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研究生(外文):Yun-Sheng Chen
論文名稱(外文):Fabrication of infrared hollow waveguide for developing new type of evanescentwave infrared sensor for chemical analysis
指導教授(外文):Jyisy Yang
外文關鍵詞:ThesisNational Chung Hsing University
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本研究中利用中空光導管作為傳輸以及接收紅外光的橋樑,搭配減弱式全反射的晶體,設計出新式的紅外光感測器。中空光導管以Polyethylene (PE)所製成,其本身具有質輕、柔軟度以及韌性高的的優點,在管徑內層度上金屬膜,紅外光在管內中以反射的方式傳導。本研究採以銀鏡反應的方式塗覆金屬,先固定在一溫度下,改變銀鏡反應中的因子,並探討其效能。此實驗的製程方法能有效的降低中空光導管的損失率,可達0.2 dB/cm。由此應用在紅外光感測器中,再以不同形式以及大小的減弱式全反射晶體探討,利用所偵測之能量及光譜圖的訊雜比比較,得出此感測器最佳的狀態,加上中空光導管本身能應用的波長範圍廣,進而提升此感測器的靈活性及應用性。
本研究中採用減弱式全反射之特性,在晶體上腹膜一層高分子,利用紅外光於密介質到疏介質時所發生的全反射所產生的漸逝波,修飾之此高分子與欲分析待測物間產生特殊作用力,使分子濃縮於漸逝波範圍內,產生分子的特徵光譜以達定性或定量。本研究以Nafion修飾在開發出來的感測器上,去感測尿液中的肌酸酐,因其高分子的化學惰性及水穩定性良好加上具有的磺酸根官能基與肌酸酐之間所產生的特殊作用力,達成微量分析以及選擇性提升的效能,在此研究中,針對可能影響感測訊號的因子如酸鹼值、修飾層厚度、穩定性、線性濃度區間、干擾行為,皆詳加討論。結果顯示,修飾層以酸性條件下可有效的快速感測肌酸酐且具有良好及穩定的訊號輸出值,以三倍於基線雜訊計算,估得的偵測極限約為20 μM,線性範圍可約至100 μM。在干擾行為方面,為解決尿液樣品中複雜的基質干擾,故以稀釋的方式降低訊號的干擾,在利用標準添加法可有效的定量出尿液檢體中的肌酸酐含量。

In this work, a new type of Infrared (IR) chemical sensor was developed, which was based on integrating IR hollow waveguides with an evanescent wave sensing head to form a sensitive and selective sensor for chemical detection. To prepare high performance hollow waveguide, polyethylene (PE) tube with a diameter of 3 mm was used as a template and its inner surface was coated with a layer of highly reflective metal of silver by silver mirror reaction. Through optimization of the preparation parameters, the prepared hollow waveguide can deliver the middle IR radiation efficiently with an attenuation of 0.2 dB/cm at 2100 cm-1. The geometry of evanescent wave sensing crystal was also optimized to combine with hollow waveguide. Two series of geometries were tested including a forward configuration and a reverse configuration. Results indicated that forward configuration is easier to combine with hollow waveguides for formation of IR chemical sensor.
To demonstrate the applicability of constructed IR chemical sensor, creatinine in urine was targeted as this compound exhibits important role in biological system. To increase the sensitivity in detection of this compound, nafion was used to modify the surface of the sensing crystal. Nafion bears sulfonic acid group and this function group, which can interact with creatinine through both hydrogen bonding and charge interaction. Through optimization of the influencing factors in detection of creatinine, the detection limit reached 20 μM with a linear range up to 100 μM under acidic condition (pH 5). Because of the high sensitivity in detection, samples were allowed to be diluted with a dilution factor of 40 to overcome the strong matrix effect in the urine sample. Based on detection of creatinine in several urine samples, creatinine could be detected accurately as the recoveries were ranged from 97 % to 104 %.

摘要 i
Abstract ii
總目錄 iii
表目錄 v
圖目錄 vi
第一章 緒論 1
1-1化學感測器簡介及回顧 1
1-2紅外光傳導介質之回顧 2
1-3紅外光化學感測器感測元件與性質之回顧 3
1-4紅外光光纖感測整合系統回顧 10
1-5研究動機 12
第二章 實驗部分 14
2-1實驗藥品與儀器設備的介紹 14
2-1-1實驗藥品 14
2-1-2儀器 15
2-2中空光導管以及探頭製備過程 16
2-2-1藥品之配製 16
2-2-2流程圖 17
2-2-3晶體裁切及研磨 20
2-2-4感測晶體及實驗裝置 20
2-3感測層製備及感測步驟 22
第三章 感測器之效能討論 23
3-1中空光導管之基本性質探討 23
3-1-1 硝酸銀濃度對光管導光率影響探討 26
3-1-2流速對光管導光率影響探討 30
3-1-3 不同光管位置導光率比較 34
3-2中空光導管之穩定性探討 36
3-3感測器之設計考量及組合方式 38
3-3-1感測樣品之選擇及dp值之確認 40
3-3-2中空光導管之位置收光探討 43
3-4 ATR晶體形狀與組合方式之考量 46
3-4-1梯形之ATR晶體之探討 46
3-4-2三角形之ATR晶體之探討 51
3-4-3新式設計ATR晶體形狀及效能探討 56
3-5總結 59
第四章 感測器之應用性探討 60
4-1簡介 60
4-2 Nafion及肌酸酐之紅外光譜性質探討 62
4-3不同酸鹼值下之肌酸酐效能 64
4-4 再生性之探討 68
4-5 Nafion腹膜厚度與訊號關係探討 71
4-6濃度效應與曲線 74
4-7感測器之穩定性探討 77
4-8稀釋效應對於減少基質干擾的效果探討 79
4-9標準添加法 82
4-10 總結 87
第五章 總結 88
參考文獻 89

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