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研究生(外文):En-Jung Liu
論文名稱(外文):Effects of ppc and pta double knockouts on Rubisco-based Engineered Escherichia coli
外文關鍵詞:RubiscoPrkAgene knockoutEscherichia coliphosphoenolpyruvate carboxylasephosphate acetyltransferaseppcptaPhosphoribulokinaseglyoxylate shunt
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從19世紀工業革命以來,全球暖化及氣候變遷的問題在地球各地蔓延開來,而這些問題都歸咎於溫室氣體。構築碳回收路徑可以減少二氧化碳在生產化學物品過程中或發酵工業中的生成,順道提升生物產業中的生產效率。而在先前的研究中,在大腸桿菌中表現Rubisco,可以提升菌株的生長狀況,但我們發現zwf、ldhA及frd的剔除使得糖耗越來越少,而Rubisco及PrkA的共表達也無法解決糖耗減少的問題。我們希望透過剔除pta使得菌體無法透過生產乙酸獲得ATP,必須藉由糖解作用來彌補這個缺口以達到提升糖耗的效果。在此研究中,雖然ppc的剔除沒有增加的葡萄糖消耗,但表達PrkA及Rubisco後可以提升耗糖量,這種效果在pta的剔除後依然存在著,CA1及CA3的糖耗為87 ± 2 及 88 ± 3 mM比CC的47 ± 2及CA的49 ± 1 mM還要多出許多,表示PrkA及Rubisco的表現是可以在ppc及pta的雙剔除中提升糖解作用。PrkA與Rubisco的共表現也可以提升耗糖量,CAB+IP的糖耗可以達到60 ± 6 mM。

From the industrial revolution in the 19th century, there had so many problems on earth like global warming and climate change because of greenhouse gases. Constructed a pathway to recycle the carbon dioxide is a way to reduce the carbon dioxide emission at chemical production or fermentation industries. Incidentally, it will also increases the efficiency of processes in related bio-industries. In previous study, when form I Rubisco is heterologously expressed in E. coli, we can see the enhanced biomass. But the glucose consumption of E. coli MZL and MZLF were less than E. coli MZ, and Rubisco-based engineered pathway was not rescuing this situation. In this study, the deletion of ppc was not increased the glucose consumption, but with induced by PrkA and Rubisco were extraordinarily increase of glucose consumption. This effect would further enhanced with deletion of pta. The glucose consumption of CA1 and CA3 were 87 ± 2 and 88 ± 3 mM much than CC and CA which glucose consumption were 47 ± 2 and 49 ± 1 mM. It proved that glycolysis was enhanced by double knockouts. The Rubisco-based engineered pathway can also rescue the low glucose uptake which glucose consumption of CAB+IP can reach 60 ± 6 mM.

Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Motivation 3
1.3 Escherichia coli 4
1.4 Homologous recombination 6
1.5 Rubisco 6
1.6 PrkA 8
Chapter 2. Materials and Methods 9
2.1 Culture of strains 9
2.2 DNA purification 10
2.2.1 Purification of plasmid 10
2.2.2 DNA purification of gel extraction 11
2.2.3 Estimation of DNA concentration 12
2.3 Polymerase chain reaction 12
2.4 Agarose gel electrophoresis 12
2.5 Ethanol precipitation of DNA 13
2.6 Preparation of competent cells 14
2.6.1 Competent cells of chemical transformation 14
2.6.2 Competent cells of electroporation transformation 14
2.7 Transformation 15
2.7.1 Chemical transformation 15
2.7.2 Electroporation transformation 15
2.8 Recombination of E. coli 16
2.9 Analysis of metabolites 17
2.10 Analysis of CO2 concentration 18
2.11 Calculation of total CO2 concentration 18
Chapter 3. Results and discussion 21
3.1 Phenotype of E. coli strains CC and CA 21
3.2 Effects of PrkA on the phenotype of E. coli strains CC and CA 23
3.3 The glyoxylate shunt can be enhanced by the presence of Rubisco 25
3.4 Rubisco-based engineered pathway benefits the growth of CAB 27
Chapter 4. Conclusion 28
Chapter 5. Reference 29
Tables. 34
Figures. 52
Appendix I The list of chemicals 61
Appendix II The list of instruments 64
Appendix III Calibration curves 66

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