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研究生(外文):Chung-Hsing Sun
論文名稱(外文):Preparation, Structure and Optoelectronic Properties of p-Type Copper Chromium Oxides Thin Films.
外文關鍵詞:delafossite structurep-type transparent conducting oxidecopper chromium oxideCuCrO2
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首先為瞭解化學計量比與不同化學成份下,退火銅鉻氧化物薄膜結構與光電性質之變化。藉由固定鉻靶功率為150W,並將銅靶功率由10W增加至52W,銅/鉻比率從0.59增至2.02。並將退火溫度維持在700 °C,於控制氬氣氣氛下退火2小時,不同成分之退火銅鉻氧化物薄膜之初鍍膜皆為非晶型結構,經退火處理後表現出顯著的結構變化與光電性質。當銅/鉻比率為0.59時,可得到尖晶石結構之CuCr2O4單相;隨銅/鉻比率將近為1時,將形成赤銅鐵礦結構CuCrO2單相;再增加銅/鉻比率,則出現單斜晶結構之氧化銅(CuO)。在銅/鉻比率將近為1時可得CuCrO2單相。
為進一步瞭解銅/鉻比率將近為1之初鍍薄膜於不同退火溫度下之結構與光電性質,於400 °C 至 900 °C溫度區間施行氬氣氣氛退火處理。400 °C以下退火薄膜為非晶型結構。隨著退火溫度增至500 °C時,銅鉻氧化物薄膜出現CuO 及CuCr2O4相,退火溫度高於600 °C時生成CuCrO2;退火溫度高於700 °C時則生成赤銅鐵礦結構之CuCrO2單相,結晶性與晶粒大小隨著溫度進一步上升而增加。退火生成CuCrO2相之趨勢與熱力學自由能相符。700 °C退火處理的二氧化銅鋁薄膜具有較佳光電性質,最佳導電率為5.13 Ω-cm,可見光平均穿透率達58.31%。
為探討溫度變化對於CuCrO2相之影響,將銅鉻氧化物初鍍薄膜退火溫度固定於800 °C,退火時間為30 至 240分鐘區間,結果發現非晶型之銅鉻氧化物初鍍薄膜轉變成結晶型赤銅鐵礦結構CuCrO2相,薄膜的晶粒大小、表面粗糙度與穿透率隨之增加;電阻率、直接能隙及殘留壓應力則減少。最大光學穿透性在740 nm之可見光波長區間達80 %。在退火時間從30至120分鐘時,電阻率從34.72 Ω-cm減少至14.73 Ω-cm,於240分鐘時其電阻則趨於飽和狀態,並皆呈現p型導電性。

P-type Cu–Cr–O films were deposited by DC magnetron co-sputtering using Cu and Cr targets on quartz and annealing under controlled atmosphere. The structural, optical, and electrical properties of the Cu-Cr-O films were studied.
Firstly, we tried to understand the structural changes and different optoelectronic properties of annealed Cu-Cr-O films with stoichiometric and varying chemical composition. The Cr-target power was fixed at 150 W, and the Cu-target power was set within the range from 10 W to 52 W, [Cu]/[Cr] ratio was increased from 0.59 to 2.02, then the films were annealed at 700 °C for 2 h under controlled Ar atmosphere. When the film [Cu]/[Cr] ratio was 0.59, a pure spinel CuCr2O4 phase was formed in the film. As the [Cu]/[Cr] ratio was increased approximately 1, which caused the film to exhibit pure delafossite CuCrO2 phase. Further increase of [Cu]/[Cr] ratio resulted in the appearance of an additional monoclinic CuO phase. Accordingly, optimum conductivity and transparency were achieved for the pure CuCrO2 film deposited at [Cu]/[Cr] ratio approximately 1 with optimum optoelectronic properties.
Further study of structural and optoelectronic properties of the [Cu]/[Cr] ratio approximately 1 of the as-deposited Cu-Cr-O films were then annealed at temperatures ranging from 400 °C to 900 °C for 2 h under a controlled Ar atmosphere. The 400 °C-annealed films were amorphous. After annealing at 500 °C, the Cu–Cr–O films contained a mixture of monoclinic CuO and spinel CuCr2O4 phases. Annealing at 600 °C led to the formation of delafossite CuCrO2 phases. When the annealing temperature was further increased to above 700 °C, the films exhibited a pure delafossite CuCrO2 phase. The crystallinity and grain size also increased with the annealing temperature. The formation of the delafossite CuCrO2 phase during post-annealing process was in good agreement with thermodynamics. The optimum conductivity and transparency were achieved for the film annealed at approximately 700 °C with electrical resistivity of up to 5.13 Ω-cm and visible light transmittance of up to 58.3%.
Finally, we tried to evaluate the structure and properties of Cu-Cr-O thin films after annealing at various holding times, 800 °C-annealed for 30 to 240 min on Cu-Cr-O thin films, The as-deposited amorphous Cu-Cr-O films crystallized to the delafossite structure of the CuCrO2 phase. The grain size, surface roughness and optical transmittance of the resultant films increased, but their electrical resistivity, direct optical band gap (Eg) values, and compressive residual stress decreased. The maximum optical transmittance of the films was as high as 80% at a visible wavelength of 740 nm. In addition, the electrical resistivity of the films decreased from 34.72 Ω-cm to 14.73 Ω-cm as annealing time increased from 30 min to 120 min but became saturated after 240 min and all showed p-type conductivity.
These results indicate that the CuCrO2 films obtained in this work have promising optoelectronic properties by DC magnetron co-sputtering and post-annealing treatment under a suitable annealing temperature, annealing time, controlled atmosphere and oxygen partial pressure.

Table of Contents

Abstract (Chinese) i
Abstract (English) iii
Table of Contents v
List of Tables vii
List of Figures viii

Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1. Why Cu-Cr-O thin film 1
1.2. Research motivation 2

Chapter 2 Theoretical Basics 6
2.1. Structural overview 6
2.2. Electrical conductivity 7
2.3. Optical properties 8
2.4. Thermodynamic factors 9

Chapter 3 Experimental Details 14
3.1. Experimental flowchart 14
3.2. Cu-Cr-O films deposition 14
3.3. Post-annealing 17
3.4. Characterization 19
3.4.1. X-ray diffraction (XRD) 19
3.4.2. Field-emission scanning microscope (FESEM) 20
3.4.3. High-resolution transmission electron microscope (HRTEM) 20
3.4.4. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) 21
3.4.5. UV-VIS spectroscopy 22
3.4.6. Hall effect measurement 22
3.4.7. Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) 23
3.4.8. Residual stress measurement 23

Chapter 4 Results and Discussion 25
4.1. Influence of chemical composition on structure and optoelectronic properties 25
4.2. Post-annealing temperature on microstructure and optoelectronic properties of Cu-Cr-O films 39
4.3. Effects of annealing time on the structural and optoelectronic properties 54

Chapter 5 Conclusions 65

References 68

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