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研究生(外文):Chi-Lin Lee
論文名稱(外文):CO2 capture from simulated IGCC with 13X zeolite by a daul-bed Temperature/Vacuum Swing Adsorption
外文關鍵詞:13X zeolitesCCSIGCCTVSA
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第一部分為雙床變溫/變壓吸脫附之參數求取,吸附試驗部分以氣流溫度30°C、氣流含水率0 %之吸附條件下有最高之工作吸附量(qw)為157.2 mg/g。在脫附試驗中,以脫附溫度120°C、脫附時間為20 min之脫附條件之下具有最高之再生qw為130.2 mg/g,將以此吸脫附參數作為最佳吸脫附條件進行第二部分之循環吸脫附試驗。
第二部分模擬整合型氣化複循環發電廠(Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle, IGCC)以及傳統燃煤電廠之CO2濃度35及15%進行循環吸脫附之比較。實驗結果顯示,在35% CO2下,平均吸附時間為50 min,qw為115 mg/g,每日捕獲量為1.07 kg-CO2/day/kg- 13X;在15%條件下,平均吸附時間為80 min,qw為86.5 mg/g,每日捕獲量為0.79 kg-CO2/day/kg-13X。

Commercially available spherical 13X zeolite was employed as sorbents for CO2 capture from synthetic gas of cylinder of integrated gasification combined cycle(IGCC) power plant and traditional power plant by a dual-bed temperature/vacuum swing adsorption system. The research included two parts as follows:
The first part was the selection of the conditions of adsorption and desorption. The adsorption process was conducted at 30°C, 0 % water content. The desorption process was conducted at 120°C desorption temperature, and the desorption time was 20 min. At this ad/desorption conditions, the results showed that the maximum adsorption working capacity (qw) was 157.2 mg/g. And the regenerative working capacity was 130.2 mg/g.
The second part was CO2 capture from synthetic gas of cylinder 35% and 15% as CO2 concentration of IGCC and traditional power plant. The condition of synthetic was controlled at 10 LPM (liter per minute) with 35/15% CO2. The results showed that the average working capacity was 115 mg/g and 86.5 mg/g, and the breakthrough time was 50 and 80 minute. The average daily capture rate of 15 and 35%CO2 are 0.79 kg-CO2/day/kg-13X and 1.07 kg-CO2/day/kg-13X, respectively.
According to foregoing results, it reveals that the 13X have better adsorption performance of CO2 under IGCC system as compared to traditional power plant.

摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iii
圖目錄 v
表目錄 vi
參數符號表 vii
符號簡寫說明 vii
第一章 前言 1
1-1 研究動機 1
1-2 研究目的 2
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2-1 二氧化碳濃度變化與溫室效應 4
2-2 整合型氣化複循環發電技術(IGCC) 5
2-3 IGCC與CCS之結合 9
2-4 IGCC之發電效率與成本 11
2-5 二氧化碳捕獲途徑 13
2-6 二氧化碳捕獲與封存技術 16
2-7 二氧化碳吸附程序 19
2-8 吸附材介紹 22
第三章 實驗方法 25
3-1 研究架構 25
3-2 實驗材料與特性分析 27
3-2-1 吸附材料 27
3-2-2 實驗設備 27
3-3 特性分析 28
3-3-1 比表面積分析 28
3-3-2 熱重分析儀 29
3-3-3 吸脫附熱值分析 30
3-4 試驗設備及操作程序 31
3-4-1 雙床變溫/變壓吸脫附設備 31
3-4-2 吸附量之計算 34
3-4-3 去除率之計算 35
3-4-4 吸附指標之計算 36
第四章結果與討論 37
4-1 吸附試驗 37
4-1-1 氣流溫度之影響 37
4-1-2 氣流含水率影響 38
4-1-3 氣流濃度之影響 40
4-1-4 等溫吸附模式與模擬曲線 41
4-2 變溫/變壓脫附程序 43
4-2-1 脫附溫度之求取 43
4-2-2 脫附時間之求取 45
4-3 連續循環吸脫附試驗 47
4-3-1 IGCC電廠之CO2捕獲試驗 47
4-3-2 傳統燃煤發電廠之CO2捕獲試驗 49
4-3-3 連續循環吸脫附之CO2捕獲量 52
4-4 IGCC電廠與傳統燃煤發電廠之碳捕獲比較 55
4-5 吸附劑物化特性分析 57
4-5-1 13X再生熱值分析 57
4-5-2 循環吸脫附BET分析 59
4-5-3 循環吸脫附TGA分析 63
4-6 吸附劑成本分析 65
第五章 結論與建議 67
5–1 結論 67
5–2 建議 68
參考文獻 69

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