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研究生(外文):Bo-Han Chen
論文名稱:不同程度之低溫誘導淡、海水恆河稻田魚 (Oryzias dancena) 肝臟粒線體生源之比較
論文名稱(外文):Comparisons between different levels of cold-induced mitochondrial biogenesis in livers of fresh water- and seawater-acclimated Indian medaka, Oryzias dancena
外文關鍵詞:Oryzias dancenaliverlow temperaturemitochondrial biogenesiselectron transport chainsuperoxide dismutasecytochrome c oxidase
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魚類是外溫動物,其體內的溫度會隨著外在環境溫度而變化。生物體面臨低溫時需要改變其能量供應狀態來適應環境,其中肝臟是生物體內重要的能量代謝器官,而與能量代謝相關最主要的胞器為粒線體。粒線體生源現象為粒線體DNA數量增加或是粒線體內的蛋白質或酵素活性增加的現象。先前研究顯示低溫會使魚類體內氧化壓力上升而導致內源性細胞凋亡。本論文主要研究淡水與海水馴養的恆河稻田魚 (Oryzias dancena) 面臨兩種不同程度的低溫 (降低攝氏10度之18°與最低耐受溫度15°) 下,對其肝臟中與粒線體相關的氧化壓力與內源性細胞凋亡的變化,以及與粒線體生源變化之相關影響。在第一部分的研究中發現肝臟中ROS含量在15°C下一週後,不論是淡水或海水組別皆顯著上升,而在18°C下一週後僅淡水組別顯著上升;超氧化物歧化酶 (superoxide dismutase, SOD) 之蛋白質表現量在兩種低溫處理下則並未提升,顯示粒線體電子傳遞鏈 (electron transport chain; ETC) 過程中的電子滲漏而造成之超氧陰離子 (O2-•) 可能增加;同時,內源性細胞凋亡之指標cytochrome c也沒有大量釋放到細胞質中,顯示無cytochrome c路徑引發之內源性細胞凋亡。第二部分的研究中發現淡水與海水恆河稻田魚面臨18°C低溫時,皆提升其肝臟COX4蛋白質表現量,而肝細胞粒線體DNA數量則僅在淡水組別有顯著上升,海水組別雖有上升趨勢但無顯著差異。在18°C低溫環境中七天後,淡水組別的肝臟COX活性顯著上升,海水組別則無顯著變化。第三部分的研究中則發現淡水與海水恆河稻田魚面臨15°C低溫時,肝細胞粒線體DNA數量皆顯著上升,淡水組別之肝臟COX4蛋白質表現量在七天內顯著下降而後回升,其COX活性則無顯著差異;海水組別之肝臟COX4蛋白表現量則在七天後顯著上升,且其COX活性也在七天後顯著上升。綜合以上結果,雖然淡水與海水恆河稻田魚在15°C環境中一週後造成其肝臟內ROS含量增加,但是淡水與海水恆河稻田魚馴養在兩種不同程度的低溫環境一週後皆未引發SOD的抗氧化機制上升,以及內源性細胞凋亡,且在兩種不同程度的低溫下皆發生了粒線體生源現象,但是淡水組別的反應皆較海水組別快速且劇烈;而淡水恆河稻田魚面臨低溫七天後額外提升其肝臟之COX活性,以供應淡水組別之能量需求。

Fish is a kind of ectotherms which change body temperature according to ambient environments. When encountered with low temperature environments, fish have to change their energy supply to adapt to environmental changes. Liver is one of the major organs responsible for energy metabolism in organisms, and mitochondria is the major organelle correlated with energy metabolism of cells. Mitochondrial biogenesis is defined as increases of mitochondria DNA, mitochondrial proteins, or enzyme activities in mitochondria. Previous studies revealed that oxidative stress was increased and intrinsic apoptosis was induced in fish during cold exposure. Therefore, the present study investigated the oxidative stress, intrinsic apoptosis, and mitochondrial biogenesis changes in livers of fresh water (FW)- and seawater (SW)-acclimated Indian medaka, Oryzias dancena, when encountered 18°C or the lowest tolerance temperature (15°C). In the first part of this study, we found that ROS contents were significantly increased in both FW and SW groups after one week of 15°C exposure, but after one week of 18°C exposure significant increase was only found in the FW group. There was no significant increase in protein expression of the superoxide dismutase (SOD) and cytosolic cytochrome c. The results indicated that superoxide anion produced by electron transport chain (ETC) leak might increase but the indicator of intrinsic apoptosis, cytochrome c, was not abundantly released from mitochondria to cytosol. In the second part of this study, three main results were: (1) protein expressions of liver cytochrome c oxidase subunit IV (COX4) were significantly increased in both FW and SW group after 18°C exposure; (2) mitochondrial DNA copy number in the liver significantly increased in the FW group; however, in the SW group, there was only a tendency to increase mitochondrial DNA copy number during 18°C exposure; (3) after 7 days of 18°C-exposure, hepatic cytochrome c oxidase (COX) activity was significantly increased in the FW group and there was no change in the SW group. In the third part of this study, three main results were: (1) protein expression of hepatic COX4 was significantly decreased in 7 days of the FW group after 15°C-exposure, but in the SW group, protein expression of hepatic COX4 was significantly increased after 7 days of 15°C-exposure; (2) mitochondrial DNA copy number was significantly increased in both FW and SW groups after 15°C-exposure; (3) COX activity was only significantly increased in the SW group but not in the FW group after 7 days of 15°C-exposure. Although the volume of ROS in livers of FW and SW medaka increased at 15°C as well as in livers of FW medaka at 18°C, anti-oxidative stress enzyme, SODs or intrinsic apoptosis were not elevated in both FW and SW groups during 7 days of 18°C- and 15°C-exposure. Mitochondrial biogenesis occurred in both FW- and SW-acclimated Indian medaka during 7 days of 18°C- and 15°C-exposure. The hepatic responses of the FW group were more rapid and acute than the SW group. Increased hepatic COX activity, however, was an extra improvement to match the energy demand of the FW group after 7 days of low-temperature exposure.

摘要 i
Abstract iii
目錄 v
前言 1
研究目的 10
材料與方法 11
結果 20
討論 26
結論 35
圖 36
參考文獻 58
附錄一 恆河稻田魚肝臟細胞粒線體萃取流程 71
附錄二 COX活性測定流程 72
附錄三 粒線體蛋白加載校正 73

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