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研究生(外文):Heng-An Wang
論文名稱(外文):On the phase in high-entropy alloys with dual alloying elements and arbitrary alloying
指導教授(外文):Ming-Hung Tsai
口試委員(外文):Fu-Hsing LuEr-Wen Huang
外文關鍵詞:high-entropy alloy (HEAs)phase formation rulealloy design
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In this study, we produced dual alloying elements and all/part of arbitrary alloying elements high-entropy alloys (HEAs). Trying to understand that how the adding elements effected the phase behaviors by analyzing the microstructures and the composition-phase of these alloys. Beside as-cast alloys, we all the dual alloying elements alloys were treated in the condition of 1100⁰C 48 hours.
Arbitrary alloying means that all or part of the alloying elements were randomly selected from 21 elements. Because of the differences in melting points and the chemical properties of the different alloying elements, it is hard to do the arc-melting, leading to the asymmetrical of the microstructures in the arbitrary elements alloys.

摘要 i
Abstract ii
圖目次 v
表目次 ix
壹、前言 1
第一章參考文獻 3
貳、文獻回顧 4
2.1 高熵合金 4
2.2 高熵合金的成相法則 4
2.2.1 為什麼要研究成相法則? 4
2.2.2 高熵合金現有的成相法則 5
2.3 Laves相 15
2.4 B82相 17
2.5 衍生結構(Derivative structure) 18
2.5.1 B81及B82 18
2.5.2 C23及C37 19
2.5.3 BCC相之衍生結構 19
2.6 CoCrFeNi添加單一元素的成相 23
第二章參考文獻 27
參、研究動機及實驗步驟 29
3.1 研究動機 29
3.2 實驗設計與流程 29
3.3 元素性質列表 30
3.4 合金製備 31
3.5 熱處理 31
3.6 相與微結構分析 31
第三章參考文獻 35
肆、結果與討論 36
4.1 鑄造態雙添加合金的相與微結構分析 36
4.2 1100°C48小時均質化退火的相與微結構分析 57
4.3 鑄造態與均質化態相與微結構比較 78
4.4 五元隨機添加合金鑄造態相與微結構分析 91
4.5 雙添加合金與隨機添加合金成相行為探討 111
4.5.1 鑄造態雙添加合金成相行為探討 111
4.5.2 1100⁰C 48小時均質化退火雙添加合金之成相行為115
4.5.3 鑄造態隨機添加合金成相行為探討 117
4.6 於口試後之新配方 125
第四章參考文獻 130
伍、結論 131
陸、未來工作 134

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