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研究生(外文):Chien-Yung Cheng
論文名稱(外文):Microstructure and Phase Formation of Unitary V to Senary V-Nb-Mo-Ta-Cr-Ru High-entropy Alloys
指導教授(外文):Ming-Hong Tsai
外文關鍵詞:V-Nb-Mo-Ta-Cr-Ru High-entropy AlloysSluggish Diffusion effect
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n the conventional high-entropy alloys in study design,mostly based
on fixed quaternary and quinary elements or add another element of
one or two elements and to do experiments to explore,in order to compare
changes in an alloy system and its influence after the addition of different
elements. But, such studies are often too limited within a certain
range.Therefore, it is difficult to compare with traditional alloys.
So, in order to avoid the same problem with above studies, we used
the most basic way in this study.To increase an element that in the same
atomic percent from unitary material to senary alloy. That used V、Nb、
Mo、Ta、Cr、Ru, to product unitary V to senary V-Nb-Mo-Ta-Cr-Ru
High-entropy Alloys. By observed the phase formation and
microstructure of casting state, to discuss the differents between unitary
V、binary or ternary alloy and High-Entropy alloy, and what the effect
of mechanical properties of alloy when add an element.
This study found the grain refinement that due to the unitary V and
traditional binary and ternary alloy constitutional supercooling, but the
grain refinement that due to High-Entropy effect when material is
quaternary 、quinary and senary alloy. And the same, there are not the
same mechanism to change hardness, the hardness value rise that due to
solid solution strengthening and the hardness of addition element when
material is unitary V and traditional binary and ternary alloy, but when
material is quaternary 、quinary and senary alloy, except caused the
hardness of addition element, the hardness value rise caused by the
Sluggish Diffusion effect of High-Entropy alloy that due to complicated
bond energy of elements.

摘要............................................................................................................. i
Abstract ...................................................................................................... ii
目錄........................................................................................................... iii
圖目錄....................................................................................................... vi
壹、前言.................................................................................................... 1
貳、文獻回顧............................................................................................ 3
2.1 高熵合金的發展......................................................................... 3
2.1.1 高熵合金的四大效應..................................................... 3
2.2 高熵合金的特性及性能表現.................................................... 8
2.2.1 高熵合金的機械性質..................................................... 8
2.2.2 高熵合金的電化學性質............................................... 11
2.3 高熵合金的應用....................................................................... 12
2.3.1 擴散阻障層.................................................................... 12 傳統一元擴散阻障層...................................... 13 二元及以上過渡金屬化合物擴散阻障層...... 14 過渡金屬化合物疊層結構擴散阻障層.......... 16 高熵合金應用在擴散阻障層.......................... 18
2.3.2 保護性硬膜.................................................................... 22 氮化物保護性硬膜.......................................... 22 碳化物與碳氮化物硬質合金保護性硬膜...... 25 硼化物與碳硼氮化物保護性硬膜.................. 26 矽化物與矽碳氮化物保護性硬膜.................. 27 多元化合物保護性硬膜.................................. 29 高熵合金應用在保護性硬膜.......................... 31
2.4 高熵合金成相法則................................................................... 38
2.4.1 成相法則的重要性........................................................ 38
2.4.2 成相法則整理................................................................ 38
2.5 研究目的................................................................................... 41
參、實驗步驟.......................................................................................... 42
3.1 實驗規劃................................................................................... 42
3.2 合金製備................................................................................... 43
3.3 研磨拋光................................................................................... 43
3.4 分析儀器................................................................................... 45
3.4.1 光學顯微鏡.................................................................... 45
3.4.2 掃描式電子顯微鏡........................................................ 45
3.4.3 維氏硬度機.................................................................... 46
3.4.4 高解析度X光繞射儀................................................... 46
肆、結果與討論...................................................................................... 47
4.1 OM與SEM觀察...................................................................... 47
4.2 EDS成份分析........................................................................... 49
4.3 EBSD分析................................................................................ 55
4.4 晶體結構分析........................................................................... 58
4.4.1 晶格常數理論值與實驗值之差異比較....................... 59
4.5 成相預測與實際情況比較....................................................... 63
4.5.1 混合熵ΔSmix ................................................................. 63
4.5.2 混合焓ΔHmix ................................................................. 63
4.5.3 原子大小差異δ............................................................ 64
4.5.4 價電子濃度VEC........................................................... 65
4.5.5 原子堆疊參數γ............................................................ 65
4.5.6 各參數與成相結果討論............................................... 67
4.6 硬度分析................................................................................... 68
伍、結論.................................................................................................. 71
陸、參考文獻.......................................................................................... 72

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