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研究生(外文):Chung-I Tai
論文名稱(外文):Patterns of genetic and wing shape variation in formosan Euploea butterflies (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae)
指導教授(外文):Wen-Bin Yeh
口試委員(外文):Man-Miao YangMing-Luen Jeng
外文關鍵詞:Euploeasexual dimorphismgeometric morphometricCOI
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翅色及翅斑的差異常見於蝴蝶的雌雄二型性中,但是很少文章是利用形值分析的方法,來分析性別之間翅形的微小差異。本研究應用位置標記的形值分析方法,檢測在形態上差異並不明顯的紫斑蝶是否有雌雄二型性。由前、後翅分別20及16個位置標記進行分析,結果顯示,在台灣四種常見紫斑蝶:圓翅紫斑蝶、異紋紫斑蝶、雙標紫斑蝶、小紫斑蝶,存在翅膀形狀的雌雄二型。相對於雄蝶,雌蝶的前翅延長並且有較為突出的翅端,及內縮的肛角。另一方面,我們也利用四種紫斑蝶的三段基因,COI、16S rDNA、EF-1a進行遺傳分析,與翅形變化做比較。遺傳分析發現圓翅紫斑蝶及小紫斑蝶早於五十萬年前及有多次入侵台灣的情形發生,而異紋紫斑蝶及雙標紫斑蝶則各自只有一個支系。結合形值距離及遺傳距離進行相關性比較,翅膀的形值距離與遺傳距離並沒有線性關係。圓翅紫斑蝶與小紫斑蝶形值上的分群與遺傳組成的分群有關。

Sexual dimorphism in wing color and spots are commonly found in butterflies,
while few studies examined the variation through geometric morphometric which could provide a powerful way to detect the slight difference in sexes. A landmark-based geometric morphometric approach was applied in Euploea butterflies which does not show a distinct sexual dimorphism. Based on 20 landmarks on forewing and 16 on hindwing, sexual dimorphism in wing shape of four Euploea species was detected. Generally, female has elongated forewing with more pointed apex and narrower tornus as comparing to male. Moreover, genetic variation based on three genes of COI, 16S rDNA, and EF-1? was applied to examine the relationship between genetic and wing shape variation. Relationship inferences reveal that Taiwanese E. eunice and E. tulliolus has two lineages which might involve multiple invasions driven more than 0.5 million years ago, while E. mulciber and E. sylvester each forms only one cluster. Pairwised morphometric distances comparing to the corresponding genetic distances shown no liner relationship. Morphometric clusters in species of E. eunice and E. tulliolus are associated with genetic composition.

摘要 i
Abstract ii
Contents iii
Table of contents v
Figure of contents vi
1. Introduction 1
2. Materials and Methods 4
2.1 Sampling and preservation 4
2.2 DNA extraction and amplification 4
2.3 Sequence alignment 5
2.4 Phylogenetic analysis 5
2.5 Molecular clock dating 6
2.7 Capture wings image 7
2.8 Morphometric data acquisition 7
2.9 Morphometric analysis 8
2.10 Relationship between genetic distance and morphometric distance 8
3 Results 9
3.1 The divergence time of formosan Euploea butterfly 9
3.2 Phylogenetic relationships 9
3.2.1 Euploea eunice 9
3.2.2 Euploea mulciber 10
3.2.3 Euploea sylvester 10
3.2.4 Euploea tulliolus 11
3.3 Wing shape variation of Euploea species 11
3.4 Relationship between genetic and morphometric variations 12
4. Discussions 14
4.1. Analysis of formosan Euploea genetic diversity and population structure 14
4.1.1 Euploea eunice 14
4.1.2 Euploea mulciber and Euploea sylvester 15
4.1.3 Euploea tulliolus 15
4.2 Wing shape variation of Euploea species 15
4.3 Relationship between genetic distance and morphometric distance 17
5. References 18

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