烯 (PIB)橡膠的過氧化物交聯反應 34
2.6 交聯密度的測定 36
2.6.1 溶劑膨脹法 36常壓溶脹法 36壓縮溶脹法 37
2.6.2 機械拉伸法 38
2.6.3 脈衝 NMR法 38
2.6.4 動態黏彈性法 (dynamic mechanical analysis) 38
第三章 實驗 39
3.1 實驗介紹 39
3.2 實驗方法 42
3.2.1 原材料 42
3.2.2 實驗流程 44
3.2.3 配方混練 45
3.3 實驗設備與儀器 46
3.3.1 橡膠硫化儀 47
3.3.2 焦燒門尼測試 (Mooney scorch) 48
3.3.3 動態黏彈性分析儀DMA 48
3.3.4 熱重分析儀TGA (thermogravimetric analysis) 48
3.3.5 氧氣透過率 49
3.3.6 永久壓縮變形率 (compression set)測試 49
3.3.7 測定機械特性 50
3.3.8 交聯密度測試C.D (crosslinking density) 50
第四章 結果與討論 51
4.1 DCP/BMI-MP硫化BIMS之硫化機制探討 51
4.2 過氧化物 (DCP/TBEC)硫化BIMS之探討 53
4.3 六亞甲基二胺氨基甲酸脂 (HMDAC)硫化BIMS 60
4.4 TBEC/與各助交聯劑交聯BIMS之探討 62
4.5 傅立葉轉換紅外光譜全反射分析 (FT-IR ATR) 66
4.5.1 樣品製作 66
4.5.2 FT-IR結果和討論 66
4.6 過氧化物 (TBEC)變量對BIMS/BMI-MP交聯的影響 67
4.7 TBEC/BMI-MP交聯不同含量p-MS之BIMS 70
4.8 各交聯系統之交聯密度 (C.D)探討 75
4.8.1 常溫常壓溶脹法計算各交聯系統之交聯密度 75
4.8.2 拉伸法計算各交聯系統之交聯密度 78
4.9 各配方物性探討 81
4.9.1 各BIMS交聯系統之抗拉強度 (Tensile strength)討論 81
4.9.2 各BIMS交聯系統之抗拉強度與交聯密度的關係 83
4.9.3 各BIMS交聯系統之撕裂強度與交聯密度的關係 85
4.9.4 各BIMS交聯系統之永久壓縮變形率 (C.S) 86
4.9.5 BIMS各交聯系統之熱重分析 87
4.9.6 各BIMS交聯系統之動態機械性質分析 (DMA) 89各系統的Tan δ分析交聯結構 89各BIMS交聯系統之損失模數與儲存模數分析 92
4.9.7 BIMS各交聯系統之阻氣性分析 94
第五章 結論 97
5.1 過氧化物硫化BIMS機制: 97
5.2 過氧化物/助交聯劑硫化BIMS機制: 97
5.3 不同含量p-MS與溴化p-MS 98
5.4 各物理特性與交聯密度/交聯結構的關係 98

第二部 丁基乳膠/奈米黏土複合材料之製備與物性探討。 99
摘要 99
第一章 緒論 100
1.1 研究背景 100
1.2 研究動機 104
第二章 文獻解析 105
2.1 丁基乳膠之製備 105
2.1.1 乳膠配合劑之分類、性質與選擇 106
2.1.2 分散劑 106
2.1.3 濕潤劑 106
2.1.4 穩定劑 107
2.1.5 增稠劑 107
2.2 乳膠之硫化 108
2.2.1 丁基乳膠之硫化配方 109
2.3 高分子奈米複合材料簡介 110
2.4 黏土之簡介 115
第三章 實驗 118
3.1 實驗設計 118
3.2 實驗方法 119
3.2.1 原材料 119
3.2.2 實驗流程 120乳膠法實驗步驟 121共凝聚法實驗步驟 123
3.3 實驗設備 125
3.3.1 行星式奈米球磨機 126
3.3.2 X射線繞射儀 (XRD) 126
3.3.3 電位與粒徑分析儀 127粒徑檢測 (DLS) 127界面電位 (zeta potential) 128
3.3.4 穿透式電子顯微鏡 (TEM) 128
第四章 結果與討論 129
4.1 改質黏土系統分析 129
4.2 乳化法製備IIR/clay奈米複材之XRD分析 131
4.3 共凝聚法製備IIR/clay奈米複材之XRD分析 133
4.4 硫化對於製備IIR/clay奈米複材之黏土結構影響 134
4.5 丁基橡膠/奈米黏土複材之TEM分析 136
4.6 乳化法製備IIR/Clay之拉力分析 138
4.7 共凝聚法製備IIR/Clay之拉力分析 140
4.8 乳化法之動態機械性質分析 141
4.9 共凝聚法之動態機械性質分析 143
4.10 乳化法熱性質分析 144
4.11 共凝聚法熱性質分析 146
4.12 氧氣透過率分析 147
第五章 結論 149
5.1 穿透式電子顯微鏡 (TEM)分析 149
5.2 拉力測試: 149
5.3 動態機械性質 (DMA)分析: 149
5.4 熱重損失 (TGA)分析: 149
5.5 氧氣透過率分析: 149
總結論 150
參考文獻 151

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