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研究生(外文):Yu-Nan Cho
論文名稱(外文):InGaAs Quantum Dot micro-pillar cavity fabricated by multi-step wet etching technology
指導教授(外文):Tsong-Sheng Lay
口試委員(外文):Chien-Chung LinMin-Shiung Shih
外文關鍵詞:MBEQuantum Dotmulti-step wet etching technologyAtomic layer depositionMicro-pillar cavity
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本研究是以多段式濕蝕刻專利技術避免濕蝕刻的等向性製程微米柱共振腔。樣品是使用分子束磊晶機台以S-K模式成長3層深化銦鎵(In0.65Ga0.35As)量子點結構於砷化鎵基板上作為製程樣品的主動層,量子點間格厚度為10-nm。N層以漸變式N-type摻雜成長23.5對的布拉格反射鏡(DBR)結構,P層是厚度為0.5λ的P-type GaAs。
根據本研究的實驗結果,將實驗參數訂為,蝕刻介電層氫氟酸水溶液比例為1:50(HF:DI water),蝕刻半導體的磷酸水溶液比例為1:2:37(H3PO4:H2O2:DI water)蝕刻時溫度必須保持在100C~150C之間,修邊時間為20秒,製程出本研究所期許的微米柱共振腔結構之後,除了以拍攝SEM追蹤外,也對在磊晶片上製程出的結構進行μ-PL量測,比較和塊材的差異性。

In this thesis, we fabricate the InGaAs Quantum Dot micro-pillar by multi-step wet etching technology. For the sample materials, we use S-K mode to grow 3-layer In0.65Ga0.35As QDs structures on GaAs substrate by molecular-beam epitaxy (MBE),which were capped with 10nm In0.1Ga0.9As. The N layer is consisted of 23.5 pairs N-type doped DBR structures. The thickness of the p layer is 0.5λ P-type GaAs.
First we fabricate the micro-pillar structure on GaAs substrate by lithography and multi-step wet etching technology for test etching parameters, and then we take a SEM of track etched pillars appearance,ensure etched pillars appearance consistent with the expectations of this thesis.
According to the experimental results of this study, the experimental parameters is set, the ratio of mass hydrofluoric solution to etch the dielectric is 1:50 (HF: DI water), the ratio of phosphoric to etch semiconductor is 1: 2: 37 (H3PO4: H2O2: DI water) etching temperature must be maintained at between 100C ~ 150C, trimming time of 20 seconds.
After frabricte the micro-pillar cavity on C500 wafer, to take SEM track, but also measure the C500 by μ-PL to compare with the bulk difference.

誌謝 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 微柱型共振腔 2
1.3 量子點雷射 3
1.4 布拉格反射鏡 7
1.5 研究動機 8
1.6 論文架構 8
第二章 實驗理論基礎 9
2.1 微影製程 9
2.2 多段式濕蝕刻專利技術 11
2.3 原子層氣相沉積技術(Atomic layer deposition,ALD) 13
2.4 金屬化製程(Thermal Evaporator) 16
第三章 樣品介紹與製程步驟 17
3.1 實驗樣品結構和特性 17
3.2 量子點微米柱共振腔製程示意圖 20
3.3 量子點微米柱共振腔製程步驟 25
3.3.1 金屬遮罩製程 25
3.3.2 濕蝕刻介電質薄膜 27
3.3.3 以多段式濕蝕刻技術蝕刻半導體 28
3.3.4 成長氧化層和開窗口 31
3.3.5 定義元件主體 32
3.3.6 蒸鍍上正電極 33
3.3.7 基板磨薄 34
3.3.8 蒸鍍上背電極 34
3.4 元件退火 35
第四章 實驗方法與結果分析 36
4.1 顯微光激螢光量測系統(μ-PL) 36
4.2 冷場發射掃描電子顯微鏡(FE-SEM) 38
4.3 多段式濕蝕刻參數測試 39
4.3.1 濕蝕刻深度與側邊時刻狀況追蹤 39
4.3.2 蝕刻液在室溫狀態下各段蝕刻狀況追蹤 41
4.3.3 蝕刻時間與修邊蝕刻液溫度影響追蹤 43
4.3.4 蝕刻液溫度影響追蹤 49
4.4 多段式濕蝕刻技術製程砷化銦鎵量子點微米柱共振腔 53
4.5 I-V曲線量測與分析 55
4.6 量測結果與模擬之比較 59
第五章 結論 63
第六章 未來展望 64
參考文獻 65

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